Original release date
Original ISBN
English release date
English ISBN
1 January 19, 2010[ 5] 978-4-592-19081-3 August 2, 2016[ 6] 978-1-4215-8781-3
"Princess Yona" (皇女ヨナ , Ōjo Yona ) "Shattered Bonds" (ちぎれた絆 , Chigireta Kizuna ) "Hidden Strength" (うしろ手の強さ , Ushirode no Tsuyosa ) "Distant Skies" (遠い空 , Tōi Sora ) "Just Breathing" (ただ息をしているだけ , Tada Iki o Shiteiru Dake )
2 May 19, 2010[ 7] 978-4-592-19082-0 October 4, 2016[ 8] 978-1-4215-8783-7
"The Wind Tribe" (風の部族 , Kaze no Buzoku ) "The Spear in My Heart" (心におさめた槍 , Kokoro ni Osameta Yari ) "It's My Decision" (自分で決めた , Jibun de Kimeta ) "Roar" (咆哮 , Hōkō ) "Crimson Hair" (紅い髪 , Akai Kami ) "Accession of the New King" (新王即位 , Shin Ō Sokui )
3 September 17, 2010[ 9] 978-4-592-19083-7 December 6, 2016[ 10] 978-1-4215-8784-4
"The Valley That the Voice of God Calls" (神の声が呼ぶ谷 , Kami no Koe ga Yobu Tani ) "Fate" (天命 , Tenmei ) "The Chosen Door" (選んだ扉 , Eranda Tobira ) "Wavering Determination" (ふるえる覚悟 , Furueru Kakugo ) "The Hidden Village of the Dragon" (龍の隠れ里 , Ryū no Kakurezato ) "At Long Last" (待望 , Taibō )
4 January 19, 2011[ 11] 978-4-592-19084-4 February 7, 2017[ 12] 978-1-4215-8785-1
"The Dragon's Claws" (龍の爪 , Ryū no Tsume ) "This Way and That" (あちらへこちらへ , Achira e Kochira e ) "The Tunnel Dwellers" (あなぐらの民 , Anagura no Tami ) "The Blindfolded Dragon" (目隠しの龍 , Mekakushi no Ryū ) "Calling to Each Other" (呼びあう , Yobiau ) "Echoes of Fear" (反響する恐怖 , Hankyō Suru Kyōfu )
5 May 19, 2011[ 13] 978-4-592-19085-1 April 4, 2017[ 14] 978-1-4215-8786-8
"Light" (光 , Hikari ) "A Name is Given" (呼び名 , Yobina ) "To a New Land" (新たな地へ , Arata na Chi e ) "The Third Dragon" (三人目の龍 , Sanninme no Ryū ) "Pirates of Awa" (阿波の海賊 , Awa no Kaizoku ) "Ties" (縁 , Enishi )
6 September 20, 2011[ 15] 978-4-592-19086-8 June 6, 2017[ 16] 978-1-4215-8787-5
"Negotiation" (交渉 , Kōshō ) "The Senju Herb Test" (千樹草の試し , Senjusō no Tameshi ) "Connection" (繋がり , Tsunagari ) "Preparing for War" (戦支度 , Ikusajitaku ) "Chain of Courage" (勇気の連鎖 , Yūki no Rensa ) "Sweet-Scented Cargo" (馨しい積荷 , Kaguwashii Tsumini )
7 November 18, 2011[ 17] 978-4-592-19087-5 August 1, 2017[ 18] 978-1-4215-8788-2
"A Spark of Light" (火花 , Hibana ) "History Is Made at Night" (歴史は夜作られる , Rekishi wa Yoru Tsukurareru ) "The Night of the Banquet" (宴の夜に , Utage no Yoru ni ) "The Menacing Clouds of Dawn" (曉雲は暗く , Gyōun wa Kuraku ) "The Morning of the Vow" (誓いの朝 , Chikai no Asa ) "Dragon, Human or Both?" (龍であり人であり , Ryū deari Hito deari )
8 March 19, 2012[ 19] 978-4-592-19088-2 October 3, 2017[ 20] 978-1-4215-8789-9
"All Together" (皆さん おそろいで , Minasan Osoroi de ) "From Here On" (これから , Kore Kara ) "People's Expectations" (それぞれの思惑 , Sorezore no Omowaku ) "War Games" (戦ごっこ , Ikusa Gokko ) "Paving the Way" (地ならし , Jinarashi ) "A Welcome Rain" (甘雨 , Kan'u )
9 July 20, 2012 (regular edition)[ 21] July 20, 2012 (limited edition)[ 22] 978-4-592-19089-9 978-4-592-10551-0 December 5, 2017[ 23] 978-1-4215-8790-5
"Looking Bad" (悪目立ち , Warumedachi ) "The Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch" (暗黒龍と ゆかいな腹ヘリ達 , Ankoku Ryū to Yukai na Haraheritachi ) "Release" (解放 , Kaihō ) "Losing Yourself" (忘我の境 , Bōga no Sakai ) "An Arrow Piercing a Stone" (右に立っ失 , Migi ni Tasshitsu ) "Lord Tae-jun's Death Wish" (逝きたがりのテジュン様 , Yukitagari no Tejun-sama )
10 December 20, 2012[ 24] 978-4-592-19090-5 February 6, 2018[ 25] 978-1-4215-8791-2
"Can This Be Real?" (幻でしようか , Maboroshi de Shiyou ka ) "Like a Dream" (夢のようで , Yume no Yō de ) "Fire Cannot Extinguish Fire" (火で火は消えぬ , Hi de Hi wa Kienu ) "Ignorance Precludes Thoughtfulness" (人は知らないことは考えられない , Hito wa Shiranai Koto wa Kangaerarenai ) "Courageous and Cowardly" (意気地と弱虫 , Ikuji to Yowamushi ) "You Are My Wish" (あなたは私の祈り , Anata wa Watashi no Inori )
11 April 19, 2013[ 26] 978-4-592-19691-4 April 3, 2018[ 27] 978-1-4215-8792-9
"Wind in the Young Leaves, Part 1" (若葉風 前編 , Wakaba Kaze Zenpen ) "Wind in the Young Leaves, Part 2" (若葉風 後編 , Wakaba Kaze Kōhen ) "Before the Blade Strikes" (その刃が届く前に , Sono Yaiba ga Todoku Mae ni ) "Swaying Journey" (ゆれる道中 , Yureru Dōchū ) "Senri Village, Sen Province, Kai Empire" (戒帝国 千州千里村 , Kai Teikoku Senshū Senri-mura ) "The Fire-Quelling Festival Begins" (火鎮の祭始まる , Kachin no Matsuri Hajimaru )
12 August 20, 2013[ 28] 978-4-592-19692-1 June 5, 2018[ 29] 978-1-4215-8793-6
"There Is No Smoke Where There Is Fire" (火の無い所に煙は立たぬ , Hi no Nai Tokoro ni Kemuri wa Tatanu ) "The Hand of Fire" (火の手 , Hinote ) "The Protectors of Fire" (火の守り手たち , Hi no Mamoritetachi ) "An Omen of a Great Fire" (大火の兆し , Taika no Kizashi ) "A Crimson Delusion" (真赤な妄執 , Makka na Mōshū )
"Upon His Back" (その背には , Sono Sei ni wa )
"Kija" (キジヤ , Kijiya )
13 December 20, 2013[ 30] 978-4-592-19693-8 August 7, 2018[ 31] 978-1-4215-8794-3
"Mandate from Heaven" (天の采配 , Ama no Saihai ) "The One Who Leads" (導く者 , Michibiku Mono ) "Dreams of the King in the Wilderness" (荒野で王の夢を見た , Kōya de Ō no Yume o Mita ) "A Flower Blooming in Your Footprint" (きみの靴跡に咲く花 , Kimi no Kutsuato ni Saku Hana ) "Three Conditions" (三つの条件 , Mittsu no Jōken ) "Drifters' Market" (流れ者の市場 , Nagaremono no Ichiba )
"Thunder Beast" (雷獣 , Raijū )
14 April 18, 2014[ 32] 978-4-592-19694-5 October 2, 2018[ 33] 978-1-4215-8796-7
"A Town Sinking in Drizzling Rain" (霧雨に沈む町 , Kirisame ni Shizumu Machi ) "Nadai, the Lurking Poison of Shisen" (四( シ ) 泉( セン ) を蝕むナダイ , Shisen o Mushibamu Nadai ) "Just Watching" (ただ見ているだけ , Tada Miteiru Dake ) "Getting Involved" (渦中 , Kachū ) "A Bottomless Spiral" (底の見えない渦 , Soko no Mienai Uzu ) "A Vow of Indomitability to Her Sword" (その剣に不屈を誓う , Sono Tsurugi ni Fukutsu o Chikau )
15 September 19, 2014 (regular edition)[ 34] September 19, 2014 (limited edition)[ 35] 978-4-592-19695-2 978-4-592-10556-5 December 4, 2018[ 36] 978-1-4215-8797-4
"The Sound of Unseen Tears" (見えない涙の音がする , Mienai Namida no Oto ga suru ) "Parting Ways" (ここでお別れ , Koko de o Wakare ) "To Sensui" (仙水へ , Sensui e ) "Shaped by Those We Meet" (出会いは人を創る , Deai wa Hito o Tsukuru ) "Pursuit" (追撃 , Tsuigeki ) "Eyes the Color of the Same Sea" (その瞳は同じ海の色 , Sono Hitomi wa Onaji Umi no Iro )
16 December 19, 2014[ 37] 978-4-592-19696-9 February 4, 2019[ 38] 978-1-4215-8798-1
"A Faceless Ally" (顔の見えない味方 , Kao no Mienai Mikata ) "The Focus of His Rage" (怒りの矛先は , Ikari no Hokosaki wa ) "He Was a Beloved Friend" (彼はとても大切な友人だった , Kare wa Totemo Taisetsu na Yūjin datta ) "Searching the Skies for That Smile" (空にあの笑顔をさがす , Sora ni Ano Egao o Sagasu ) "Please Be Careful" (どうか気をつけて , Dōka Ki o Tsukete ) "Time Doesn't Stop Moving" (時代は止まらない , Jidai wa Tomaranai )
17 March 20, 2015[ 39] 978-4-592-19697-6 April 2, 2019[ 40] 978-1-4215-8799-8
"The Boy from Another Nation" (他国の少年 , Takoku no Shōnen ) "Black Cloud" (黒雲 , Kurokumo ) "Searching for Answers" (答えを探して旅をする , Kotae o Sagashite Tabi o Suru ) "Run Away" (逃げろ , Nigero ) "The Battle Never Ends" (闘いが終わらない , Tatakai ga Owaranai )
18 June 19, 2015[ 41] 978-4-592-19698-3 June 4, 2019[ 42] 978-1-4215-8800-1
"A Body That Cannot Be Injured" (傷つかない体 , Kizutsukanai Karada ) "The First Dragons" (はじまりの龍 , Hajimari no Ryū ) "The Children of God" (神さまの子供たち , Kamisama no Kodomotachi ) "My Lord Sleeps" (我が君眠りて , Wagakimi Nemurite ) "A Small Boat That Goes Nowhere" (どこにも着かない小舟 , Doko ni mo Tsukanai Kobune ) "The Crimson Star Rises" (あかい星が昇る , Akai Hoshi ga Noboru )
"We Apologize For Our Carelessness" (不行きな点はお詫び致します , Fuyuki na Ten wa Owabi Itashimasu )
19 September 18, 2015 (regular edition)[ 43] September 18, 2015 (limited edition)[ 44] 978-4-592-19699-0 978-4-592-10512-1 August 6, 2019[ 45] 978-1-4215-8801-8
"The Blue Forest, Part 1" (青くなる森 前編 , Aokunaru Mori Zenpen ) "The Blue Forest, Part 2" (青くなる森 中編 , Aokunaru Mori Chūhen ) "The Blue Forest, Part 3" (青くなる森 後編 , Aokunaru Mori Kōhen ) "Around and Around" (めぐりめぐって , Meguri Megutte ) "A Small Gift" (小さな贈り物 , Chiisana Okurimono ) "The Town Where People Vanish" (人が消える町 , Hito ga Kieru Machi )
"Sleep Well Tonight" (今日はおやすみ , Kyō wa Oyasumi )
20 March 18, 2016 (regular edition)[ 46] March 18, 2016 (limited edition)[ 47] 978-4-592-21510-3 978-4-592-21802-9 October 1, 2019[ 48] 978-1-4215-9220-6
"Gathered at the Fort" (寄せ集めの砦 , Yoseatsume no Toride ) "Fight" (闘え , Tatakae ) "Can I Tell Them Someday?" (いつか言えるだろうか , Itsuka Ieru Darō ka ) "Strategy Meeting" (作戦会議 , Sakusen Kaigi ) "Enemies and Allies" (敵は味方は , Teki wa Mikata wa ) "I Swore an Oath to Myself" (この胸に誓った , Kono Mune ni Chikatta )
21 August 19, 2016 (regular edition)[ 49] August 19, 2016 (limited edition)[ 50] 978-4-592-21511-0 978-4-592-10515-2 December 3, 2019[ 51] 978-1-4215-9381-4
"Going Toward You" (君のもとへ , Kimi no Moto e ) "Kushibi's Fort" (クシビの砦 , Kushibi no Toride ) "Reaching You" (とどけ , Todoke ) "Since That Day" (あの日から , Ano hi Kara ) "By Your Side" (あなたのそばに , Anata no Soba ni ) "Inexpressible Feelings" (言えない気持ち , Ienai Kimochi )
"From Good Morning to Good Night" (おけようから おやすみまで , Okeyou kara Oyasumi Made )
22 December 20, 2016 (regular edition)[ 52] December 20, 2016 (limited edition)[ 53] 978-4-592-21512-7 978-4-592-10516-9 February 4, 2020[ 54] 978-1-9747-1108-6
"Thank You for Coming" (来てくれてありがとう , Kitekurete Arigatō ) "The Thing I Dreamed Of" (夢みたものは , Yume Mitamono wa ) "Pursuers" (追う者たち , Ou-mono-tachi ) "The Princess of Xing" (真国の姫君 , Shinkoku no Himegimi ) "Opposition" (対立 , Tairitsu ) "Sneak Attack" (奇襲 , Kishū )
23 April 20, 2017 (regular edition)[ 55] April 20, 2017 (limited edition)[ 56] 978-4-592-21513-4 978-4-592-10572-5 April 7, 2020[ 57] 978-1-9747-1250-2
"Monsters from a Neighboring Country" (隣国の化物 , Ringoku no Bakemono ) "The Fierce Ruler" (修羅の王 , Shura no Ō ) "The Five Stars" (五星 , Gosei ) "Proof" (証 , Akashi ) "The Path that Brought Us Here" (来た道を , Kita Michi o )
"A Year Ends, Another Begins" (ゆく年 くる年 , Yuku Toshi Kuru Toshi )
"Take Care" (お大事に , Odaijini )
24 August 18, 2017[ 58] 978-4-592-21514-1 June 2, 2020[ 59] 978-1-9747-1251-9
"A Familiar Face" (懐かしい顔 , Natsukashī Kao ) "A Message" (言伝て , Kotodzute ) "To My Allies" (協力者たちへ , Kyōryoku-sha-tachi e ) "Confusion" (攪乱 , Kakuran ) "Down in the Mud" (泥濘の中を , Nukarumi no Naka o ) "An Encounter" (遭遇 , Sōgū )
25 December 20, 2017[ 60] 978-4-592-21515-8 August 4, 2020[ 61] 978-1-9747-1252-6
"Authority" (威 , I ) "The Gathering Wave" (集結する波 , Shūketsu Suru Nami ) "I Will Not Be Moved" (この身は不撓 , Kono Mi wa Futō ) "Anger" (怒り , Ikari ) "What Is Correct?" (何が正しくて , Nani ga Tadashikute ) "Justice as a Convenient Excuse" (都合に合わせた正義を盾に , Tsugō ni Awaseta Seigi o Tate ni )
"Take Care, Part 2" (お大事に その2 , Odaijini Sono 2 )
26 April 20, 2018[ 62] 978-4-592-21516-5 October 6, 2020[ 63] 978-1-9747-1521-3
"Awe" (畏怖 , Ifu ) "O Light, Don't Go Out" (光よ消えないで , Hikari yo Kienaide ) "Gods" (神様 , Kami-sama ) "Resolution" (決着 , Kecchaku ) "A Side of You I've Never Seen" (知らないあなた , Shiranai Anata ) "I Care About Many Things" (大事なものはひとつじゃないけど , Daijina Mono wa Hitotsu Janaikedo )
27 August 20, 2018[ 64] 978-4-592-21517-2 December 1, 2020[ 65] 978-1-9747-1522-0
"A Rare Sunny Day" (たまの晴れの日 , Tama no Hare no Hi ) "Concerns" (心配事 , Shinpaigoto ) "Truth from Lies" (嘘から出た真 , Uso kara Deta Makoto ) "There's No Way I'm Losing It" (失ってなるものか , Ushinatte Naru Mono ka ) "A Longing Not Easily Abandoned" (捨てきれぬ憧れ , Sute Kirenu Akogare )
"The Intertribe Martial Arts Tournament (Just This Once)" (部族対抗武術大会ー今回限りー , Buzoku Taikō Bujutsu Taikai ーKonkai Kagiriー )
"Take Care, Part 3" (お大事に その3 , Odaijini Sono 3 )
28 November 20, 2018[ 66] 978-4-592-21518-9 February 2, 2021[ 67] 978-1-9747-1736-1
"Rumors" (流説 , Rusetsu ) "Tae-jun's Carelessness" (テジュンの不用意 , Tejun no Fuyōi ) "Keishuk from Above" (上からケイシュク , Ue kara Keishuku ) "Lady Igni Is Not Amused" (イグ二様だって面白くない , Iguni-sama Datte Omoshirokunai ) "A Bargain" (駆け引き , Kakehiki ) "Lend Me a Hand" (手を貸して , Te o Kashite )
29 April 19, 2019[ 68] 978-4-592-21519-6 April 6, 2021[ 69] 978-1-9747-1737-8
"Their Objective" (狙いは , Nerai wa ) "In the Enemy's Hands" (敵陣 , Tekijin ) "Military Strength" (戦力 , Senryoku ) "Too Heavy a Burden" (背負いきれない程の , Seoi Kirenai Hodo no ) "The Most Powerful Decoy" (最強の囮 , Saikyō no Otori ) "A Quick-Witted Duo" (才器ふたり , Saiki Futari )
30 August 20, 2019[ 70] [ 71] 978-4-592-21520-2 978-4-592-10613-5 (limited edition)June 1, 2021[ 72] 978-1-9747-1738-5
"The Front Lines" (最前線 , Saizensen ) "I Want To See You" (逢いたい , Aitai ) "Revitalized" (起死回生 , Kishi Kaisei ) "I'm Taking Her Back" (返してもらう , Kaeshite Morau ) "Right There" (すぐそこに , Sugu Soko ni ) "I Called Out To You In My Dreams Countless Times" (夢で何度も呼んでいた , Yume de Nando mo Yonde Ita )
31 December 20, 2019[ 73] 978-4-592-22311-5 August 3, 2021[ 74] 978-1-9747-2008-8
"Did You Hear Me?" (聞こえた? , Kikoeta? ) "I Heard You, But..." (聞こえましたけど , Kikoemashita kedo ) "Offered a Proposal" (提案の形で問われた立場 , Teian no Katachi de Towareta Tachiba ) "Hollow Cheering" (虚しい歓声 , Munashī Kansei ) "Presenting the Dragons" (御披露目 , Ohirome ) "The Opening Battle" (開幕戦 , Kaimakusen )
32 April 20, 2020[ 75] 978-4-592-22312-2 October 5, 2021[ 76] 978-1-9747-2009-5
"Drastic Measures" (劇薬 , Gekiyaku ) "The Final Act" (終幕 , Shūmaku ) "Different View" (違う景色 , Chigau Keshiki ) "Nostalgia" (冀求 , Kikyū ) "I Must Face This" (向き合わなくては , Mukiawanakute wa ) "A Secret Matter" (秘密の , Himitsu no )
33 August 20, 2020[ 77] 978-4-592-22313-9 December 7, 2021[ 78] 978-1-9747-2299-0
"Watchful Eyes" (追う瞳 , Ou Hitomi ) "The Crimson Dragon King" (緋龍王 , Hi Ryūō ) "Ancestral Bloodline" (始祖の血族 , Shiso no Ketsuzoku ) "Yon-hi's Journal" (ヨンヒの追憶 , Yonhi no Tsuioku )
191.5. Ienikaeru Mae ni Ocha o Nomimashou (家に帰る前にお茶を飲みましょう )
"The Palace That Echoes with the Voice of God" (神の声が響く城 , Kami no Koe ga Hibiku Shiro )
"Someday, Somewhere at Sea" (いつかどこかの海で , Itsuka Doko ka no Umi de )
34 December 18, 2020[ 79] [ 80] 978-4-592-22314-6 978-4-592-22779-3 (limited edition)February 1, 2022[ 81] 978-1-9747-2536-6
"The Cost of Special Treatment" (お気に入りになることの代償 , Okiniiri ni Naru Koto no Daishō ) "The Tenacity of Red Blood" (赤い血への執着 , Akai Chi e no Shūchaku ) "Final Wish" (最後の願い , Saigo no negai ) "Make the Thieves Share the Pain of Their Victims" (苦しんだ痛み、苦しんだ人たち , Kurushinda Itami, Kurushinda Hito-tachi ) "Shaky Handwriting" (震える文字 , Furueru Moji ) "A Member of the Royal Family" (王室の一員 , Ōshitsu no Ichiin )
35 April 20, 2021[ 82] [ 83] 978-4-592-22315-3 978-4-592-22784-7 (limited edition)April 5, 2022[ 84] 978-1-9747-2841-1
"A VIP from South Kai" (南戒の要人 , Minami Kai no Yōjin ) "Now or Never" (待った無し , Matta Nashi ) "The Shadow" (翳り , Kageri ) "A Venomous Guest" (毒のある客 , Doku no Aru Kyaku ) "The Illusion of Dispossession" (奪われたという錯覚 , Ubawareta to iu Sakkaku ) "One-Sided Affection" (一方的な親愛 , Ippō-tekina Shinai )
204.5 Akatsuki no Yona-san (あかつきのよなさん )
36 August 19, 2021[ 85] 978-4-592-22316-0 June 7, 2022[ 86] 978-1-9747-3207-4
"A Cry in the Night" (夜の哭き声 , Yoru no Naki-goe ) "Discarding Things One by One" (捨てられるものをひとつずつ , Sute Rareru Mono o Hitotsu Zutsu ) "This Side" (綻び , Hokorobi ) "Afraid of Never Waking Up" (目覚めぬ眠りを恐れて , Mezamenu Nemuri o Osorete ) "A Secret Order" (密命 , Mitsumei ) "A Grave Injury" (致命傷 , Chimeishō )
"A Spring Party" (春の宴 , Haru no Kemono )
37 December 20, 2021[ 87] 978-4-592-22317-7 October 4, 2022[ 88] 978-1-9747-3435-1
"This Is My Nature" (これが性分 , Kore ga Shōbun ) "Yun Goes to Awa" (ユン阿波へ , Yun Awa e ) "A Dazzling Warrior" (眩い一騎 , Mabayui Kazuki ) "Worth Risking Your Life for" (命を懸ける価値 , Inochiwokakeru Kachi ) "The Destruction of Kin Province" (金州崩し , Kin-shū Kuzushi ) "Overflowing" (溢れる , Afureru )
38 May 20, 2022[ 89] 978-4-592-22318-4 March 7, 2023[ 90] 978-1-9747-3678-2
"A Tightly Sealed Lid" (固く閉じた蓋 , Kataku tojita Futa ) "A Horn to Begin the Battle" (開戦の角笛 , Kaisen no Tsunobue ) "Human Weapons" (人間兵器 , Ningen Heiki ) "Destroy It" (打っ壊せ , Ukkowase ) "Your Heart's Destination" (ただ心が向かう場所 , Tada Kokoro ga Mukau Basho ) "The Day We Stood Shoulder to Shoulder" (肩を並べた日 , Kata o Narabeta hi )
39 September 20, 2022[ 91] 978-4-592-22319-1 August 1, 2023[ 92] 978-1-9747-3900-4
"The Moment to Put Everything on the Line" (全てを懸けてもいいと思えた , Subete o Kakete mo ī to Omoeta ) "Beyond the Limit" (限界を超えて , Genkai o Koete ) "Exhale" (息を吐く , Ikiwohaku ) "A Tender Daybreak" (やさしい夜明け , Yasashī Yoake ) "Lurking Under the Cover of Darkness" (夜陰に蠢( うごめ ) く , Yain ni Ugome ku ) "Desertion" (離叛 , Rihan )
"Bonus Chapter: Once Upon a Time, in a Land Far Away" (昔々あるところに , Mukashimukashi aru Tokoro ni )
40 January 20, 2023[ 93] 978-4-592-22320-7 December 5, 2023[ 94] 978-1-9747-4116-8
"My Possession" (我が物 , Waga Mono ) "The Poison Takes Effect" (毒がまわる , Doku ga Mawaru ) "A Dream of Fire" (燃える夢 , Moeru Yume ) "Close to Making a Dream Come True" (正夢に近づく , Masayume ni Chikazuku ) "Taking the Offensive" (打って出る , Uttederu ) "Nothing Ventured, Nothing Gained" (虎穴虎子( こけつこし ) , Koketsukoshi )
41 May 19, 2023[ 95] 978-4-592-22461-7 May 7, 2024[ 96] 978-1-9747-4572-2
"Comrades Through Thick and Thin" (苦楽を共にした仲間 , Kuraku o Tomoni Shita Nakama ) "The Relic" (遺物 , Ibutsu ) "Toward the Call" (呼ばれる方へ , Yoba Reru Kata e ) "The Ruler of This Place" (場の支配者 , Ba no Shihaisha ) "The Will and Reason to Fight" (戦う意志 闘う意味 , Tatakau Ishi Tatakau Imi ) "No" (否 , Ina )
42 October 20, 2023[ 97] 978-4-592-22469-3 September 3, 2024[ 98] 978-1-9747-4891-4
"If I Were Born in Another Land" (生まれた場所が違ったら , Umareta Basho ga Chigattara ) "The Vanishing Dragon" (消えた龍 , Kieta Ryū ) "A Night for Farewells" (別れを告げる夜 , Wakare o Tsugeru Yoru ) "A Silent Departure" (静かな出発 , Shizukana Shuppatsu ) "It Begins" (始まった , Hajimatta ) "I Can Go No Further" (この先はもう行けない , Konosaki wa mō Ikenai )
43 February 20, 2024[ 99] 978-4-592-22474-7 February 4, 2025[ 100] 978-1-9747-5201-0
Oboro-gena Hikari (おぼろげな光 ) Aoi Kage o Otte (青い影を追って ) Tsunagi Tomete (繋ぎ止めて ) Kanashimi ga Owaru Basho e (悲しみが終わる場所へ ) Bundan (分断 ) Tatoe Moto ni wa Modorenakutomo (たとえ元には戻れなくとも )
44 June 20, 2024[ 101] 978-4-592-22488-4 June 3, 2025[ 102] 978-1-9747-5574-5
Namae o Yobanai Nakama (名前を呼ばない仲間 ) Mō aenai to Shitara (もう会えないとしたら ) Saigo ni Hanashita Koto wa Nanda kke (最後に話したことはなんだっけ ) Ikitai to Negau Mono Shinitai to Inoru Mono (生きたいと願う者 死にたいと祈る者 ) Mune ni Tomoru (胸に灯る )
45 December 20, 2024[ 103] 978-4-592-22512-6 — —
Watashitachiha Ushinai Sugita (私たちは失いすぎた ) Nibui ken (鈍い剣 ) Iu Tsumori nakatta Kotoba (言うつもりなかった言葉 ) Yami, o Tsuru (闇、落つる ) Boroboro no Tojō (ボロボロの登城 )