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Clementechiton is an Aculiferan from the Clemente Formation in Mexico.It was described in 2016 ,it is the first animal in the fossil record to have eyes, and is poorly studied with all sources being from Mark McMenamin.[1]

Genus Species Material Describer Phylum Formation
Clementechiton C.sonorensis One specimen Mark McMenamin Mollusca Clemente Formation


  • Clementechiton and some other taxa from the Clemente Formation in Mexico are considered invalid because the describer is famous for the Triassic kraken theory (which also decreases the amount of references)[2]


  1. ^ Chitons and the origin of eyes (YouTube video , channel:Mark McMenamin
  2. ^ User:Ta-tea-two-te-to(talk page heading:Clementechiton )



  1. ^ Deep time analysis a coherent view of the history of life by Mark McMenamin)
  2. ^ Dynamic paleontology using quantification and other tools to decipher the history of life by Mark McMenamin