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Welcome to my user page!

Hey! You must know that you've accidently stuck on my user page! If you have any message, then leave on my talkpage.
Wikimedia Foundation
Wikimedia Foundation
Nah! I'm not that serious man.

My name is Himanshu.
I am form Gorakhpur in India.
I came on this earth on December 14, 1996.
I'm a 16 year old student, currently studying in 11th Grade in Allen Career Institute, Kota..
From August 22, 2012, I m active on Wikipedia.!

I also have my [[1]].



HM  : My name is Himanshu Mishra. 'HM' is my my initials.
Hunt : I chose an english title on my own.
Indians can call me just Himanshu.
Rest of the world call me Hunt.

Wikipedia and me

Languages I Speak
en-5This user can contribute with a professional level of English.
hi-5इस उपयोगकर्ता को हिन्दी भाषा का उन्नत स्तर का ज्ञान है।
saसंस्कृतम् इदि उपयोजकस्य मातृभाषायां वर्तते।.
Tocopilla railway
Photograph credit: David Gubler
Sninský kameň, Vihorlatské vrchy in the winter, frost on trees
Terrorists don't have the Bomb... Yet.
The world is spinning around and around out of control again
You are getting very sleepy...
I m Always in a Good Mood and ready to Help
This is useless to keep, isn't it? But i'll still keep it ^_^
Black holes are rocket science for me, but I love this image!