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Draft:Grenfell-Baines Institute of Architecture

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The Grenfell-Baines Institute of Architecture is an architectural Institute inside the university of Central Lancashire.

It was named after George Grenfell-Baines, founder of BDP, it has three major areas of architectural education. The 1st being the foundation year for students who have not met UCAS the requirements for the BSc.

Then you have years 1 to 3 which are for the BSc, and the GBIA (which is the Acronym, for the Grenfell-Baines Institute of Architecture), is accredited by the RIBA so students graduating from here will receive a Part 1 with 3 parts required to be deemed chartered.

Then you have years 5 and 6 ( with year 4 being the students work placement which they may attend for longer than a year and may never return to university), which are the masters years. Those graduating from this course will be accredited a MArch, this is also RIBA accredited so they will also receive a RIBA Part 2.

