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Sanger’s personality was startlingly similar to the site. Every question, I asked, he gave a comprehensive, neutral answer to. Whenever he came close to making a declaration, he would pause, recollect himself, and then give me a strong argument from the other side. His opinions were partitioned by qualifiers: “sort of,” “almost,” “kind of,” “maybe.” It became clear how much Wikipedia was a child of his mind. [1]

  • "The theory that I find most credible as an explanation of the decline of the community since 2007 is the end of the 'SoFixIt' culture and its replacement by the templating culture which [...] has lead to hundreds of thousands of articles disfigured by garish templates calling attention to problems that somebody hopes someone else will understand and fix." --- WereSpielChequers, Nov 2011.

I argue that dislocative nationalism is an identifiable body of thought with an elaborate ideological apparatus that includes doctrinal texts and established dogmas produced by recognizable ideologues. This ideology is, at a fundamental level, concerned with history; indeed, its adherents have produced the dominant historiography of Iran. [ the emergence of iranian nationalism p3]

Although the term “Iran” existed in premodern times, its meaning was fluid: it could be geographic, broadly cultural, and often purely territorial or political. [ the emergence of iranian nationalism p11]

Similarly, the appearance and significant growth of the field of nationalism studies since the 1960s has demystified nations, and there is some consensus, although not complete, on their modernity and constructed nature. [ the emergence of iranian nationalism p61]

Isfahan the first real capital city of Iran [2] 17:00 Rudi Matthee

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