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  1. W C A Boarding House
  2. W New York Union Square
  3. W. & L. E. Gurley Building
  4. W. A. Gruninger Building
  5. W. A. Mason House
  6. W. A. Simpson House
  7. W. A. Strain Farm–Strain House
  8. W. A. Young and Sons Foundry and Machine Shop
  9. W. Aldrich House
  10. W. B. Davis Hosiery Mill
  11. W. B. Hibbs and Company Building
  12. W. B. Hodgson Hall
  13. W. B. Smith Whaley House
  14. W. B. Thompson Mansion
  15. W. Bailey House
  16. W. Ben Hunt Cabin
  17. W. C. Baker House
  18. W. C. Beattie House
  19. W. C. Brown House
  20. W. C. Clemmons Mound
  21. W. Casperson House
  22. W. D. Burrows House
  23. W. D. Grant Building
  24. W. D. Martinez General Merchandise Store
  25. W. E. B. Du Bois Boyhood Homesite
  26. W. E. B. DuBois School
  27. W. E. Heginbotham House
  28. W. E. Jefferson House
  29. W. E. Mauger House
  30. W. F. & Estelle McWilliams House
  31. W. F. Carter House
  32. W. F. DeWitt Hotel
  33. W. F. Reeves House
  34. W. F. Smith and Sons Leaf House and Brown Brothers Company Building
  35. W. G. Wilcox House
  36. W. H. Adamson High School
  37. W. H. Allen House
  38. W. H. Applewhite House
  39. W. H. Baugh House
  40. W. H. Bickel Estate
  41. W. H. Boller Meat Market and Residence
  42. W. H. Bradford Hook and Ladder Fire House
  43. W. H. Coffin House
  44. W. H. Dorrance House
  45. W. H. Faling House
  46. W. H. Goulding House
  47. W. H. Langley House
  48. W. H. Moore House
  49. W. H. Shipman House
  50. W. H. Silbaugh House
  51. W. H. Smith Hardware Company Building
  52. W. H. Stark House
  53. W. H. Watt Building
  54. W. H. Winborne House
  55. W. H. York Round Barn
  56. W. H. Young House
  57. W. Hawkins Ferry House
  58. W. Henry Lewis House
  59. W. J. Armstrong Company Wholesale Grocers Building
  60. W. J. Little House
  61. W. J. McConnell House
  62. W. J. and Ed Smith Building
  63. W. Joseph Fuller House
  64. W. K. Kellogg House
  65. W. L. Foley Building
  66. W. L. Halsey Warehouse
  67. W. L. Mead House
  68. W. L. Williams House
  69. W. L. Wood House
  70. W. N. Bergan–J. C. Lauber Company Building
  71. W. N. Seay House
  72. W. O. Decker
  73. W. P. Hackney House
  74. W. P. Irwin Bank Building
  75. W. P. Mahoney House
  76. W. P. Snyder Jr. (towboat)
  77. W. Q. M. Berly House
  78. W. R. Stafford Flour Mill and Elevator
  79. W. R. Stafford Planing Mill Site
  80. W. R. Stafford Saw Mill Site
  81. W. R. Stafford Worker's House
  82. W. S. Carmichael House
  83. W. S. Kohl Barn
  84. W. S. Reed Toy Company-Wachusett Shirt Company Historic District
  85. W. S. Salmon House
  86. W. Scott Neal House
  87. W. Scott Stuart House
  88. W. Stokes Boney House
  89. W. T. Bailey House
  90. W. T. Blackwell and Company
  91. W. T. Cowles House
  92. W. T. Hutchens Building
  93. W. T. Preston
  94. W. T. Thorne Building
  95. W. T. Waggoner Building
  96. W. W. Ashburn House
  97. W. W. Durham House
  98. W. W. Griest Building
  99. W. W. Griffin Farm
  100. W. W. Hartwell House & Dependencies
  101. W. W. Hetherington House
  102. W. W. Kimball House
  103. W. W. Shirk Building
  104. W.A. Edwards House
  105. W.A. McNeill House
  106. W.A. Thorp House
  107. W.A. Young House
  108. W.B. Swigert House
  109. W.C. Ball House
  110. W.C. Brown Apartment Building
  111. W.C. Child Ranch
  112. W.C. Record House
  113. W.C. Retszch House
  114. W.D. Candland House
  115. W.D. Crawford House
  116. W.D. Crooker House
  117. W.E. Barnard House
  118. W.E. Chilton II House
  119. W.E. O'Bryant Bell Tower
  120. W.E. White Building
  121. W.E.B. DuBois School
  122. W.F. Hitchcock House
  123. W.G. Bowman House
  124. W.H. Everhardt House
  125. W.H. Jones Mansion
  126. W.H. Morgan House
  127. W.H. Tedford House
  128. W.H.C. Folsom House
  129. W.H.H. Clayton House
  130. W.J. Hughes Business House
  131. W.J. Quarles House and Cottage
  132. W.J. White House
  133. W.J. and Nettie J. Cornell House
  134. W.L. Adair General Mercantile Historic District
  135. W.L. Hill Store
  136. W.L. and Winnie (Woodfield) Belfrage Farmstead Historic District
  137. W.O.W. Hall
  138. W.P. Fletcher House
  139. W.P. Mills House
  140. W.R. Bunckley House
  141. W.R. Hinkle and Co.
  142. W.R. Roach Cannery Warehouse and Office Building
  143. W.R. Surles Memorial Library
  144. W.R.C. Hall
  145. W.S. Blackwell House
  146. W.S. Cameron House
  147. W.S. Jeffery Farmstead
  148. W.S. McClintock House
  149. W.T. Askins House
  150. W.T. Ford House
  151. W.T. Lawler House
  152. W.T.S. White House and Carriage House
  153. W.W. Kington House
  154. W.W. Morris House
  155. WCAU
  156. WCF & N Center Point Depot and Substation
  157. WCIS Bank
  158. WFIL
  159. WJBK-TV Studios Building
  160. WOC Broadcast Centre
  161. WPA Field House and Pump Station
  162. WPA Stock Barn and Pavilion
  163. WPA Stone Structures in Memorial Park and Calvary Cemetery
  164. WROX (AM)
  165. WSM (AM)
  166. WWJ-TV
  167. Waban Library Center
  168. Wabash Alloys Locomotive
  169. Wabash Avenue YMCA
  170. Wabash Avenue–East Historic District
  171. Wabash Avenue–West Historic District
  172. Wabash Combination Depot-Moravia
  173. Wabash Combination Depot-Shenandoah
  174. Wabash Railroad Bridge
  175. Wabash Township Graded School
  176. Wabash and Erie Canal Culvert No. 100
  177. Wabasha Commercial Historic District
  178. Wabasha County Poor House
  179. Wabbaseka Methodist Episcopal Church, South
  180. Wabek Consolidated School
  181. Wable-Augustine Tavern
  182. Wabuska Railroad Station
  183. Waccamaw River Memorial Bridge
  184. Waccamaw River Warehouse Historic District
  185. Wachovia Building Company Contemporary Ranch House
  186. Wachter Motor Car Company Building
  187. Wachusett Aqueduct
  188. Wachusett Dam
  189. Wachusett Shirt Company
  190. Waco High School
  191. Waco Suspension Bridge
  192. Waconia City Hall
  193. Waddel Mansion
  194. Waddell "A" Truss Bridge
  195. Waddell Block
  196. Waddell House (Lexington, Missouri)
  197. Waddell Memorial Presbyterian Church
  198. Waddell's Station
  199. Waddells Mill Pond Site
  200. Waddill's Store
  201. Waddington Historic District
  202. Waddle House
  203. Waddle–Click Farm
  204. Waddy House
  205. Wade Archeological Site
  206. Wade Askew House
  207. Wade Building
  208. Wade Farm
  209. Wade H. Jones Sr. House
  210. Wade Hampton Hicks House
  211. Wade Hampton State Office Building
  212. Wade House (Ipswich, Massachusetts)
  213. Wade Memorial Chapel
  214. Wade Park District
  215. Wade-Beckham House
  216. Wade-Heerwagen House
  217. Wadena Fire and City Hall
  218. Wadena station
  219. Wadesboro Downtown Historic District
  220. Wadham's Oil and Grease Company of Milwaukee
  221. Wadhams Road–Pine River Bridge
  222. Wadley Railroad Depot
  223. Wadsworth Atheneum
  224. Wadsworth Chapel
  225. Wadsworth Congregational Church
  226. Wadsworth Electric Manufacturing Company
  227. Wadsworth Fort Site
  228. Wadsworth Hall
  229. Wadsworth Mansion at Long Hill
  230. Wadsworth Union Church
  231. Wadsworth-Longfellow House
  232. Waernicke–Hille House and Store
  233. Wafco Mills
  234. Wager House
  235. Waggaman-Ray Commercial Row
  236. Waggoner Covered Bridge
  237. Waggoner Graveyard
  238. Waggoner Mansion
  239. Wagner Covered Bridge No. 19
  240. Wagner Free Institute of Science
  241. Wagner Houseboat
  242. Wagner's Block
  243. Wagner-Mozart Music Hall
  244. Wagon Bed Spring
  245. Wagon Mound National Historic Landmark
  246. Wagon Wheel Gap Hot Springs Resort
  247. Wagon Wheel Motel, Café and Station
  248. Wagoner Armory
  249. Wahbememe Burial Site and Monument
  250. Wahconah Park
  251. Waherak Maihar
  252. Wahkonsa Hotel
  253. Wahle-Laird House
  254. Wahoo Burlington Depot
  255. Wahpeton Hospital
  256. Wahpeton Post Office
  257. Wahrenberger House
  258. Waiakea Mission Station-Hilo Station
  259. Waihee Church
  260. Waikiki Natatorium War Memorial
  261. Waikiki Village Motel
  262. Wailua River State Park
  263. Wailuku Civic Center Historic District
  264. Wailuku Elementary School
  265. Waimalu Shopping Center
  266. Waino Tanttari Field Hay Barn
  267. Wainscott Windmill
  268. Wainwright Building
  269. Wainwright Tomb
  270. Wait Block
  271. Waite Brick Block
  272. Waite-Davis House
  273. Waitman T. Willey House
  274. Waits Methodist Episcopal Church and Cemetery
  275. Waits River Schoolhouse
  276. Waitsfield Common Historic District
  277. Waitsfield Village Historic District
  278. Waiʻoli Mission District
  279. Wakamatsu Tea and Silk Farm Colony
  280. Wakamiya Inari Shrine
  281. Wake Forest Historic District
  282. Wake Island
  283. Wakefield Centre station
  284. Wakefield Dairy Complex
  285. Wakefield Estate
  286. Wakefield Hall
  287. Wakefield House
  288. Wakefield Park Historic District
  289. Wakefield Public Library
  290. Wakefield Rattan Company
  291. Wakefield Town Hall and Opera House
  292. Wakefield Trust Company
  293. Wakefield Village Historic District
  294. Wakefield station (MBTA)
  295. Wakefield, Rhode Island
  296. Wakefields
  297. Wakeley-Giles Commercial Building
  298. Wakelon School
  299. Wakely Mountain Fire Observation Station
  300. Wakonda State Bank
  301. Wakonda Variety
  302. Walasi-Yi Interpretive Center
  303. Walbri Hall
  304. Walcott Covered Bridge
  305. Walcott-Whitney House
  306. Walden Jam-e-Masjid
  307. Walden Pond
  308. Walden Street Cattle Pass
  309. Waldenmark
  310. Waldensian Church and Cemetery of Stone Prairie
  311. Waldensian Presbyterian Church
  312. Walde–Carter House
  313. Waldo Block
  314. Waldo Historic District
  315. Waldo Street Police Station
  316. Waldo Theatre
  317. Waldo Water Tower (Kansas City, Missouri)
  318. Waldo water tower (Waldo, Arkansas)
  319. Waldoborough Town Pound
  320. Waldomore
  321. Waldorf Hotel (Andover, South Dakota)
  322. Waldron Commercial Historic District
  323. Waldron–Beck House and Carriage House
  324. Waldschmidt Hall
  325. Waldwic
  326. Waldwick station
  327. Wales (Dinwiddie County, Virginia)
  328. Wales Co-operative Mercantile Institution
  329. Wales House (Hyde Park, New York)
  330. Wales N. Johnson House
  331. Wales Site
  332. Wales and Hamblen Store
  333. Walgreen Drug Store (Miami, Florida)
  334. Walhalla Graded School
  335. Walkden Farm
  336. Walker Adams House
  337. Walker Body Company Factory
  338. Walker Buckner House
  339. Walker Building (Springfield, Massachusetts)
  340. Walker Building (Stillwater, Oklahoma)
  341. Walker Center
  342. Walker Charcoal Kiln
  343. Walker Cottage
  344. Walker County Courthouse
  345. Walker County Hospital
  346. Walker Family Plot
  347. Walker Field Shelterhouse
  348. Walker Gilmore site
  349. Walker High School (Walker, Louisiana)
  350. Walker Home for Missionary Children
  351. Walker Homestead Historic District
  352. Walker House (Fayetteville, Arkansas)
  353. Walker House (Garrison, New York)
  354. Walker House (Lancaster, Kentucky)
  355. Walker House (Warren, Virginia)
  356. Walker Library (Minneapolis)
  357. Walker McGregor Farmstead
  358. Walker Memorial Hall
  359. Walker Memorial Library
  360. Walker Naylor Historic District
  361. Walker Pass
  362. Walker Prehistoric Village Archeological Site
  363. Walker Ranch
  364. Walker School
  365. Walker Sisters Place
  366. Walker Tavern
  367. Walker station
  368. Walker's Creek Presbyterian Church
  369. Walker's Creek Schoolhouse
  370. Walker's Inn
  371. Walker's Mill and Walker's Bank
  372. Walker's Point Historic District
  373. Walker's Station
  374. Walker-Broderick House
  375. Walker-Collis House
  376. Walker-Combs-Hartshorne Farmstead
  377. Walker-Ewing Log House
  378. Walker-Woodward-Schaffer House
  379. Walkersville Covered Bridge
  380. Walkerton (Glen Allen, Virginia)
  381. Walker–Grant School
  382. Walker–Klinner Farm
  383. Walking Box Ranch
  384. Walking Horse Hotel
  385. Walkway over the Hudson
  386. Wall Brook Farm
  387. Wall Doxey State Park
  388. Wall Spring
  389. Wall Street Assay Office
  390. Wall Street Historic District (Manhattan)
  391. Wall Street Historic District (Norwalk, Connecticut)
  392. Wall Street Methodist Episcopal Church
  393. Wall Street Mill
  394. Wall Street station (IRT Lexington Avenue Line)
  395. Walla Lutheran Church
  396. Walla Theater
  397. Walla Walla Valley Traction Company Car Barn
  398. Wallabout Historic District
  399. Wallabout Industrial Historic District
  400. Wallace 1910 Fire Memorial
  401. Wallace Adams Service Station
  402. Wallace Blake House
  403. Wallace Block
  404. Wallace Bridge
  405. Wallace Building (Little Rock, Arkansas)
  406. Wallace Carnegie Library
  407. Wallace Chapel AME Zion Church
  408. Wallace Commercial Historic District
  409. Wallace E. Pratt House
  410. Wallace Estill Sr. House
  411. Wallace Farm (Columbia, New Hampshire)
  412. Wallace Farm (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)
  413. Wallace Hall (Simpson College)
  414. Wallace Historic District
  415. Wallace House (Lebanon, Missouri)
  416. Wallace House (Somerville, New Jersey)
  417. Wallace K. Harrison Estate
  418. Wallace Pratt Lodge
  419. Wallace W. Waterman Sod House
  420. Wallace Warren and Lillian Genevieve Bradshaw Kendall House
  421. Wallace and Glenn Potter House
  422. Wallace-Baily Tavern
  423. Wallace-Cross Mill
  424. Wallace-Haskell Homestead
  425. Wallace-Jagdfeld Octagon House
  426. Wallace-McGee House
  427. Wallaceton (Chesapeake, Virginia)
  428. Wallentine Farmstead
  429. Waller Hall
  430. Waller House
  431. Walling Cobblestone Tavern
  432. Wallingford Center Historic District
  433. Wallingford Fire and Police Station
  434. Wallingford Hall
  435. Wallingford Main Street Historic District
  436. Wallingford station (Connecticut)
  437. Wallington Cobblestone Schoolhouse District No. 8
  438. Wallischeck Homestead
  439. Wallowa County Chieftain Building
  440. Wallowa County Courthouse
  441. Wallowa Ranger Station
  442. Wallpack Center, New Jersey
  443. Walls Farm Barn and Corn Crib
  444. Walls House (Lonoke, Arkansas)
  445. Walnford, New Jersey
  446. Walnut Canyon National Monument
  447. Walnut Cove Colored School
  448. Walnut Creek Baptist Church
  449. Walnut Creek Ranger Station
  450. Walnut Farm
  451. Walnut Green School
  452. Walnut Grove (Bristol, Virginia)
  453. Walnut Grove (Cheneyville, Louisiana)
  454. Walnut Grove (Gallatin, Tennessee)
  455. Walnut Grove (Mer Rouge, Louisiana)
  456. Walnut Grove (Mount Pleasant, Tennessee)
  457. Walnut Grove (Spotsylvania County, Virginia)
  458. Walnut Grove (Tar Heel, North Carolina)
  459. Walnut Grove (Union, West Virginia)
  460. Walnut Grove Cemetery
  461. Walnut Grove Cemetery (Cord, Arkansas)
  462. Walnut Grove Farm (Knoxville, Illinois)
  463. Walnut Grove Farm (Shawsville, Virginia)
  464. Walnut Grove Japanese-American Historic District
  465. Walnut Grove Methodist Church
  466. Walnut Grove Plantation
  467. Walnut Grove Presbyterian Church
  468. Walnut Grove School (Caneyville, Kentucky)
  469. Walnut Grove School (Osage, Iowa)
  470. Walnut Hill (Lynchburg, Virginia)
  471. Walnut Hill Cotton Gin
  472. Walnut Hill District
  473. Walnut Hill Historic District (Carnesville, Georgia)
  474. Walnut Hill Historic District (Knightdale, North Carolina)
  475. Walnut Hill Park
  476. Walnut Hill Presbyterian Church
  477. Walnut Hills Cemetery (Brookline, Massachusetts)
  478. Walnut Hills United Presbyterian Church
  479. Walnut Inn
  480. Walnut Lane
  481. Walnut Park Farm Historic District
  482. Walnut Park Historic District
  483. Walnut Park Historic District (Boston, Massachusetts)
  484. Walnut Park Plaza Hotel
  485. Walnut Ridge Army Airfield Access Road
  486. Walnut Ridge Commercial Historic District
  487. Walnut Ridge Friends Meetinghouse
  488. Walnut Ridge station
  489. Walnut Spring
  490. Walnut Street Baptist Church (Waterloo, Iowa)
  491. Walnut Street Bridge (Chattanooga)
  492. Walnut Street Bridge (Harrisburg, Pennsylvania)
  493. Walnut Street Bridge (Mazeppa, Minnesota)
  494. Walnut Street Commercial Historic District
  495. Walnut Street Historic District (Augusta, Missouri)
  496. Walnut Street Historic District (Chaska, Minnesota)
  497. Walnut Street Historic District (Florence, Alabama)
  498. Walnut Street Historic District (Muncie, Indiana)
  499. Walnut Street Historic District (North Vernon, Indiana)
  500. Walnut Street Historic District (Oneonta, New York)
  501. Walnut Street Historic District (Springfield, Kentucky)
  502. Walnut Street Historic District (Springfield, Missouri)
  503. Walnut Street Historic District (Waterloo, Iowa)
  504. Walnut Street School (Reading, Massachusetts)
  505. Walnut Street Theatre
  506. Walnut Tire and Battery Co.-Globe Publishing Company Building
  507. Walnut Valley (Highgate, Virginia)
  508. Walnut–Chancellor Historic District
  509. Walpole Academy
  510. Walpole Meetinghouse
  511. Walpole Town Hall
  512. Walrath-Van Horne House
  513. Walrond and Elizabeth Snell House
  514. Walrus Islands
  515. Walsh Barn
  516. Walsh Building
  517. Walsh County Courthouse
  518. Walsh Flats/Langworth Building
  519. Walsh Stable
  520. Walsh-Havemeyer House
  521. Walstein Childs House
  522. Walston-Bulluck House
  523. Walt Disney Elementary School
  524. Walt Mason House
  525. Walt Whitman Birthplace State Historic Site
  526. Walt Whitman House
  527. Walter A. Sheaffer House
  528. Walter Abbs House
  529. Walter Allman House
  530. Walter B. Sorrells Cottage
  531. Walter Beauchamp House
  532. Walter Brewster House
  533. Walter Butler Homestead
  534. Walter C. Lyne House
  535. Walter Cliff Ranch District
  536. Walter Curtis House
  537. Walter Douglas House
  538. Walter E. Fernald Developmental Center
  539. Walter E. Hoffman United States Courthouse
  540. Walter E. Moore House
  541. Walter F. Burrell House
  542. Walter Field House
  543. Walter Frost House
  544. Walter Gale House
  545. Walter George Smith School
  546. Walter Gray House
  547. Walter H. French Junior High School
  548. Walter Hand House
  549. Walter House (Melbourne, Kentucky)
  550. Walter Hurt Cargill House
  551. Walter J. Squire House
  552. Walter James Lenoir House
  553. Walter K. Foster House
  554. Walter Keene House
  555. Walter Klepzig Mill and Farm
  556. Walter M. Bartlett Double House
  557. Walter Marsh House
  558. Walter McCanless House
  559. Walter McDonald Sanders House
  560. Walter McK. Jones School
  561. Walter Merchant House
  562. Walter P. Mansur House
  563. Walter P. and May Wolf Reuther House
  564. Walter Patterson Filling Station
  565. Walter Patterson House
  566. Walter R. and Eliza Smith Moore House
  567. Walter Reed Army Medical Center
  568. Walter Reed Birthplace
  569. Walter Reed Gardens Historic District
  570. Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
  571. Walter S. Zimmerman House
  572. Walter S. and Melissa E. Barnes House
  573. Walter Schnader Tobacco Warehouse
  574. Walter Scott Montgomery House
  575. Walter Sparks House
  576. Walter Stratton House
  577. Walter T. Noonan House
  578. Walter Thompson House and Carriage House
  579. Walter V. Smith House
  580. Walter Warfield Building
  581. Walter and Anna Zion Homestead
  582. Walter and Ruby Behlen House
  583. Walter and Sylvia Stockmayer House
  584. Walter's Hot Dog Stand
  585. Walter's Mill Bridge
  586. Walterboro Historic District
  587. Walterboro Library Society Building
  588. Walters Bath No. 2
  589. Walters House (Morgantown, West Virginia)
  590. Walters Ranch Hop Kiln
  591. Walters-Davis House
  592. Walter–Gimble House
  593. Waltham Gas Light Company
  594. Waltham Gas and Electric Company Generating Plant
  595. Waltham High School (historic)
  596. Waltham Water Works Shop
  597. Walthourville Presbyterian Church
  598. Waltmire Bridge
  599. Walton Bridge (Keene, New York)
  600. Walton County Courthouse (Georgia)
  601. Walton Grange No. 1454
  602. Walton Ranger Station Historic District
  603. Walton Street–Church Street Historic District
  604. Walton Wait House
  605. Walton and Roslin Halls
  606. Walton and Willett Stone Store
  607. Walton–Wiggins Farm
  608. Waltz Road–Huron River Bridge
  609. Walworth County Courthouse
  610. Walworth D. Porter Duplex Residence
  611. Wamesit Canal-Whipple Mill Industrial Complex
  612. Wampanoag Mills
  613. Wampanoag Royal Cemetery
  614. Wampanucket Site
  615. Wamsutta Mills
  616. Wanakena Presbyterian Church
  617. Wanamaker's
  618. Wananalua Congregational Church
  619. Wanata State Park Picnic Shelter
  620. Wanda Gág House
  621. Wanette–Byars Bridge
  622. Wang Theatre
  623. Wanich Covered Bridge No. 69
  624. Wannalancit Street Historic District
  625. Wanskuck Historic District
  626. Wanskuck Library-Providence Community Library
  627. Wantagh Railroad Complex
  628. Wanton–Lyman–Hazard House
  629. Wapello County Courthouse
  630. Wapiti Ranger Station
  631. Wappingers Falls Historic District
  632. Wapsipinicon Mill
  633. Wapsipinicon River Bridge
  634. Wapsipinicon State Park
  635. Waquoit Historic District
  636. War Eagle Bridge
  637. War Eagle Creek Bridge
  638. War Memorial Auditorium (Nashville, Tennessee)
  639. War Memorial Building (Holyoke, Massachusetts)
  640. War Memorial Building (New Martinsville, West Virginia)
  641. War Memorial Park (West Bridgewater, Massachusetts)
  642. War Office (Lebanon, Connecticut)
  643. War in the Pacific National Historical Park
  644. Warburton House
  645. Ward Brothers' House and Shop
  646. Ward Chapel AME Church
  647. Ward Charcoal Ovens State Historic Park
  648. Ward Congregational Church
  649. Ward County Courthouse
  650. Ward Family House
  651. Ward Hall (Georgetown, Kentucky)
  652. Ward Hinckley House
  653. Ward Hotel
  654. Ward House (Enterprise, Mississippi)
  655. Ward House (Seattle)
  656. Ward House (Syracuse, New York)
  657. Ward House (Westfield, New York)
  658. Ward Memorial Hall
  659. Ward Nicholson Corner Store
  660. Ward School (Ward, Colorado)
  661. Ward's Crossing Bridge
  662. Ward's Point
  663. Ward-Applewhite-Thompson House
  664. Ward-Hays House
  665. Ward-Heitman House
  666. Ward-Jackson House
  667. Ward-Meade House
  668. Ward-Stout House
  669. Wardell Buffalo Trap
  670. Wardell Court Historic Residential District
  671. Wardell House (Macon, Missouri)
  672. Wardell House (Shrewsbury, New Jersey)
  673. Warden's House (McAlester, Oklahoma)
  674. Warden's House Museum
  675. Wardenclyffe Tower
  676. Warder Mansion
  677. Warder Public Library
  678. Wardlaw Junior High School
  679. Wardlaw-Steele House
  680. Wardlaw–Smith House
  681. Wardman Row
  682. Wardwell-Trickey Double House
  683. Ward–Force House and Condit Family Cook House
  684. Ward–Holland House
  685. Ware Center Historic District
  686. Ware Creek School
  687. Ware Hall
  688. Ware Millyard Historic District
  689. Ware Mounds and Village Site
  690. Ware Neck Store and Post Office
  691. Ware Paper Mill
  692. Ware Parish Church
  693. Ware Shoals Inn
  694. Ware Town Hall
  695. Ware's Tavern
  696. Warehouse District (Salt Lake City)
  697. Warehouse District, Cleveland
  698. Warehouse Row Historic District
  699. Warelands
  700. Warenski-Duvall Commercial Building and Apartments
  701. Ware–Hardwick Covered Bridge
  702. Ware–Lyndon House
  703. Warfield Complex, Hubner, and T Buildings
  704. Warfield, Pratt and Howell Company Warehouse
  705. Warfield-Dye Residence
  706. Warham Williams House
  707. Waring House (Greenville, Ohio)
  708. Warkentin House
  709. Warlick–Huffman Farm
  710. Warm Air Research House
  711. Warm Mineral Springs (spring)
  712. Warm Mineral Springs Building Complex
  713. Warm Mineral Springs Motel
  714. Warm Springs Avenue Historic District
  715. Warm Springs Historic District
  716. Warm Springs Mill
  717. Warm Springs Pools
  718. Warner Apartment Building
  719. Warner Grand Theatre
  720. Warner Hall
  721. Warner Home
  722. Warner House (East Haddam, Connecticut)
  723. Warner Hutton House
  724. Warner P. Sutton House
  725. Warner Parks
  726. Warner Price Mumford Smith House
  727. Warner Robins Depot
  728. Warner Theater (West Chester, Pennsylvania)
  729. Warner Theatre (Erie, Pennsylvania)
  730. Warner Theatre (Torrington, Connecticut)
  731. Warner Valley Ranger Station
  732. Warner's Filling Station and House
  733. Warner's Ranch
  734. Warner-Cather House
  735. Warnke Covered Bridge
  736. Warnors Theatre
  737. Warren A. and Catherine Cartier House
  738. Warren Armory
  739. Warren B. Smith House
  740. Warren Block (Marlborough, Massachusetts)
  741. Warren Block (Westbrook, Maine)
  742. Warren Brick Streets
  743. Warren Commercial Historic District (Warren, Arkansas)
  744. Warren Commercial Historic District (Warren, Illinois)
  745. Warren Congregational Church
  746. Warren County Administration Building
  747. Warren County Courthouse (Georgia)
  748. Warren County Courthouse (Indiana)
  749. Warren County Courthouse (Kentucky)
  750. Warren County Courthouse (Pennsylvania)
  751. Warren County Courthouse (Virginia)
  752. Warren County Courthouse and Circuit Court Building
  753. Warren County Fire Tower
  754. Warren County Training School
  755. Warren Covered Bridge
  756. Warren E. Sherburne House
  757. Warren Featherbone Company Office Building
  758. Warren Ferris House
  759. Warren First Congregational Church-Federated Church
  760. Warren Fox Building
  761. Warren G. Harding Middle School
  762. Warren Guard Station, Building 1206
  763. Warren Hickox House
  764. Warren Historic District (Warren, Pennsylvania)
  765. Warren House (Franklinton, Louisiana)
  766. Warren House and Warren's Store
  767. Warren Hull House
  768. Warren Lodge No. 32
  769. Warren Mill
  770. Warren Motor Car Company Building
  771. Warren Opera House Block and Hetherington Block
  772. Warren Perry House
  773. Warren Post Office
  774. Warren Public Library (Warren, Massachusetts)
  775. Warren Rawson Building
  776. Warren Rawson House
  777. Warren Segraves House
  778. Warren Street Methodist Episcopal Church
  779. Warren Sutton House
  780. Warren Sweetser House
  781. Warren T. Wright Farmhouse Site
  782. Warren Town Hall
  783. Warren Township District No. 4 School
  784. Warren United Methodist Church and Parsonage
  785. Warren Village Historic District
  786. Warren Waterfront Historic District
  787. Warren White House
  788. Warren Wilson Beach House
  789. Warren Wilson House
  790. Warren Z. Cole House
  791. Warren and Myrta Bacon House
  792. Warren station (Arkansas)
  793. Warren's Mill
  794. Warren's Opera House
  795. Warren-Crowell House
  796. Warren-Erwin House
  797. Warren-Guild-Simmons House
  798. Warrenpoint (William Branson House)
  799. Warrens Bridge
  800. Warrensburg Mills Historic District
  801. Warrenton Historic District (Warrenton, North Carolina)
  802. Warrenton Historic District (Warrenton, Virginia)
  803. Warrenton Woolen Mill
  804. Warrenville Elementary School
  805. Warren–Prentis Historic District
  806. Warrick House (Meadow Grove, Nebraska)
  807. Warrington Meetinghouse
  808. Warrington Site
  809. Warrington Stone Bridge
  810. Warrior Hotel
  811. Warrior Ridge Dam and Hydroelectric Plant
  812. Warrior Run Presbyterian Church
  813. Warroad station
  814. Wars of America
  815. Warsaw Academy
  816. Warsaw Courthouse Square Historic District
  817. Warsaw Cut Glass Company
  818. Warsaw Downtown Historic District
  819. Warsaw Historic District (Warsaw, Illinois)
  820. Warsaw Historic District (Warsaw, Kentucky)
  821. Warsaw Historic District (Warsaw, North Carolina)
  822. Wartburg Presbyterian Church
  823. Warthen Historic District
  824. Wartrace Historic District
  825. Warwick Civic Center Historic District
  826. Warwick County Courthouses
  827. Warwick Furnace Farms
  828. Warwick Light
  829. Warwick Mills
  830. Warwick Village Historic District
  831. Warwood Fire Station
  832. Wasatch Academy
  833. Wasatch Mountain Club Lodge
  834. Wasatch Stake Tabernacle
  835. Wasco Union High School
  836. Wasco station (Oregon)
  837. Wascom House
  838. Waseca County Courthouse
  839. Wasena Historic District
  840. Washakie LDS Ward Chapel
  841. Washakie Station Site
  842. Washburn Historic District
  843. Washburn House (Guy, Arkansas)
  844. Washburn Observatory
  845. Washburn Park Water Tower
  846. Washburn Public Library
  847. Washburn Square–Leicester Common Historic District
  848. Washburn Tunnel
  849. Washburn University Carnegie Library Building
  850. Washburn and Moen North Works District
  851. Washburn-Fair Oaks Mansion District
  852. Washburne Historic District
  853. Washington Apartments
  854. Washington Apartments (Lansing, Michigan)
  855. Washington Aqueduct
  856. Washington Armory
  857. Washington Athletic Club
  858. Washington Avenue Armory
  859. Washington Avenue Bridge (Iowa Falls, Iowa)
  860. Washington Avenue Bridge (Waco, Texas)
  861. Washington Avenue Bridge (Waterbury, Connecticut)
  862. Washington Avenue Commercial Historic District
  863. Washington Avenue Historic District (Cedarburg, Wisconsin)
  864. Washington Avenue Historic District (Evansville, Indiana)
  865. Washington Avenue Historic District (Fredericksburg, Virginia)
  866. Washington Avenue Historic District (Philadelphia)
  867. Washington Avenue Historic District (St. Louis, Missouri)
  868. Washington Avenue Soldier's Monument and Triangle
  869. Washington Bottom Farm
  870. Washington Boulevard Historic District
  871. Washington Bridge (Connecticut)
  872. Washington Bridge (Harlem River)
  873. Washington C. Wear House
  874. Washington Canoe Club
  875. Washington Cemetery (Washington Court House, Ohio)
  876. Washington Chapel C.M.E. Church
  877. Washington College
  878. Washington College Academy
  879. Washington Commercial Historic District (Washington, Indiana)
  880. Washington Common Historic District
  881. Washington Confederate Monument
  882. Washington Cotton Factory
  883. Washington County Chamber of Commerce
  884. Washington County Courthouse (Arkansas)
  885. Washington County Courthouse (Georgia)
  886. Washington County Courthouse (Idaho)
  887. Washington County Courthouse (Indiana)
  888. Washington County Courthouse (Iowa)
  889. Washington County Courthouse (Kansas)
  890. Washington County Courthouse (Kentucky)
  891. Washington County Courthouse (Maine)
  892. Washington County Courthouse (Maryland)
  893. Washington County Courthouse (Minnesota)
  894. Washington County Courthouse (Mississippi)
  895. Washington County Courthouse (Missouri)
  896. Washington County Courthouse (Nebraska)
  897. Washington County Courthouse (North Carolina)
  898. Washington County Courthouse (Pennsylvania)
  899. Washington County Courthouse (Rhode Island)
  900. Washington County Courthouse (Texas)
  901. Washington County Courthouse and Jail
  902. Washington County Jail (Fayetteville, Arkansas)
  903. Washington County Jail (Maine)
  904. Washington County Jail (Washington, Pennsylvania)
  905. Washington County Jail and Sheriff's Residence (Salem, Indiana)
  906. Washington Court
  907. Washington Crossing Bridge (Pittsburgh)
  908. Washington Crossing Historic Park
  909. Washington Crossing State Park
  910. Washington Damon House
  911. Washington Downtown Historic District
  912. Washington Education Center (Pittsburgh)
  913. Washington Firehouse No. 5
  914. Washington Flats
  915. Washington Gardens (Davenport, Iowa)
  916. Washington Gold House
  917. Washington Green Historic District
  918. Washington Grove, Maryland
  919. Washington Hall (Seattle)
  920. Washington Heights Historic District
  921. Washington Heights School
  922. Washington High School (Fremont, California)
  923. Washington High School (Oregon)
  924. Washington Highlands Historic District
  925. Washington Historic District (Washington, Kentucky)
  926. Washington Historic District (Washington, Louisiana)
  927. Washington Historic District (Washington, North Carolina)
  928. Washington Hose and Steam Fire Engine Company, No. 1
  929. Washington Hotel (Greenfield, Missouri)
  930. Washington Iron Furnace
  931. Washington Irving Branch
  932. Washington Irving Graded School
  933. Washington Irving High School (Tarrytown, New York)
  934. Washington Irving Memorial
  935. Washington Junior High School and Jefferson Grade School
  936. Washington Magnet Elementary School
  937. Washington Memorial Chapel
  938. Washington Methodist Church
  939. Washington Metropolitan A.M.E. Zion Church
  940. Washington Mill Bridge
  941. Washington Mills-Mayodan Plant
  942. Washington Monument
  943. Washington Monument State Park
  944. Washington Mooney House
  945. Washington National Airport Terminal and South Hangar Line
  946. Washington National Cathedral
  947. Washington Navy Yard
  948. Washington Oaks Gardens State Park
  949. Washington Opera House
  950. Washington Park (Chicago park)
  951. Washington Park (Dubuque, Iowa)
  952. Washington Park (Michigan City, Indiana)
  953. Washington Park (Springfield, Illinois)
  954. Washington Park Clubhouse
  955. Washington Park Historic District (Albany, New York)
  956. Washington Park Historic District (Indianapolis, Indiana)
  957. Washington Park Historic District (Newton, Massachusetts)
  958. Washington Park Historic District (North Plainfield, New Jersey)
  959. Washington Park Historic District (Ottawa, Illinois)
  960. Washington Park Historic District (Winston-Salem, North Carolina)
  961. Washington Park Sewage Pumping Station
  962. Washington Park and Zoo Railway
  963. Washington Park, Atlanta
  964. Washington Park, Denver
  965. Washington Pavilion of Arts and Science
  966. Washington Place
  967. Washington Prairie Methodist Church
  968. Washington Presbyterian Church
  969. Washington Relief Society Hall
  970. Washington Residential Historic District
  971. Washington Road Elm Allée
  972. Washington School (Grand Forks, North Dakota)
  973. Washington School (Monroe City, Missouri)
  974. Washington School (New Britain, Connecticut)
  975. Washington School (North Las Vegas, Nevada)
  976. Washington School (Ossining, New York)
  977. Washington School (Taunton, Massachusetts)
  978. Washington School (Washington, Virginia)
  979. Washington School (Weymouth, Massachusetts)
  980. Washington Spring Road–Woods Road Historic District
  981. Washington Square (Philadelphia)
  982. Washington Square Historic District (Lowell, Massachusetts)
  983. Washington Square Historic District (Oswego, New York)
  984. Washington Square Park (Chicago)
  985. Washington Square West, Philadelphia
  986. Washington State Capitol
  987. Washington State Park
  988. Washington State School for the Blind
  989. Washington Street Cemetery
  990. Washington Street Historic District (Camden, Arkansas)
  991. Washington Street Historic District (Cumberland, Maryland)
  992. Washington Street Historic District (High Point, North Carolina)
  993. Washington Street Historic District (Middletown, Connecticut)
  994. Washington Street Historic District (Peabody, Massachusetts)
  995. Washington Street Methodist Church
  996. Washington Street Public Boat Landing Facility
  997. Washington Street Rowhouses
  998. Washington Street School (Hartford, Connecticut)
  999. Washington Street Shoe District
  1000. Washington Street United Methodist Church
  1001. Washington Street and East 22nd Street Historic District
  1002. Washington Street–Monument Circle Historic District
  1003. Washington Township Center High School
  1004. Washington Trust Building
  1005. Washington Union Station
  1006. Washington University Hilltop Campus Historic District
  1007. Washington Valley Schoolhouse
  1008. Washington Valley, New Jersey
  1009. Washington Yacht Club
  1010. Washington and Elizabeth Miller Tract-Center-Soll Community Historic District
  1011. Washington and Georgetown Railroad Car House
  1012. Washington and Lee University
  1013. Washington station (New Jersey)
  1014. Washington's Headquarters (Valley Forge)
  1015. Washington's Headquarters State Historic Site
  1016. Washington, Virginia
  1017. Washington-Ames House
  1018. Washington-Jefferson Street Historic District
  1019. Washington-Wilkes Historical Museum
  1020. Washingtonian Hall
  1021. Washington–Kosciusko Elementary School
  1022. Washington–Willow Historic District
  1023. Washita Battlefield National Historic Site
  1024. Washita County Courthouse
  1025. Washoe County Courthouse
  1026. Washoe County Library-Sparks Branch
  1027. Washoe Theater
  1028. Washtenaw County Administration Building
  1029. Wasilla Community Hall
  1030. Wasilla Depot
  1031. Wasilla Elementary School
  1032. Wasioja, Minnesota
  1033. Wason-Springfield Steam Power Blocks
  1034. Wassillie Trefon Dena'ina Fish Cache
  1035. Wasson House
  1036. Wasson-McKay Place
  1037. Watauga Dam
  1038. Watch Hill, Rhode Island
  1039. Watch Rock Camp
  1040. Watchman Lookout Station
  1041. Watchung Avenue station
  1042. Water Avenue Historic District
  1043. Water Canyon Administrative Site
  1044. Water Company of Tonopah Building
  1045. Water Lily Shaft
  1046. Water Mill (Water Mill, New York)
  1047. Water Shops Armory
  1048. Water Street (Augusta, Maine)
  1049. Water Street Commercial Historic District (Shullsburg, Wisconsin)
  1050. Water Street District
  1051. Water Street Historic District (Augusta, Kentucky)
  1052. Water Street Historic District (Clifton, Tennessee)
  1053. Water Street Historic District (Eau Claire, Wisconsin)
  1054. Water Street Historic District (Torrington, Connecticut)
  1055. Water Street/Darden Road Bridge
  1056. Water Tower (Rock Island, Wisconsin)
  1057. Water Witch Club Casino
  1058. Water Witch Club Historic District
  1059. Water Witch Steam Fire Engine Company No. 5
  1060. Water Works Standpipe (Dothan, Alabama)
  1061. Water, Wall, and Pine Streets Lenticular Truss Bridges
  1062. Waterboro Grange, No. 432
  1063. Waterbury Brass Company
  1064. Waterbury Center Methodist Church
  1065. Waterbury Clock Company factory
  1066. Waterbury Municipal Center Complex
  1067. Waterbury Union Station
  1068. Waterbury Village Historic District
  1069. Waterford Borough Historic District
  1070. Waterford Bridge
  1071. Waterford Covered Bridge
  1072. Waterford Historic District (Waterford, Maine)
  1073. Waterford Village Historic District (Waterford, New York)
  1074. Waterford Village, Michigan
  1075. Waterford, Virginia
  1076. Watergate complex
  1077. Waterloo (Albertson, North Carolina)
  1078. Waterloo (Princess Anne, Maryland)
  1079. Waterloo Community Mausoleum
  1080. Waterloo Covered Bridge
  1081. Waterloo Downtown Historic District (Waterloo, Wisconsin)
  1082. Waterloo East Commercial Historic District
  1083. Waterloo Farm Museum
  1084. Waterloo Historic District (Illinois)
  1085. Waterloo Historic District (Warner, New Hampshire)
  1086. Waterloo Library
  1087. Waterloo Masonic Temple
  1088. Waterloo Mills Historic District
  1089. Waterloo Public Library (West Branch)
  1090. Waterloo Public Library-East Side Branch
  1091. Waterloo Ridge Lutheran Church
  1092. Waterloo Village, New Jersey
  1093. Waterloo West Commercial Historic District
  1094. Waterman Covered Bridge
  1095. Waterman Place-Kingsbury Place-Washington Terrace Historic District
  1096. Waterman Tavern
  1097. Waterman-Archer House
  1098. Waterman-Gramps House
  1099. Waterman–Winsor Farm
  1100. Waterproof High School
  1101. Waters Farm
  1102. Waters House (Fordyce, Arkansas)
  1103. Waters House (Sevierville, Tennessee)
  1104. Waters and Elsa Burrows Historic District
  1105. Waters' River
  1106. Waterside Street Bridge
  1107. Watertown Arsenal
  1108. Watertown Center Historic District
  1109. Watertown Commercial Historic District (Watertown, South Dakota)
  1110. Watertown Masonic Temple
  1111. Watertown Stadium
  1112. Watertown station (South Dakota)
  1113. Watertown station (Wisconsin)
  1114. Watertown, Ohio
  1115. Watervale, Michigan
  1116. Waterville Bridge
  1117. Waterville Main Street Historic District
  1118. Waterville Opera House and City Hall
  1119. Waterville Triangle Historic District
  1120. Waterville Village Historic District
  1121. Watervliet Arsenal
  1122. Watervliet Shaker Historic District
  1123. Watervliet Side Cut Locks
  1124. Waterways Experiment Station
  1125. Waterwheel (McCoy, Colorado)
  1126. Watkins Family Farm Historic District
  1127. Watkins Ferry Toll House
  1128. Watkins Glen Commercial Historic District
  1129. Watkins Glen Grand Prix Course, 1948–1952
  1130. Watkins Glen High School
  1131. Watkins House (Keysville, Virginia)
  1132. Watkins House (Richmond, Missouri)
  1133. Watkins House (Searcy, Arkansas)
  1134. Watkins House and Cabins
  1135. Watkins Incorporated
  1136. Watkins Manor House
  1137. Watkins Point Farm
  1138. Watkins School
  1139. Watkins Woolen Mill State Park and State Historic Site
  1140. Watkins-Tholman-Larsen Farmstead
  1141. Watkinson School
  1142. Watkins–Coleman House
  1143. Watoga State Park
  1144. Watonwan County Courthouse
  1145. Watrous (La Junta)
  1146. Watrous General Store
  1147. Watseka Union Depot
  1148. Watson Academy
  1149. Watson Comly School
  1150. Watson House (Charlestown, Indiana)
  1151. Watson House (Hamburg, Arkansas)
  1152. Watson House (Lockport, New York)
  1153. Watson Log Cabin
  1154. Watson Mill Bridge State Park
  1155. Watson Park Historic District
  1156. Watson School
  1157. Watson's Grocery
  1158. Watson, Newell & Company Factory
  1159. Watson-Curtze Mansion
  1160. Watson-Sanders House
  1161. Watson-Sawyer House
  1162. Watsontown River Bridge
  1163. Watters Smith Memorial State Park
  1164. Watterston House
  1165. Watts Bar Dam
  1166. Watts Building (Birmingham, Alabama)
  1167. Watts De Peyster Fireman's Hall
  1168. Watts Free Library
  1169. Watts Hospital
  1170. Watts Mill Bridge
  1171. Watts Station
  1172. Watts Towers
  1173. Watts and Yuille Warehouses
  1174. Watts–Hillandale Historic District
  1175. Watt–Groce–Fickhardt House
  1176. Waubesa School
  1177. Waucantuck Mill Complex
  1178. Waucoma Hotel
  1179. Waughtown–Belview Historic District
  1180. Waugoshance Light
  1181. Wauhatchie Pike
  1182. Waukegan Building
  1183. Waukegan Public Library
  1184. Waukesha station
  1185. Waumbek Cottages Historic District
  1186. Waunakee Railroad Depot
  1187. Waupaca Free Public Library
  1188. Waupaca Post Office
  1189. Waupun Carnegie Library (Waupun Heritage Museum)
  1190. Waupun Correctional Institution
  1191. Wauregan, Connecticut
  1192. Wausau Club
  1193. Waushara County Courthouse, Waushara County Sheriff's Residence and Jail
  1194. Wauwatosa Woman's Club Clubhouse
  1195. Wave Hill
  1196. Waveland (Danville, Kentucky)
  1197. Waveland (Marshall, Virginia)
  1198. Waveland Round Barn
  1199. Waveland State Historic Site
  1200. Waveny Park
  1201. Waverley (Morgantown, Maryland)
  1202. Waverley (West Point, Mississippi)
  1203. Waverley Country Club
  1204. Waverley Historic District (Enid, Oklahoma)
  1205. Waverly (Burnt Chimney, Virginia)
  1206. Waverly (Croom, Maryland)
  1207. Waverly (Leesburg, Virginia)
  1208. Waverly (Marriottsville, Maryland)
  1209. Waverly (Middleburg, Virginia)
  1210. Waverly Bridge (Mississippi)
  1211. Waverly Downtown Historic District
  1212. Waverly East Bremer Avenue Commercial Historic District
  1213. Waverly Hill
  1214. Waverly Hills Historic District
  1215. Waverly Hills Sanatorium
  1216. Waverly Historic District (Columbia, South Carolina)
  1217. Waverly Historic District (Waverly Township, Pennsylvania)
  1218. Waverly House (Waverly, Iowa)
  1219. Waverly Junior and Senior High School
  1220. Waverly Main Street Historic District
  1221. Waverly Municipal Hydroelectric Powerhouse
  1222. Waverly Plantation (Cunningham, North Carolina)
  1223. Waverly Street Bridge
  1224. Waverly Village Hall (Waverly, Minnesota)
  1225. Waverly Village Hall (Waverly, New York)
  1226. Wavertree (ship)
  1227. Wawaset Park, Wilmington, Delaware
  1228. Wawbeek-Horace A.J. Upham House
  1229. Wawona (schooner)
  1230. Wawona Covered Bridge
  1231. Wawona Hotel
  1232. Waxhaw Historic District
  1233. Waxhaw Presbyterian Church Cemetery
  1234. Waxhaw–Weddington Roads Historic District
  1235. Way Way General Store
  1236. Waybury Inn
  1237. Waycross Historic District
  1238. Wayfarers Chapel
  1239. Wayland Center Historic District
  1240. Wayland Downtown Historic District
  1241. Wayland E. Poole House
  1242. Wayland H. and Mamie Burt Stevens House
  1243. Wayland Historic District
  1244. Wayne Commercial Historic District
  1245. Wayne County Building
  1246. Wayne County Courthouse (Georgia)
  1247. Wayne County Courthouse (Indiana)
  1248. Wayne County Courthouse (Nebraska)
  1249. Wayne County Courthouse District
  1250. Wayne Densch Performing Arts Center
  1251. Wayne Hotel
  1252. Wayne Morse Family Farm
  1253. Wayne Municipal Auditorium
  1254. Wayne State University Buildings
  1255. Wayne Town House
  1256. Wayne United States Post Office
  1257. Wayne Village Historic District
  1258. Wayne station
  1259. Waynesboro Armory
  1260. Waynesboro Commercial Historic District
  1261. Waynesboro Cumberland Presbyterian Church
  1262. Waynesboro Downtown Historic District
  1263. Waynesboro Historic District
  1264. Waynesborough
  1265. Waynesburg Historic District
  1266. Waynesville Engine House and Lockup
  1267. Waynesville Greek Revival Houses
  1268. Waynesville Main Street Historic District (Waynesville, North Carolina)
  1269. Waynesville Main Street Historic District (Waynesville, Ohio)
  1270. Waynesville Municipal Building
  1271. Waynoka station
  1272. Wayside Cottage
  1273. Wayside House
  1274. Wayside Inn (Arlington, Massachusetts)
  1275. Wayside Inn (Gibsland, Louisiana)
  1276. Wayside Inn Historic District
  1277. Wayzata station
  1278. We and Our Neighbors Clubhouse
  1279. Weakley–Truett–Clark House
  1280. Wear Cove
  1281. Weare Town House
  1282. Weatherford Downtown Historic District
  1283. Weatherford Hotel
  1284. Weatherly (yacht)
  1285. Weathersfield Center Historic District
  1286. Weaver Hotel
  1287. Weaver House (Cowie Corner, Virginia)
  1288. Weaver Mercantile Building
  1289. Weaver Place
  1290. Weaver's Mill Covered Bridge
  1291. Weaverville United Methodist Church
  1292. Weaver–Fox House
  1293. Weaving Room of Crossnore School
  1294. Web Long House and Motel
  1295. Webb Brothers Block
  1296. Webb County Courthouse (Texas)
  1297. Webb Horton House
  1298. Webb Lane House
  1299. Webb S. Knight House
  1300. Webb-Barron-Wells House
  1301. Webb-Coleman House
  1302. Webber House (Houston)
  1303. Webber Lake Hotel
  1304. Webbley
  1305. Weber County Main Library
  1306. Weber Dental Manufacturing Company
  1307. Weber House (Guttenberg, Iowa)
  1308. Weber House (Russell, Arkansas)
  1309. Weber Implement and Automobile Company Building
  1310. Weber Stake Relief Society Building
  1311. Weber's Store
  1312. Weber–Weaver Farm
  1313. Weblin House
  1314. Webster Baptist Church (Webster, New York)
  1315. Webster Baptist Church (Webster, North Carolina)
  1316. Webster Chapel United Methodist Church
  1317. Webster Childs House
  1318. Webster City Post Office
  1319. Webster Congregational Church
  1320. Webster County Courthouse (Georgia)
  1321. Webster County Courthouse (Iowa)
  1322. Webster County Courthouse (Kentucky)
  1323. Webster County Courthouse (Nebraska)
  1324. Webster County Jails
  1325. Webster Estate
  1326. Webster Farm
  1327. Webster Grammar School
  1328. Webster High School (Tulsa, Oklahoma)
  1329. Webster Hotel
  1330. Webster Memorial Building
  1331. Webster Methodist Church
  1332. Webster Municipal Buildings Historic District
  1333. Webster Park Historic District
  1334. Webster Rock School
  1335. Webster School (Waterbury, Connecticut)
  1336. Webster Street Firehouse
  1337. Webster Telephone Exchange Building
  1338. Webster Wagner House
  1339. Webster's Forest
  1340. Webster-Lane House
  1341. Wechsler School
  1342. Wedge Plantation
  1343. Wedgemere Historic District
  1344. Wee Grimmet
  1345. Wee Haven
  1346. Wee Pine Knot
  1347. Weed Lookout Tower
  1348. Weedon Island Preserve
  1349. Weehaw Rice Mill Chimney
  1350. Weekapaug Inn
  1351. Weeki Wachee Springs
  1352. Weeks Cemetery
  1353. Weeks Estate
  1354. Weeks House (Greenland, New Hampshire)
  1355. Weeks Junior High School
  1356. Weeksville Heritage Center
  1357. Weeks–Kimbrough House
  1358. Weems House
  1359. Weems–Botts Museum
  1360. Weepah Spring Wilderness
  1361. Weequahic High School
  1362. Weequahic Park
  1363. Wees Historic District
  1364. Wehmer House
  1365. Wehr Covered Bridge
  1366. Weidner Mill
  1367. Weidner Rock House
  1368. Weigandt Barn
  1369. Weigel House
  1370. Weigle Barn
  1371. Weil Hall
  1372. Weinhard Brewery Complex
  1373. Weinmann Block
  1374. Weins Commercial Building
  1375. Weippe Prairie
  1376. Weir Engine House
  1377. Weir Farm National Historical Park
  1378. Weir Greenhouse
  1379. Weis Manufacturing Company building
  1380. Weisenberger Mills and Related Buildings
  1381. Weiser Post Office
  1382. Weisiger–Carroll House
  1383. Weiskittel-Roehle Burial Vault
  1384. Weisman-Hirsch House
  1385. Weiss Center
  1386. Weiss Hall
  1387. Weist Apartments
  1388. Weizer Building (11801 Buckeye Road, Cleveland, Ohio)
  1389. Weizer Building (8935 Buckeye Road, Cleveland, Ohio)
  1390. Welborn 'Doc' Barton House
  1391. Welborn Historic District
  1392. Welborn-Ross House
  1393. Welbourne (Middleburg, Virginia)
  1394. Welcek Farmstead
  1395. Welch Apartments
  1396. Welch Commercial Historic District
  1397. Welch Factory Building No. 1
  1398. Welch Pottery Works
  1399. Welch Training School
  1400. Welch-Averiett House
  1401. Welch-Hurst
  1402. Welch-Nicholson House and Mill Site
  1403. Welcker's Resort Historic District
  1404. Welcome Acres
  1405. Welcome Horton Farm
  1406. Welcome to Fabulous Las Vegas sign
  1407. Weld County Courthouse
  1408. Weld Town Hall
  1409. Weldon Gin Company Historic District
  1410. Weldon Historic District
  1411. Weldon Hotel
  1412. Weldon House
  1413. Weldwood
  1414. Welfley–Shuler House
  1415. Welkinweir
  1416. Well'sbuilt Hotel
  1417. Wellborn (Eufaula, Alabama)
  1418. Weller House (Chesterton, Indiana)
  1419. Weller House (Fort Bragg, California)
  1420. Welles-Shipman-Ward House
  1421. Wellesley Congregational Church and Cemetery
  1422. Wellesley Farms station
  1423. Wellesley Hills Branch Library
  1424. Wellesley Town Hall
  1425. Wellfleet Center Historic District
  1426. Welling-Everly Horse Barn
  1427. Wellington A. Clark House
  1428. Wellington Carnegie Library
  1429. Wellington Farm Historic District
  1430. Wellington House (Fayetteville, New York)
  1431. Wellington Piano Case Company Building
  1432. Wellington Street Apartment House District
  1433. Wellington–Castner House
  1434. Wellman Apartments
  1435. Wellman Block
  1436. Wellman House
  1437. Wells Baptist Church
  1438. Wells Block
  1439. Wells County Courthouse (Indiana)
  1440. Wells County Courthouse (North Dakota)
  1441. Wells County Fairgrounds
  1442. Wells Fargo Building (Philadelphia)
  1443. Wells Fargo Building (Portland, Oregon)
  1444. Wells Fargo and Company Express Building
  1445. Wells House (North Adams, Massachusetts)
  1446. Wells Inn
  1447. Wells Japanese Garden
  1448. Wells Memorial Library
  1449. Wells National Estuarine Research Reserve
  1450. Wells River Graded School
  1451. Wells River, Vermont
  1452. Wells State Park (Michigan)
  1453. Wells Street Bridge (Fort Wayne, Indiana)
  1454. Wells Theatre
  1455. Wells Village School
  1456. Wells station (Minnesota)
  1457. Wells-Jackson Carriage House Complex
  1458. Wells-Keith House
  1459. Wells-Richardson Complex
  1460. Wells-Schaff House
  1461. Wells-Stubbs House
  1462. Wells-Twyford House
  1463. Wellsboro Armory
  1464. Wellsboro Historic District
  1465. Wellsburg Historic District
  1466. Wellsburg Wharf
  1467. Wellscroft
  1468. Wellsville Tabernacle
  1469. Wellsville station
  1470. Wellsville, Pennsylvania
  1471. Wells–Denbrook Architects Office Building
  1472. Wells–Guthrie House
  1473. Welsbach Building
  1474. Welsford Parker Artz House
  1475. Welsh Calvinistic Methodist Church (Remsen, New York)
  1476. Welsh Congregational Church
  1477. Welsh Congregational United Church of Christ
  1478. Welsh House (Mandan, North Dakota)
  1479. Welsh House (Syracuse, New York)
  1480. Welsh Neck–Long Bluff–Society Hill Historic District
  1481. Welsh Presbyterian Church (Columbus, Ohio)
  1482. Welsh Presbyterian Church (Plana, South Dakota)
  1483. Welsh Tract Baptist Church
  1484. Welsh–Emery House
  1485. Welty's General Store
  1486. Welty's Mill Bridge
  1487. Wenatchee Fire Station No. 1
  1488. Wencl Kajer Farmstead
  1489. Wendameen (yacht)
  1490. Wendelin Grimm Farmstead
  1491. Wendell August Forge
  1492. Wendell Bancroft House
  1493. Wendell Boulevard Historic District
  1494. Wendell Commercial Historic District
  1495. Wendell Lewis Willkie House
  1496. Wendell P. and Harriet Rounds Robbins House
  1497. Wendell Town Common Historic District
  1498. Wendler Building
  1499. Wendling Bridge
  1500. Wendover (Hyden, Kentucky)
  1501. Wendover Air Force Base
  1502. Wenham Historic District
  1503. Wenona Hall and Wecota Hall
  1504. Wentworth Lear Historic Houses
  1505. Wentworth Methodist Episcopal Church and Cemetery
  1506. Wentworth Military Academy and College
  1507. Wentworth and Diana Eldredge House
  1508. Wentworth-Gardner House
  1509. Wentworth–Coolidge Mansion
  1510. Wentzville Tobacco Company Factory
  1511. Wenzel House
  1512. Wenzil Taylor Building
  1513. Weona Park Carousel
  1514. Wereholme
  1515. Werner Company Building
  1516. Werner Knoop House
  1517. Werner–Gilchrist House
  1518. Werowocomoco
  1519. Werrenrath Camp
  1520. Werthheimer Building
  1521. Werthman Grocery
  1522. Wertland Street Historic District
  1523. Wertsville, New Jersey
  1524. Wertz Mill
  1525. Wertz's Covered Bridge
  1526. Wertz–Bestle Farm
  1527. Wescott Road
  1528. Wesley AME Zion Church
  1529. Wesley Brethren Church
  1530. Wesley Building (Philadelphia)
  1531. Wesley Butler Archeological District
  1532. Wesley Chapel (Hopetown, Ohio)
  1533. Wesley Chapel (Woodlawn, Arkansas)
  1534. Wesley Chapel AME Church (Georgetown, Texas)
  1535. Wesley Chapel Methodist Episcopal Church (Eldersburg, Maryland)
  1536. Wesley Copeland House
  1537. Wesley Davis Three-Decker
  1538. Wesley Heights Historic District
  1539. Wesley M.E. Church
  1540. Wesley Marsh House
  1541. Wesley Memorial Methodist Episcopal
  1542. Wesley Methodist Church (Columbia, South Carolina)
  1543. Wesley Methodist Church (Kentucky)
  1544. Wesley Methodist Church (Salem, Massachusetts)
  1545. Wesley O. Conner House
  1546. Wesley Plattenburg House
  1547. Wesley United Methodist Church (Austin, Texas)
  1548. Wesley United Methodist Church (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
  1549. Wesley West House
  1550. Wesley's Chapel Arbor and Cemetery
  1551. Wesleyan Avenue Historic District
  1552. Wesleyan Grove
  1553. Wesleyan Hall
  1554. Wesleyan Methodist Church (Seneca Falls, New York)
  1555. Wessells Root Cellar
  1556. Wessington House
  1557. Wessington Springs Carnegie Library
  1558. Wessyngton (Cedar Hill, Tennessee)
  1559. West 147th–149th Streets Historic District
  1560. West 21st Street Historic District
  1561. West 7th Street Historic District
  1562. West 9th Street Commercial Historic District
  1563. West Alexander Historic District
  1564. West Allis Post Office
  1565. West Almond Churches
  1566. West Antelope Bridge
  1567. West Argyle Street Historic District
  1568. West Asheville End of Car Line Historic District
  1569. West Asheville–Aycock School Historic District
  1570. West Athens Hill Site
  1571. West Auburn Bridge
  1572. West Avenue – Roberts Street Residential Historic District
  1573. West Baden National Bank
  1574. West Baden Springs Hotel
  1575. West Badin Historic District
  1576. West Bank Light
  1577. West Baptist Church
  1578. West Barnstable Village–Meetinghouse Way Historic District
  1579. West Bay Club
  1580. West Bend station
  1581. West Berkshire School
  1582. West Berkshire–Frelighsburg Border Crossing
  1583. West Bluff Historic District
  1584. West Bona Site
  1585. West Boulevard Historic District
  1586. West Boundary Street Historic District
  1587. West Branch Commercial Historic District
  1588. West Brattleboro Green Historic District
  1589. West Brick School
  1590. West Bridge (Madelia, Minnesota)
  1591. West Bridge Street Historic District
  1592. West Broad Street Commercial Historic District
  1593. West Broad Street Historic District (Darlington, South Carolina)
  1594. West Broad Street Industrial and Commercial Historic District
  1595. West Broadway Historic District
  1596. West Brookfield Center Historic District
  1597. West Brooksville Congregational Church
  1598. West Brothers Knitting Company
  1599. West Burlington Memorial Church
  1600. West Burton Place Historic District
  1601. West Butte Schoolhouse
  1602. West Canfield Historic District
  1603. West Central Historic District (Anderson, Indiana)
  1604. West Chapel Hill Historic District
  1605. West Charlton United Presbyterian Church
  1606. West Chatham Bungalow Historic District
  1607. West Chester (Chamberlain Mansion, Des Moines, Iowa)
  1608. West Chester Boarding School for Boys
  1609. West Chester Downtown Historic District
  1610. West Chester State College Quadrangle Historic District
  1611. West Chesterfield Historic District
  1612. West Chicago City Museum
  1613. West Chop Club Historic District
  1614. West Chop Light
  1615. West Church Street Historic District
  1616. West Coast Woods Model Home
  1617. West Cogswell House
  1618. West College Avenue Historic District
  1619. West Commerce Street Historic District (Aberdeen, Mississippi)
  1620. West Commerce Street Historic District (Greenville, Alabama)
  1621. West Concord station
  1622. West Cornwall Covered Bridge
  1623. West Cote
  1624. West Darien Historic District
  1625. West Davis Street–Fountain Place Historic District
  1626. West DeLand Residential District
  1627. West Delhi Presbyterian Church, Manse, and Cemetery
  1628. West Dennis Graded School
  1629. West Denton Warehouse-Wharf
  1630. West Dover, Vermont
  1631. West Downtown Historic Transportation Corridor
  1632. West Downtown Rockford Historic District
  1633. West Dryden Methodist Episcopal Church
  1634. West Dummerston Covered Bridge
  1635. West Durham Historic District
  1636. West Durham Methodist Church
  1637. West Eighth Street Historic District
  1638. West Eleventh Street Historic District (Dubuque, Iowa)
  1639. West End Bridge
  1640. West End Church of Christ Silver Point
  1641. West End Collegiate Church
  1642. West End Commercial District (Winsted, Connecticut)
  1643. West End Commercial Historic District (Greenville, South Carolina)
  1644. West End High School (Nashville, Tennessee)
  1645. West End Hills Missionary Baptist Church
  1646. West End Historic District (Dallas)
  1647. West End Historic District (Decatur, Illinois)
  1648. West End Historic District (Fort Wayne, Indiana)
  1649. West End Historic District (Kings Mountain, North Carolina)
  1650. West End Historic District (New Britain, Connecticut)
  1651. West End Historic District (Suffolk, Virginia)
  1652. West End Historic District (Waxahachie, Texas)
  1653. West End Historic District (Winston-Salem, North Carolina)
  1654. West End Hose Company Number 3
  1655. West End Library
  1656. West End Masonic Temple
  1657. West End North Historic District
  1658. West End Saloon
  1659. West End School (Henderson, North Carolina)
  1660. West End South Historic District
  1661. West End Wheelmen's Club
  1662. West End, Atlanta
  1663. West Endicott Hose Company No. 1
  1664. West Endicott Park Carousel
  1665. West Entrance Station
  1666. West Fairlee Center Church
  1667. West Falmouth Village Historic District
  1668. West Fifth Avenue Apartments Historic District
  1669. West Fifth Street Bridge at Shoal Creek
  1670. West Fifth Street-West Sixth Street Historic District
  1671. West Fork Furnace
  1672. West Fourth Street Historic District (Cincinnati, Ohio)
  1673. West Fourth Street Historic District (Maysville, Kentucky)
  1674. West Fourth Street–Washington Square station
  1675. West Frankfort City Hall
  1676. West Franklin Street Historic District
  1677. West Freemason Street Area Historic District
  1678. West Fulton Methodist Church
  1679. West Gardner Square Historic District
  1680. West Garrison Avenue Historic District
  1681. West Gervais Street Historic District
  1682. West Goshen Historic District
  1683. West Gouldsboro Union Church
  1684. West Gouldsboro Village Library
  1685. West Granby Historic District
  1686. West Granville Historic District
  1687. West Greenwich Baptist Church and Cemetery
  1688. West Grove United Methodist Church
  1689. West Hall (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
  1690. West Hartford Bridge
  1691. West Hartford, Vermont
  1692. West Hatfield Historic District
  1693. West Haven Baptist Church
  1694. West Haven Green Historic District
  1695. West Haven Historic District
  1696. West Hickory Bridge
  1697. West High School (Auburn, New York)
  1698. West High Street Historic District (High Point, North Carolina)
  1699. West Hill Cemetery, Sherburne
  1700. West Hill Covered Bridge
  1701. West Hill Historic District (Muscatine, Iowa)
  1702. West Hill Historic District (West Hartford, Connecticut)
  1703. West Hill Residential Historic District
  1704. West Hill School (Canajoharie, New York)
  1705. West House (Helena-West Helena, Arkansas)
  1706. West James Street Overpass
  1707. West Jefferson Avenue–Rouge River Bridge
  1708. West Jefferson Historic District
  1709. West Jefferson Street Historic District
  1710. West Jordan Ward Meetinghouse
  1711. West Kortright Presbyterian Church
  1712. West LaSalle Avenue Historic District
  1713. West Laurel Hill Cemetery
  1714. West Lawn (Lancaster, Pennsylvania)
  1715. West Lawn Heights Historic District
  1716. West Lebanon Historic District
  1717. West Liberty Commercial Historic District
  1718. West Liberty Courthouse Square Historic District
  1719. West Liberty Presbyterian Church
  1720. West Line Historic District (Austin, Texas)
  1721. West Loop–LaSalle Street Historic District
  1722. West Luther Valley Lutheran Church
  1723. West Main District, Louisville
  1724. West Main Street Commercial Historic District (Statesboro, Georgia)
  1725. West Main Street District (Kent, Ohio)
  1726. West Main Street Historic District (Charlottesville, Virginia)
  1727. West Main Street Historic District (Chesterfield, South Carolina)
  1728. West Main Street Historic District (Forest City, North Carolina)
  1729. West Main Street Historic District (Lincolnton, North Carolina)
  1730. West Main Street Historic District (Marlborough, Massachusetts)
  1731. West Main Street Historic District (Oconto, Wisconsin)
  1732. West Main Street Historic District (Westborough, Massachusetts)
  1733. West Main Street Residential Historic District
  1734. West Main Street–West James Street Historic District
  1735. West Main–North Chesnutt Streets Historic District
  1736. West Marion Historic District
  1737. West Market Square Historic District
  1738. West Market Street United Methodist Church
  1739. West Martello Tower
  1740. West Martinsburg Historic District
  1741. West Meade
  1742. West Memphis City Hall
  1743. West Memphis Commercial Historic District
  1744. West Meredith Cemetery
  1745. West Middletown Historic District
  1746. West Milton Bridge
  1747. West Mitchell Street Bridge
  1748. West Montgomery Avenue Historic District
  1749. West Mountain Historic District
  1750. West Nash Street Historic District
  1751. West Neck Road Historic District
  1752. West Newark Congregational Church and Cemetery
  1753. West Newark School House
  1754. West Newbury Village Historic District
  1755. West Newton Hill Historic District
  1756. West Newton Village Center Historic District
  1757. West Ninth Streetcar Line Historic District
  1758. West Norristown Historic District
  1759. West Nottingham Academy
  1760. West Nottingham Meetinghouse
  1761. West Oak Forest Earthlodge Site
  1762. West Ocala Historic District
  1763. West Old Town Historic District
  1764. West Orange Road-Thomas Bridge
  1765. West Overton, Pennsylvania
  1766. West Paint Creek Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church and Cemetery
  1767. West Palm Beach station
  1768. West Paris Historic District
  1769. West Paris Lodge No. 15, I.O.O.F.
  1770. West Parish Burying Ground
  1771. West Parish Center District
  1772. West Park Bridge
  1773. West Park Neighborhood Historic District
  1774. West Park Place
  1775. West Pearl Street Historic District
  1776. West Philadelphia High School
  1777. West Philadelphia Streetcar Suburb Historic District
  1778. West Plains Bank Building
  1779. West Pleasant Street Historic District
  1780. West Plum Bush Creek Bridge
  1781. West Point Cemetery (Norfolk, Virginia)
  1782. West Point Christian Church
  1783. West Point City Auditorium
  1784. West Point Foundry
  1785. West Point Grade School
  1786. West Point Historic District (West Point, Kentucky)
  1787. West Point Historic District (West Point, Virginia)
  1788. West Point Light
  1789. West Point Mint
  1790. West Point Rice Mill
  1791. West Point on the Eno
  1792. West Potato House
  1793. West Potomac Park
  1794. West Pullman Elementary School
  1795. West Queen Anne School
  1796. West Quoddy Head Light
  1797. West Quoddy Lifesaving Station
  1798. West Radford Commercial Historic District
  1799. West Raleigh Historic District
  1800. West Richwoods Church & School
  1801. West Riverdale Historic District
  1802. West Roxbury Parkway
  1803. West Rutland Town Hall
  1804. West Saint Clair Street Historic District
  1805. West Salem Historic District
  1806. West San Jose School
  1807. West School (Burlington, Massachusetts)
  1808. West School (Crooksville, Ohio)
  1809. West School (Stoughton, Wisconsin)
  1810. West Schoolhouse (Dennis, Massachusetts)
  1811. West Schoolhouse (Wilmington, Massachusetts)
  1812. West Second Street Historic District (Ashland, Wisconsin)
  1813. West Second Street Historic District (Mesa, Arizona)
  1814. West Second Street Residential Historic District
  1815. West Second Street–Swartz Creek Bridge
  1816. West Selma Historic District
  1817. West Settlement Methodist Church
  1818. West Side Dom Polski
  1819. West Side Historic District (Aurora, Illinois)
  1820. West Side Historic District (Carson City, Nevada)
  1821. West Side Historic District (Hendersonville, North Carolina)
  1822. West Side Historic District (Saratoga Springs, New York)
  1823. West Side Historic District (Shelbyville, Indiana)
  1824. West Side Historic Residential District
  1825. West Side Market
  1826. West Side Residential Historic District
  1827. West Side Sanitarium
  1828. West Side School
  1829. West Side Third Avenue SW Commercial Historic District
  1830. West Sixth Street Bridge
  1831. West Sixth Street Historic District
  1832. West Somers Methodist Episcopal Church and Cemetery
  1833. West Somerville Branch Library
  1834. West St. Mary's Manor
  1835. West Stockbridge Grange No. 246
  1836. West Stockbridge Town Hall
  1837. West Stockholm Historic District
  1838. West Strand Historic District
  1839. West Street District
  1840. West Street Historic District
  1841. West Street School
  1842. West Sutton Historic District
  1843. West Swanzey Covered Bridge
  1844. West Tampa Historic District
  1845. West Third Street Historic District (Davenport, Iowa)
  1846. West Town Historic Commercial and Industrial District
  1847. West Townshend Stone Arch Bridge
  1848. West Townshend, Vermont
  1849. West Trenton station
  1850. West Union Baptist Church
  1851. West Union Commercial Historic District
  1852. West Union Covered Bridge (Indiana)
  1853. West Union Downtown Historic District
  1854. West Union Presbyterian Church
  1855. West Union Residential Historic District
  1856. West Union School
  1857. West Union Street Historic District
  1858. West Vernor–Junction Historic District
  1859. West Vernor–Lawndale Historic District
  1860. West Vernor–Springwells Historic District
  1861. West Vienna United Methodist Church
  1862. West View (Zanesville, Ohio)
  1863. West View Farm
  1864. West View Schoolhouse
  1865. West Village Historic District (Buffalo, New York)
  1866. West Village Historic District (Princeton, Massachusetts)
  1867. West Village, Detroit
  1868. West Vincent Highlands Historic District
  1869. West Virginia Capitol Complex
  1870. West Virginia Children's Home
  1871. West Virginia Colored Children's Home
  1872. West Virginia Independence Hall
  1873. West Virginia Penitentiary
  1874. West Wabash Historic District
  1875. West Walnut Street Commercial Historic District
  1876. West Walnut Street Historic District
  1877. West Ward School (Gas City, Indiana)
  1878. West Ward School (Wakefield, Massachusetts)
  1879. West Warm Springs Historic District
  1880. West Warren Street Historic District
  1881. West Washington Avenue Historic District
  1882. West Washington Historic District
  1883. West Washington Street Bridge (Muncie, Indiana)
  1884. West Washington Street Pumping Station
  1885. West Washington-North Hi-Mount Boulevards Historic District
  1886. West Water Tower and Ground Storage Tank
  1887. West Whately Historic District
  1888. West Whiteland Inn
  1889. West Winds
  1890. West Winds Motel
  1891. West Woods Methodist Episcopal Church
  1892. West Woodstock Bridge
  1893. West Yellowstone Oregon Shortline Terminus Historic District
  1894. West's Block
  1895. West-Blazer House
  1896. West-Harris House
  1897. West-Metcalfe House
  1898. Westbeth Artists Community
  1899. Westborough State Hospital
  1900. Westbourne (Richmond, Virginia)
  1901. Westbrook College Historic District
  1902. Westbrook Town Center Historic District
  1903. Westbrook station (Minnesota)
  1904. Westbrook, Suffolk County, New York
  1905. Westbrook–Ardmore Historic District
  1906. Westby Coon-Prairie Lutheran Church
  1907. Westchester House
  1908. Westchester Square–East Tremont Avenue station
  1909. Westcliff School
  1910. Westclox
  1911. Westcote (Cranston, Rhode Island)
  1912. Westcott House (Springfield, Ohio)
  1913. Westcott Stock Farm
  1914. Westend (Trevilians, Virginia)
  1915. Wester Ogle
  1916. Westerhouse House
  1917. Westerly (Piffard, New York)
  1918. Westerly Armory
  1919. Westerly Burial Ground
  1920. Westerly Downtown Historic District
  1921. Westerman Lumber Office and House
  1922. Western Auto Building
  1923. Western Bohemian Fraternal Union Hall
  1924. Western Branch, National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers
  1925. Western College for Women
  1926. Western Electric Company-Tarheel Army Missile Plant
  1927. Western Fields
  1928. Western Flyer (boat)
  1929. Western Gateway Heritage State Park
  1930. Western Heritage Center
  1931. Western Hotel (Holy Cross, Iowa)
  1932. Western Hotel (Lynchburg, Virginia)
  1933. Western House (Brighton, Michigan)
  1934. Western Kentucky University Heating Plant
  1935. Western Knitting Mills
  1936. Western Maryland 202
  1937. Western Maryland College Historic District
  1938. Western Maryland Railroad Right-of-Way, Milepost 126 to Milepost 160
  1939. Western New York Wine Company
  1940. Western Promenade
  1941. Western Promenade Historic District
  1942. Western Public Service Building
  1943. Western Railroad Stone Arch Bridges and Chester Factory Village Depot
  1944. Western Reserve Academy
  1945. Western Run–Belfast Road Historic District
  1946. Western Springs Water Tower
  1947. Western State Hospital (Kentucky)
  1948. Western State Hospital (Staunton, Virginia)
  1949. Western State Hospital Historic District
  1950. Western Tablet and Stationery Company, Building No. 2
  1951. Western Town Hall
  1952. Western Union (schooner)
  1953. Western Union Building (Aberdeen, South Dakota)
  1954. Western Union Telegraph Building, Kansas City, Missouri
  1955. Western View
  1956. Western and Atlantic Depot
  1957. Westervelt Christian Church
  1958. Westervelt House
  1959. Westervelt–Ackerson House
  1960. Westervelt–Cameron House
  1961. Westervelt–Lydecker House
  1962. Westerville High School-Vine Street School
  1963. Westfall Place
  1964. Westfield Center Historic District
  1965. Westfield Fire Headquarters
  1966. Westfield Municipal Building
  1967. Westfield Whip Manufacturing Company
  1968. Westfield station (Lake Shore and Michigan Southern Railway)
  1969. Westford Center Historic District
  1970. Westford Town Farm
  1971. Westgaard Bridge
  1972. Westgate Tower
  1973. Westglow
  1974. Westhope
  1975. Westinghouse Air Brake Company General Office Building
  1976. Westinghouse High School (Pittsburgh)
  1977. Westlake Theatre
  1978. Westland Mansion
  1979. Westland Oil Filling Station
  1980. Westlawn (Fayetteville, North Carolina)
  1981. Westlawn (Wallingford, Pennsylvania)
  1982. Westlawn Cemetery (Westford, Massachusetts)
  1983. Westleigh Farms
  1984. Westminster (Evanston, Illinois)
  1985. Westminster (village), Vermont
  1986. Westminster Arcade
  1987. Westminster Castle
  1988. Westminster College (Missouri)
  1989. Westminster College Gymnasium
  1990. Westminster Congregational Church
  1991. Westminster Hall and Burying Ground
  1992. Westminster Historic District
  1993. Westminster House Club House
  1994. Westminster Presbyterian Church (Columbus, Ohio)
  1995. Westminster Presbyterian Church (Devils Lake, North Dakota)
  1996. Westminster Presbyterian Church (Minneapolis)
  1997. Westminster Presbyterian Church (Sacramento, California)
  1998. Westminster Presbyterian Church of Topeka
  1999. Westminster Street Historic District
  2000. Westminster Terrace Historic District
  2001. Westminster United Church of Christ
  2002. Westminster Village–Academy Hill Historic District
  2003. Westminster station (South Carolina)
  2004. Westmont Historic District
  2005. Westmoreland County Courthouse
  2006. Westmoreland State Park
  2007. Westmoreland, Houston
  2008. Weston (Casanova, Virginia)
  2009. Weston (Middletown, Delaware)
  2010. Weston Aqueduct
  2011. Weston Bluff Skirmish Site
  2012. Weston Canyon Rock Shelter
  2013. Weston Colored School
  2014. Weston County Courthouse
  2015. Weston Downtown Historic District
  2016. Weston Downtown Residential Historic District
  2017. Weston Havens House
  2018. Weston Historic District
  2019. Weston Homestead
  2020. Weston Manor
  2021. Weston Observatory (Manchester, New Hampshire)
  2022. Weston Schoolhouse
  2023. Weston Village Historic District
  2024. Weston and Gauley Bridge Turnpike
  2025. Westory Building
  2026. Westover (Milledgeville, Georgia)
  2027. Westover Church
  2028. Westover Historic District
  2029. Westover Manor
  2030. Westover Plantation
  2031. Westover–Bacon–Potts Farm
  2032. Westphalia, Texas
  2033. Westphal–Schmidt House
  2034. Westport Bank and Trust Company
  2035. Westport Community Church
  2036. Westport Covered Bridge
  2037. Westport High School (Missouri)
  2038. Westport Point Historic District
  2039. Westport Town Hall
  2040. Westside Historic District (Amherst, Massachusetts)
  2041. Westside Neighborhood Historic District
  2042. Westside Park (Paterson, New Jersey)
  2043. Westside Service Station and Riverside Motel
  2044. Westview (Brookneal, Virginia)
  2045. Westview Cemetery
  2046. Westview Cemetery (Wadesboro, North Carolina)
  2047. Westview Plantation
  2048. Westville Congregational Church
  2049. Westville Village Historic District
  2050. Westward Ho (Phoenix, Arizona)
  2051. Westwood (Knoxville, Tennessee)
  2052. Westwood (Uniontown, Alabama)
  2053. Westwood Hills, Kansas
  2054. Westwood Historic District (Muncie, Indiana)
  2055. Westwood Town Center Historic District
  2056. Westwood United Methodist Church
  2057. Westwood station (NJ Transit)
  2058. Wetherbee House (Greenville, Mississippi)
  2059. Wetherbee House (Waltham, Massachusetts)
  2060. Wetherby–Hampton–Snyder–Wilson–Erdman Log House
  2061. Wethersfield Avenue Car Barn
  2062. Wethersfield Stone Schoolhouse
  2063. Wetmore House (Warren, Pennsylvania)
  2064. Wetumpka State Penitentiary
  2065. Wetzell-Archbold Farmstead
  2066. Wewela Hall
  2067. Weyanoke, Virginia
  2068. Weybosset Mills Complex
  2069. Weybridge Town Hall
  2070. Weyenberg Shoe Factory
  2071. Weyerhaeuser House
  2072. Weyerhaeuser Office Building
  2073. Weyers Cave School
  2074. Weyl Service Station
  2075. Weymouth (schooner)
  2076. Weymouth Civic District
  2077. Weymouth Hall
  2078. Weymouth Meeting House Historic District
  2079. Whale Oil Row
  2080. Whaleback Light
  2081. Whaleback Shell Midden
  2082. Whaleback Snow-Survey Cabin
  2083. Whalehead Club
  2084. Whalers Cabin
  2085. Whaley Historic House Museum
  2086. Whaley Homestead
  2087. Whaleyville Historic District
  2088. Wharf Area Historic District
  2089. Wharf House
  2090. Wharton County Courthouse Historic Commercial District
  2091. Wharton Esherick Studio
  2092. Wharton Furnace
  2093. Wharton Place
  2094. Wharton-Chappell House
  2095. Wharton–Scott House
  2096. Whatcom Museum
  2097. Whately Center Historic District
  2098. Whatley Historic District
  2099. Wheat Growers Hotel
  2100. Wheat House (Lonoke, Arkansas)
  2101. Wheat Row
  2102. Wheatland (Callao, Virginia)
  2103. Wheatland (James Buchanan House)
  2104. Wheatland (Loretto, Virginia)
  2105. Wheatland Baptist Cemetery
  2106. Wheatland Manor
  2107. Wheatland Masonic Temple
  2108. Wheatlands (Sevierville, Tennessee)
  2109. Wheatleigh
  2110. Wheatley Place, Dallas
  2111. Wheatley Public School
  2112. Wheatley-Provident Hospital
  2113. Wheaton station (Minnesota)
  2114. Wheaton station (Missouri)
  2115. Wheel of Fortune (house)
  2116. Wheelen House
  2117. Wheeler Army Airfield
  2118. Wheeler Bank
  2119. Wheeler Block (Colchester, Connecticut)
  2120. Wheeler County Courthouse
  2121. Wheeler Dam
  2122. Wheeler Family Farmstead
  2123. Wheeler Hall
  2124. Wheeler Hill Historic District
  2125. Wheeler Home (Loudonville, New York)
  2126. Wheeler Hospital
  2127. Wheeler House Complex
  2128. Wheeler National Wildlife Refuge Warden's Residence
  2129. Wheeler No. 1 Oil Well
  2130. Wheeler Opera House
  2131. Wheeler-Beecher House
  2132. Wheeler-Evans House
  2133. Wheeler-Harrington House
  2134. Wheeler-Magnus Round Barn
  2135. Wheeler-Merriam House
  2136. Wheeler-Minot Farmhouse
  2137. Wheeler–Ingalls House
  2138. Wheeler–Kohn House
  2139. Wheeler–Schebler Carburetor Company
  2140. Wheeler–Stallard House
  2141. Wheeler–Stokely Mansion
  2142. Wheeling Corrugating Company Building
  2143. Wheeling Historic District
  2144. Wheeling Island Historic District
  2145. Wheeling Suspension Bridge
  2146. Wheeling Warehouse Historic District
  2147. Wheeling station (West Virginia)
  2148. Wheelock Academy
  2149. Wheelock Church
  2150. Wheelock Common Historic District
  2151. Wheelock House (Townshend, Vermont)
  2152. Wheelock Law Office
  2153. Wheelockville District
  2154. Wheelwright Block
  2155. Wheelwright Museum of the American Indian
  2156. Whelan Camp
  2157. Wherritt House
  2158. Wherry Block
  2159. Whidden's Marina
  2160. Whidden-Ward House
  2161. Whidden–Kerr House and Garden
  2162. Whig Hill
  2163. Whilldin Building
  2164. Whilldin–Miller House
  2165. Whim (United States Virgin Islands)
  2166. Whippany Burying Yard
  2167. Whipple Cast and Wrought Iron Bowstring Truss Bridge
  2168. Whipple Company Store
  2169. Whipple Dam State Park
  2170. Whipple House (Ashland, New Hampshire)
  2171. Whipple-Lacey House
  2172. Whipple–Angell–Bennett House
  2173. Whipple–Cullen House and Barn
  2174. Whipple–Jenckes House
  2175. Whiskey Row, Louisville
  2176. Whisky Creek Cabin
  2177. Whisnant Hosiery Mills
  2178. Whitaker House (Benton, New York)
  2179. Whitaker's Chapel
  2180. Whitaker's Mill Archeological Complex
  2181. Whitaker's Mill Historic District
  2182. Whitaker-Clary House
  2183. Whitaker-Motlow House
  2184. Whitaker–McClendon House
  2185. Whitby Mansion
  2186. Whitcomb Cabin
  2187. Whitcomb Cobblestone Farmhouse
  2188. Whitcomb Farm
  2189. Whitcomb Hotel
  2190. Whitcomb Inn and Farm
  2191. Whitcomb Mansion
  2192. Whitcomb Warehouse
  2193. White Bird Grade
  2194. White Bluff (Demopolis, Alabama)
  2195. White Building (Bloomington, Illinois)
  2196. White Bush
  2197. White Cafe
  2198. White Castle Building No. 8
  2199. White Chapel (Rossview, Tennessee)
  2200. White Chimneys
  2201. White Church, Cainhoy
  2202. White City, Tulsa
  2203. White Clay Creek Presbyterian Church
  2204. White Cloud Historic District
  2205. White Cloud Lodge
  2206. White Cloud Presbyterian Church and Cemetery
  2207. White Cottage (Natchez, Mississippi)
  2208. White County Courthouse (Arkansas)
  2209. White County Jail
  2210. White Covered Bridge
  2211. White Creek Historic District
  2212. White Cross–Huntley Hall
  2213. White Farm
  2214. White Feather Spring
  2215. White Furniture Company
  2216. White Grass Dude Ranch
  2217. White Grass Ranger Station Historic District
  2218. White Hall (Bear, Delaware)
  2219. White Hall (Daytona Beach, Florida)
  2220. White Hall (Ellicott City, Maryland)
  2221. White Hall (Princess Anne, Maryland)
  2222. White Hall (Spring Hill, Tennessee)
  2223. White Hall (Toano, Virginia)
  2224. White Hall (Zanoni, Virginia)
  2225. White Hall Foundry
  2226. White Hall Historic District
  2227. White Hall Plantation House
  2228. White Hall Plantation House Ruins and Oak Avenue
  2229. White Hall State Historic Site
  2230. White Horse Farm
  2231. White Horse Historic District
  2232. White Horse Ranch (Naper, Nebraska)
  2233. White Horse Tavern (Coatesville, Pennsylvania)
  2234. White Horse Tavern (Douglassville, Pennsylvania)
  2235. White Horse Tavern (East Whiteland Township, Pennsylvania)
  2236. White Horse Tavern (Newport, Rhode Island)
  2237. White House (Bastrop, Texas)
  2238. White House (Brentsville, Virginia)
  2239. White House (Casa Grande, Arizona)
  2240. White House (Christianburg, Kentucky)
  2241. White House (Helena, Arkansas)
  2242. White House (Huntsville, North Carolina)
  2243. White House (Rock Hill, South Carolina)
  2244. White House (Syracuse, New York)
  2245. White House Department Store and Hotel McCoy
  2246. White House Farm (Chestertown, Maryland)
  2247. White House Farm (Jefferson County, West Virginia)
  2248. White House Inn
  2249. White House United Methodist Church
  2250. White House of the Chickasaws
  2251. White House station
  2252. White Limestone School
  2253. White Mansion (Oakland, California)
  2254. White Meetinghouse
  2255. White Memorial Building (Syracuse, New York)
  2256. White Oak Church
  2257. White Oak Creek Covered Bridge
  2258. White Oak Hall
  2259. White Oak Historic District
  2260. White Oak New Town Historic District
  2261. White Oak Plantation
  2262. White Oaks, New Mexico
  2263. White Park (Concord, New Hampshire)
  2264. White Pine County Courthouse
  2265. White Pines State Park Lodge and Cabins
  2266. White Place Historic District (Illinois)
  2267. White Place Historic District (Massachusetts)
  2268. White Plains (Cookeville, Tennessee)
  2269. White Plains (Springville, South Carolina)
  2270. White Plains Armory
  2271. White Plains Rural Cemetery
  2272. White Post Historic District
  2273. White Potato Lake Garden Beds Site
  2274. White River Bridge
  2275. White River Bridge at Elkins
  2276. White River Entrance
  2277. White River Junction Historic District
  2278. White River Mess Hall and Dormitory
  2279. White Rock Bluffs Archeological Pictograph Site
  2280. White Rock Forge Covered Bridge
  2281. White Rock Plantation
  2282. White Rock, New Mexico
  2283. White Sands National Park
  2284. White Sands V-2 Launching Site
  2285. White Shoal Light, Michigan
  2286. White Site
  2287. White Springs Historic District
  2288. White Store Church and Evergreen Cemetery
  2289. White Street–Valdese Avenue Historic District
  2290. White Sulphur Springs (Jena, Louisiana)
  2291. White Top
  2292. White and Company's Goose Lake Stoneware Manufactury
  2293. White and Company's Goose Lake Tile Works
  2294. White's Chapel United Methodist Church
  2295. White's Mill (Abingdon, Virginia)
  2296. White's Tavern
  2297. White, Munger and Company Store
  2298. White-Baucum House
  2299. White-Holman House
  2300. White-Meyer House
  2301. White-Overton-Callander House
  2302. White-Pound House
  2303. White-Preston House
  2304. White-Warren Tenant House
  2305. Whited Grist Mill
  2306. Whitefield House and Gray Cottage
  2307. Whitefield Union Hall
  2308. Whitefish Dunes State Park
  2309. Whitefish Point Light
  2310. Whitefish station
  2311. Whiteford (Price) Archeological Site
  2312. Whiteford–Cardiff Historic District
  2313. Whitehall (Aiken County, South Carolina)
  2314. Whitehall (Annapolis, Maryland)
  2315. Whitehall (Clarksville, Tennessee)
  2316. Whitehall (Greenville, South Carolina)
  2317. Whitehall (Henry M. Flagler House)
  2318. Whitehall (Lincoln, Nebraska)
  2319. Whitehall (Saluda, South Carolina)
  2320. Whitehall Apartments
  2321. Whitehall Armory
  2322. Whitehall Farm
  2323. Whitehall Mansion
  2324. Whitehall Museum House
  2325. Whitehall Street Retail Historic District
  2326. Whitehall station (Wisconsin)
  2327. Whitehaven (Paducah, Kentucky)
  2328. Whitehaven Historic District
  2329. Whitehaven Hotel
  2330. Whitehead Lifesaving Station
  2331. Whitehead Light
  2332. Whitehead-Fogleman Farm
  2333. Whitehill House
  2334. Whitehill-Gleason Motors
  2335. Whitehorne House Museum
  2336. Whitehouse Block
  2337. Whitehouse–Mechanicsville Historic District
  2338. Whitelaw Hotel
  2339. Whitelaw Reid House
  2340. Whites Creek, Tennessee
  2341. Whitesburg Historic District
  2342. Whitescarver Hall
  2343. Whitesel Brothers
  2344. Whiteside Theatre
  2345. Whiteside, Barnett and Co. Agricultural Works
  2346. Whitestown Town Hall
  2347. Whitesville School
  2348. Whitethorn (Blacksburg, Virginia)
  2349. Whitewater Avenue Commercial Historic District
  2350. Whitewater Canal
  2351. Whitewater Hotel
  2352. Whitewater Shaker Settlement
  2353. Whitewater State Park
  2354. Whitewater station
  2355. White–Ellery House
  2356. White–Fox House Archeological Site
  2357. White–Turner–Sanford House
  2358. Whitfield Cowles House
  2359. Whitfield Estates–Broughton Street Historic District
  2360. Whitfield Estates–Lantana Avenue Historic District
  2361. Whitford G. Smith House
  2362. Whitford Garne
  2363. Whitford Hall
  2364. Whitford station
  2365. Whiting Homestead
  2366. Whiting House (Glenville, West Virginia)
  2367. Whiting Memorial Community House
  2368. Whitingham Village Historic District
  2369. Whitinsville Historic District
  2370. Whitland Area Neighborhood
  2371. Whitley County Courthouse (Indiana)
  2372. Whitley Court
  2373. Whitley Heights, Los Angeles
  2374. Whitlock Avenue Historic District
  2375. Whitlocks Mill Light
  2376. Whitman House (West Hartford, Connecticut)
  2377. Whitman Memorial Library
  2378. Whitman Mills
  2379. Whitman Mission National Historic Site
  2380. Whitman Park
  2381. Whitman Street Area Historic District
  2382. Whitman-Place House
  2383. Whitman–Cobb House
  2384. Whitney & Company (Leominster, Massachusetts)
  2385. Whitney Avenue Historic District
  2386. Whitney Farm
  2387. Whitney Mansion (Glassboro, New Jersey)
  2388. Whitney Mansion (Loudonville, New York)
  2389. Whitney Mansion (Niagara Falls, New York)
  2390. Whitney Museum of American Art (original building)
  2391. Whitney Park Historic District
  2392. Whitney Plantation Historic District
  2393. Whitney Ranch
  2394. Whitney School (Boise, Idaho)
  2395. Whitney School (Green Bay, Wisconsin)
  2396. Whitney Section House
  2397. Whitney Tavern
  2398. Whitney Tavern Stand
  2399. Whitney Young Birthplace and Museum
  2400. Whitney and Gray Building
  2401. Whitneyville Congregational Church (Hamden, Connecticut)
  2402. Whitneyville Congregational Church (Whitneyville, Maine)
  2403. Whitney–Farrington–Cook House
  2404. Whitpain Public School
  2405. Whitsett Historic District (Whitsett, North Carolina)
  2406. Whitsett Historic District (Whitsett, Pennsylvania)
  2407. Whittaker Chambers Farm
  2408. Whittaker Memorial Hospital
  2409. Whittall Mills
  2410. Whittemore House (Arlington, Massachusetts)
  2411. Whittemore House (Gloucester, Massachusetts)
  2412. Whittemore House (Washington, D.C.)
  2413. Whittemore's Tavern
  2414. Whitten Block
  2415. Whittenton Fire and Police Station
  2416. Whittenton Mills Complex
  2417. Whittier Bridge
  2418. Whittier Field
  2419. Whittier Friends Meeting House
  2420. Whittier House (Danville, Vermont)
  2421. Whittier Mansion
  2422. Whittier Mill Village
  2423. Whittier School (Logan, Utah)
  2424. Whittier School (Mitchell, South Dakota)
  2425. Whittier School (Waterloo, Iowa)
  2426. Whittier station
  2427. Whittington Park Historic District
  2428. Whittlesey culture
  2429. Wholesale District, Indianapolis
  2430. Wholesale Florists Exchange
  2431. Wholesale Row
  2432. Wianno Club
  2433. Wianno Historic District
  2434. Wiawaka Holiday House
  2435. Wiawaka bateaux
  2436. Wibaux Commercial Historic District
  2437. Wichita Central Library
  2438. Wichita City Carnegie Library Building
  2439. Wichita-Sedgwick County Historical Museum
  2440. Wick Building
  2441. Wick Park Historic District
  2442. Wick-Seiler House
  2443. Wickaboag Valley Historic District
  2444. Wickahoney Post Office and Stage Station
  2445. Wickapogue Road Historic District
  2446. Wickenburg High School
  2447. Wickenburg station
  2448. Wicker Apartments
  2449. Wicker Park, Chicago
  2450. Wickersham House (Fairbanks, Alaska)
  2451. Wickfield Round Barn
  2452. Wickford, Rhode Island
  2453. Wickham House
  2454. Wickham Road Historic District
  2455. Wickham–De Vol House
  2456. Wickiup Hill
  2457. Wickland (Bardstown, Kentucky)
  2458. Wickland (Shelbyville, Kentucky)
  2459. Wickliffe Church
  2460. Wickliffe Mounds
  2461. Wickliffe Presbyterian Church
  2462. Wicklow Hall Plantation
  2463. Wicks Building
  2464. Wide Awake Grocery Building
  2465. Widehall
  2466. Widewaters site
  2467. Widner–Magers Farm Historic District
  2468. Widow Donaldson Place
  2469. Widow Haviland's Tavern
  2470. Widow Maloby's Tavern
  2471. Widow Piper's Tavern
  2472. Widows' Home
  2473. Wiedenbeck-Dobelin Warehouse
  2474. Wiederkehr Wine Cellar
  2475. Wieland Brewery Building
  2476. Wientjes Barn and Ranch Yard
  2477. Wieting Theater
  2478. Wiggins-Collamer House
  2479. Wiggins-Rolph House
  2480. Wigglesworth Building
  2481. Wigglesworth Building (Springfield, Massachusetts)
  2482. Wightman School
  2483. Wigwam (Chula, Virginia)
  2484. Wigwam Motel
  2485. Wiichen Men's Meetinghouse
  2486. Wilber T. Reed House
  2487. Wilbor House
  2488. Wilbur Cahoon House
  2489. Wilbur D. and Hattie Cannon House
  2490. Wilbur F. Davidson House
  2491. Wilbur Fiske Haven House
  2492. Wilbur House
  2493. Wilbur J. Cohen Federal Building
  2494. Wilbur School
  2495. Wilbur Street Historic District
  2496. Wilbur T. and Rhoda Stephens Johnson House
  2497. Wilbur Theatre
  2498. Wilbur and Martha Carter House
  2499. Wilburn House
  2500. Wilby High School (1920 building)
  2501. Wilcox Building (Portland, Oregon)
  2502. Wilcox County Courthouse (Georgia)
  2503. Wilcox County Courthouse Historic District
  2504. Wilcox Farmhouse (Three Mile Bay, New York)
  2505. Wilcox Female Institute
  2506. Wilcox Octagon House
  2507. Wilcox Park
  2508. Wilcox, Crittenden Mill
  2509. Wilcox-Cutts House
  2510. Wilcoxson and Company Bank
  2511. Wild Basin House
  2512. Wild Basin Ranger Station
  2513. Wild Cow Prairie Cemetery
  2514. Wild Goose Farm
  2515. Wild Goose Pass Tree
  2516. Wild Heron
  2517. Wild River State Park
  2518. Wild's Mill Complex
  2519. Wildcat Branch Petroglyphs
  2520. Wildcat Creek Bridge
  2521. Wildcliff
  2522. Wilder Apartments
  2523. Wilder Building
  2524. Wilder Cemetery
  2525. Wilder Homestead
  2526. Wilder Street Historic District
  2527. Wilder, Vermont
  2528. Wilder-Holton House
  2529. Wilder–Swaim House
  2530. Wildfell
  2531. Wilds Hall
  2532. Wilds-Edwards House
  2533. Wildwood (Beckley, West Virginia)
  2534. Wildwood (Hot Springs, Arkansas)
  2535. Wildwood (Semora, North Carolina)
  2536. Wildwood Cemetery (Winchester, Massachusetts)
  2537. Wildwood Cemetery and Mary Lyon Fisher Memorial Chapel
  2538. Wildwood Cottage
  2539. Wildwood Hall
  2540. Wildwood House (Ferguson, Missouri)
  2541. Wildwood Park Historic District (Charles City, Iowa)
  2542. Wildwood Park Historic District (Fort Wayne, Indiana)
  2543. Wildwood Plantation
  2544. Wiley H. Bates High School
  2545. Wiley Hose Company Building
  2546. Wiley P. McNair House
  2547. Wiley Rock Schoolhouse
  2548. Wiley United Methodist Church
  2549. Wiley and Elizabeth Forbus House
  2550. Wiley and Jane Vann Brown House
  2551. Wiley, Clark & Greening Bank
  2552. Wiley-Cloud House
  2553. Wiley-Ringland House
  2554. Wilfong–Wilson Farm
  2555. Wilford H. Fawcett House
  2556. Wilford Wood House
  2557. Wilfred X. Johnson House
  2558. Wilgus Site
  2559. Wilgus State Park
  2560. Wilhauf House
  2561. Wilhelm Mansion and Carriage House
  2562. Wilhelm Pelster House-Barn
  2563. Wilhelm and William Lampe Ranch
  2564. Wilhelmina Mohle House
  2565. Wilhelmina Nelson House and Cabins
  2566. Wilkens–Robins Building
  2567. Wilkerson Place
  2568. Wilkes County Courthouse (Georgia)
  2569. Wilkes County Courthouse (North Carolina)
  2570. Wilkes Hosiery Mills
  2571. Wilkes-Barre station
  2572. Wilkesboro Presbyterian Church
  2573. Wilkesboro-Smithey Hotel
  2574. Wilkeson Arch
  2575. Wilkeson Coke Ovens
  2576. Wilkeson Community House
  2577. Wilkeson School
  2578. Wilkin County Courthouse
  2579. Wilkins Farm
  2580. Wilkins House (Athens, Georgia)
  2581. Wilkins House (Greenville, South Carolina)
  2582. Wilkins Mill Covered Bridge
  2583. Wilkinsburg station
  2584. Wilkinson House (Joelton, Tennessee)
  2585. Wilkinson House (Pocopson Township, Pennsylvania)
  2586. Wilkinson-Boineau House
  2587. Wilkinson-Dozier House
  2588. Wilkinson-Hawkinson House
  2589. Wilkinson-Keele House
  2590. Wilkinson-Martin House
  2591. Wilks Brooks House
  2592. Will County Historical Society Headquarters
  2593. Will H. Buck House
  2594. Will M. Robins House
  2595. Will Marion Cook House
  2596. Will Mayfield College
  2597. Will Reed Farm House
  2598. Will Rogers Gardens
  2599. Will Rogers High School
  2600. Will Rogers Memorial Center
  2601. Will Rogers Memorial Hospital
  2602. Will Rogers Shrine of the Sun
  2603. Will Rogers State Historic Park
  2604. Will Rogers Theatre and Commercial Block
  2605. Willa Cather Birthplace
  2606. Willa Cather House
  2607. Willacy County Courthouse
  2608. Willakenzie Grange Hall
  2609. Willam Radcliff House
  2610. Willamette Falls Locks
  2611. Willamette Heritage Center
  2612. Willamette Mission State Park
  2613. Willamette National Cemetery
  2614. Willard Asylum for the Chronic Insane
  2615. Willard B. Place House
  2616. Willard Brook Quarry
  2617. Willard Building (Grand Rapids, Michigan)
  2618. Willard Bunnell House
  2619. Willard Carpenter House
  2620. Willard Covered Bridge
  2621. Willard D. Purdy Junior High and Vocational School
  2622. Willard Greenfield Farmstead
  2623. Willard Griffin House and Carriage House
  2624. Willard Historic District
  2625. Willard Homestead (Harrisville, New Hampshire)
  2626. Willard Homestead (Newington, Connecticut)
  2627. Willard House (Cottonwood, Arizona)
  2628. Willard House and Clock Museum
  2629. Willard InterContinental Washington
  2630. Willard Library
  2631. Willard Manufacturing Company Building
  2632. Willard Memorial Chapel-Welch Memorial Hall
  2633. Willard Richmond Apartment Block
  2634. Willard and Fern Tompkins House
  2635. Willard and Josephine Hubbard House
  2636. Willard-Fisk House
  2637. Willard–Clark House
  2638. Willcox Women's Club
  2639. Willcox's
  2640. Willet Titus House
  2641. Willett House
  2642. William A. Buckingham House
  2643. William A. Curtis House
  2644. William A. Glasner House
  2645. William A. Graham Jr. Farm
  2646. William A. Hall House
  2647. William A. Haseltine House
  2648. William A. Heiss House and Buggy Shop
  2649. William A. Jeffreys House
  2650. William A. Leet and Frederick Hassler Farmstead District
  2651. William A. McHenry House
  2652. William A. Nelden House
  2653. William A. Paterson Factory Complex
  2654. William A. Ragsdale House
  2655. William A. Robinson House
  2656. William A. Rogers House
  2657. William A. Short House
  2658. William A. Witbeck House
  2659. William A. Wittmer Lustron House
  2660. William A. and Etta Baum Cottage
  2661. William A. and Ida C. Johnson House
  2662. William Adamson School
  2663. William Aiken House and Associated Railroad Structures
  2664. William Ailes House
  2665. William Alfred Moore House
  2666. William Allen Blair House
  2667. William Allen White Cabins
  2668. William Allison House (College Grove, Tennessee)
  2669. William Allison House (Spring Mills, Pennsylvania)
  2670. William Alston Rives House
  2671. William Anderson General Merchandise Store
  2672. William Anderson House
  2673. William Andre House
  2674. William Andrew House
  2675. William Andrews House
  2676. William Anzi Nichols House
  2677. William Apollos James House
  2678. William Archer House
  2679. William Augustus Bootle Federal Building and United States Courthouse
  2680. William Austin House (Park City, Utah)
  2681. William Austin House (Trumansburg, New York)
  2682. William Averiett House
  2683. William Ayers House
  2684. William B. Cronyn House
  2685. William B. Dunlap Mansion
  2686. William B. Hanna School
  2687. William B. Harris House
  2688. William B. Hayes House
  2689. William B. Holden House
  2690. William B. Hunt House
  2691. William B. Jordan Farm
  2692. William B. Sappington House
  2693. William B. Sherman Farm
  2694. William B. Spencer House
  2695. William B. Tennison (bugeye)
  2696. William B. Umstead State Park
  2697. William B. Wills House
  2698. William B. and Jennie Tufts House
  2699. William B. and Mary Chase Stratton House
  2700. William Bailey House
  2701. William Baker House
  2702. William Barker Whiskey Bonding Barn
  2703. William Barlow House
  2704. William Barnett House
  2705. William Barnwell House
  2706. William Barton House
  2707. William Baskin House
  2708. William Bates House
  2709. William Baumgardner Farm
  2710. William Bedford Sr. House
  2711. William Beers House
  2712. William Beith House
  2713. William Berly House
  2714. William Bittle Wells House
  2715. William Black Family House
  2716. William Black Homestead
  2717. William Blacklock House
  2718. William Blackwell House
  2719. William Bland House
  2720. William Blodgett House
  2721. William Blount Mansion
  2722. William Boggs Farm
  2723. William Bonner House
  2724. William Bostick House
  2725. William Bowen Lustron House
  2726. William Boyd House
  2727. William Brach House
  2728. William Brandow House
  2729. William Brattle House
  2730. William Breese Jr. House
  2731. William Briggs Homestead
  2732. William Brinton 1704 House
  2733. William Brockman Bankhead House
  2734. William Brown Building
  2735. William Brown Company Hosiery Mill
  2736. William Bryant Octagon House
  2737. William Bull III House
  2738. William Burnett House
  2739. William Burt House (Beaver, Utah)
  2740. William Buschmann Block
  2741. William Bush House
  2742. William Byrd High School Historic District
  2743. William Byrd Hotel
  2744. William C. & Jane Shaft House
  2745. William C. Boydell House
  2746. William C. Davol Jr. House
  2747. William C. Jayne House
  2748. William C. Jones House
  2749. William C. Messenger House
  2750. William C. Mooney House
  2751. William C. Nell House
  2752. William C. Sharpless House
  2753. William C. Van Arsdel House
  2754. William C. and Clara Hagerman House
  2755. William C. and Hertha Dau House
  2756. William C. and Margaret Egloff House
  2757. William C.B. Sewell House
  2758. William Campbell House (Park City, Utah)
  2759. William Campbell House (Stamping Ground, Kentucky)
  2760. William Carlos Williams House
  2761. William Carmer House
  2762. William Carter House
  2763. William Cather Homestead Site
  2764. William Cauldwell House
  2765. William Chapline House
  2766. William Chick Scarritt House
  2767. William Clark Company Thread Mill
  2768. William Clark House (Baraboo, Wisconsin)
  2769. William Clark House (Newark, New Jersey)
  2770. William Clarke Estate
  2771. William Claussen House
  2772. William Cocke House
  2773. William Colburn House
  2774. William Collins House (Fall River, Massachusetts)
  2775. William Collins House (Madison, Wisconsin)
  2776. William Conroy Honors Center
  2777. William Cook House (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
  2778. William Cook House (Mebane, North Carolina)
  2779. William Cornell Homestead
  2780. William Covert Cobblestone Farmhouse
  2781. William Crawford House
  2782. William Cree House
  2783. William Culbertson House
  2784. William Cullen Bryant Homestead
  2785. William Culmer House
  2786. William Curtis House (Newton, Massachusetts)
  2787. William D. Alexander House
  2788. William D. Bishop Cottage Development Historic District
  2789. William D. Fenton House
  2790. William D. Kuhre House
  2791. William D. Phillips Log Cabin
  2792. William D. Roberts House
  2793. William D. Skeen House
  2794. William D. Weeks Memorial Library
  2795. William Davie House (American Falls, Idaho)
  2796. William Davis Miller House
  2797. William De Clark House
  2798. William DePuy House
  2799. William Dean Howells House (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
  2800. William Dean Howells House (Kittery Point, Maine)
  2801. William Deaver House
  2802. William Decker House
  2803. William Dennis Pottery Kiln and House Site
  2804. William Derby Johnson Jr. House
  2805. William Dillard Homestead
  2806. William Dixon Fowler House
  2807. William Donaldson House
  2808. William Dorsheimer House
  2809. William Ducker House
  2810. William Dunbar House
  2811. William Dunlap Simpson House
  2812. William Dwelley House
  2813. William Dyas Barn
  2814. William E. Alden House
  2815. William E. Boeing House
  2816. William E. Borah Apartment, Windsor Lodge
  2817. William E. Brainard House
  2818. William E. Breese Sr. House
  2819. William E. Curtis House
  2820. William E. Dodge House
  2821. William E. Drummond House
  2822. William E. Ervin House
  2823. William E. Faison House
  2824. William E. Gordon House
  2825. William E. Higginbotham Elementary School
  2826. William E. Metzger House
  2827. William E. Mohler House
  2828. William E. Smith House
  2829. William E. Ward House
  2830. William E. Wells House
  2831. William E. Wheeler House
  2832. William E. and Frederica M. Zuendt House
  2833. William Edgar Haymond House
  2834. William Edward Mattocks House
  2835. William Edwards Farmhouse
  2836. William Ellery Leonard House
  2837. William Elliott White House
  2838. William Ellixson House
  2839. William English House
  2840. William Enston Home
  2841. William Everhart Buildings
  2842. William Everhart House
  2843. William F. Beer Estate
  2844. William F. Bradbury House
  2845. William F. Butler House
  2846. William F. Grant House
  2847. William F. Henneberry Homestead
  2848. William F. Jahn Farmstead
  2849. William F. Kessler House
  2850. William F. Mangels Four-Row Carousel
  2851. William F. Norton House
  2852. William F. Perry House
  2853. William F. Perry Monument
  2854. William F. Pierce House
  2855. William F. Tuckerman House
  2856. William F. and Julia Crome House
  2857. William Ferdon House
  2858. William Ferguson Farm
  2859. William Fields House
  2860. William Findley House
  2861. William Fisher Polygonal Barn
  2862. William Fitzgerald Block
  2863. William Floyd House
  2864. William Fogg Library
  2865. William Forst House
  2866. William Foster House
  2867. William Fountain House
  2868. William Frangenheim House
  2869. William Franklin and Rebecca Durell House
  2870. William Frantz Elementary School
  2871. William Frederick Holmes House
  2872. William Frick House
  2873. William Friend Young House
  2874. William G. Blakely House
  2875. William G. Harrison House
  2876. William G. Kenaston House
  2877. William G. LeDuc House
  2878. William G. Milne House
  2879. William G. Morgan House
  2880. William G. Smith House (Bullock, North Carolina)
  2881. William G. Smith House (Davenport, Iowa)
  2882. William G. and Anne Williams House
  2883. William Gabbert House
  2884. William Garrett Plantation
  2885. William Gaston Caperton Jr. House
  2886. William Gedamke House
  2887. William Gibbes House
  2888. William Gibbs House
  2889. William Gibbs McAdoo House
  2890. William Goadby Loew House
  2891. William Gonnerman House
  2892. William Gooch Tomb and York Village Archeological Site
  2893. William Goodale House
  2894. William Gorton Farm
  2895. William Grant High School
  2896. William Gray House
  2897. William Gray Warden House
  2898. William Green House (Ewing Township, New Jersey)
  2899. William Green House (Rochester, Iowa)
  2900. William Greenwood House
  2901. William Griffin Fuller House
  2902. William Grubb Farm
  2903. William Gunnell House (Great Falls, Virginia)
  2904. William H. & William S. Edwards House
  2905. William H. Berg House
  2906. William H. Brown House
  2907. William H. Bucher House
  2908. William H. Burton House
  2909. William H. Charlton House
  2910. William H. Cook Water Tank House
  2911. William H. Davenport House
  2912. William H. Emery Jr. House
  2913. William H. Ferguson House
  2914. William H. Gentry House
  2915. William H. Gleason House
  2916. William H. Grant House (Middleport, Ohio)
  2917. William H. Grant House (Richmond, Virginia)
  2918. William H. Griffitts House
  2919. William H. Grogan House
  2920. William H. H. Graham House
  2921. William H. Harrison School
  2922. William H. Harvey House
  2923. William H. Hatch House
  2924. William H. Holcomb House
  2925. William H. Hull House
  2926. William H. Johnson House
  2927. William H. Lee House
  2928. William H. Lewis Model House
  2929. William H. Lightle House
  2930. William H. Long House
  2931. William H. Long Memorial
  2932. William H. Martin House
  2933. William H. McCreery House
  2934. William H. McElwain School
  2935. William H. McGuffey Boyhood Home Site
  2936. William H. McGuffey House
  2937. William H. McGuffey Primary School
  2938. William H. Moore House
  2939. William H. Norwood House
  2940. William H. Phipps House
  2941. William H. Ray House
  2942. William H. Roberts House
  2943. William H. Rose House
  2944. William H. Sabine House
  2945. William H. Seward House
  2946. William H. Smith House
  2947. William H. Spurgeon
  2948. William H. Thompson Farmstead
  2949. William H. Towles House
  2950. William H. Trusty House
  2951. William H. Tyler House
  2952. William H. Van Epps House
  2953. William H. VanderHeyden House
  2954. William H. Vincent House
  2955. William H. Waterhouse House
  2956. William H. Welch House
  2957. William H. Wells House
  2958. William H. White House
  2959. William H. Yawkey Boathouse
  2960. William H. and Alice Bailey House
  2961. William H. and Alma Downer Campbell House
  2962. William H. and Sabrina Watson House
  2963. William H. and Sarah D. Meneray House
  2964. William Hagerman Farmstead
  2965. William Hagler House
  2966. William Hale House
  2967. William Hall Walker Gymnasium
  2968. William Hamilton House
  2969. William Haner Polygonal Barn
  2970. William Harmon House (Lima, New York)
  2971. William Harmon House (Miles City, Montana)
  2972. William Harris Homestead
  2973. William Harris House (Brattleboro, Vermont)
  2974. William Harrison McCord House
  2975. William Harrison Sapp House
  2976. William Hartman Farmstead
  2977. William Harvey House
  2978. William Haskell House
  2979. William Havens House
  2980. William Hawk Cabin
  2981. William Hayden House (Albany, Vermont)
  2982. William Hayden House (Tecumseh, Michigan)
  2983. William Hayward House
  2984. William Helffrich House
  2985. William Hemmelberg House
  2986. William Henry Brisbane House
  2987. William Henry Harrison Tomb State Memorial
  2988. William Henry Ludlow House
  2989. William Henry Luick Farmhouse
  2990. William Henry Seward Memorial
  2991. William Henry Watson Homestead
  2992. William Henry and Lilla Luce Harrison House
  2993. William Henry and Lucinda McCaslin Farm House
  2994. William Henry and Sarah Holderness House
  2995. William Hicklen House
  2996. William Hickman House
  2997. William Hill Polygonal Barn
  2998. William Hilleary House (Bladensburg, Maryland)
  2999. William Hodgson Two-Family House
  3000. William Hogg House
  3001. William Holbrook House
  3002. William Holdrum House
  3003. William Hollister House
  3004. William Hood House
  3005. William Hooper School
  3006. William Hoopes House
  3007. William Hopkins House
  3008. William Horton Farmhouse
  3009. William Hoster House
  3010. William Houston Craig House
  3011. William Howard Taft National Historic Site
  3012. William Howell House, Storm Cellar
  3013. William Huffman Cobblestone House
  3014. William Hurd House
  3015. William I. Cole House
  3016. William I. and Magdalen M. Goff House
  3017. William Ingersoll Bowditch House
  3018. William Ingersoll Estate
  3019. William Irving House
  3020. William J. Barnard Residence
  3021. William J. Bernd House (Arch Avenue, New Richmond, Wisconsin)
  3022. William J. Bernd House (Second Street, New Richmond, Wisconsin)
  3023. William J. Braitsch and Company Plant
  3024. William J. Bryce House
  3025. William J. Burns House
  3026. William J. Cayce House
  3027. William J. Clark House
  3028. William J. Dickey House
  3029. William J. Fantle House
  3030. William J. Gillett House
  3031. William J. Graham House
  3032. William J. Greenman House
  3033. William J. Gregory House
  3034. William J. Hawkins House
  3035. William J. Holloway Jr. United States Courthouse
  3036. William J. Leverett House
  3037. William J. Murphy House
  3038. William J. Nealon Federal Building and United States Courthouse
  3039. William J. Paugh House
  3040. William J. Reimbold House
  3041. William J. Rotch Gothic Cottage
  3042. William J. Ryan Estate
  3043. William J. Wilson House
  3044. William J. and Hattie J. Zitterell House
  3045. William J. and Lizzie Cullimore House
  3046. William J. and Lovila (Wooley) Moore House
  3047. William Jacob Heller House
  3048. William James and Edna Cordner House
  3049. William Jasper Johnson House
  3050. William Jennings Bryan Boyhood Home
  3051. William Jennings Bryan Dorn Veterans Affairs Medical Center
  3052. William Jennings Bryan House (Asheville, North Carolina)
  3053. William Jennings Bryan House (Lincoln, Nebraska)
  3054. William Jerome I House
  3055. William Jillson Stone House
  3056. William Johnson House (Fruitdale, South Dakota)
  3057. William Johnson House (Natchez, Mississippi)
  3058. William Julius "Judy" Johnson House
  3059. William K. Eastman House
  3060. William K. and Nellie (Harper) Sexton House
  3061. William Kauffman House
  3062. William Kennison Wood House
  3063. William Kenyon House
  3064. William Kenzo Nakamura United States Courthouse
  3065. William Kerr House
  3066. William Kimbrough Pendleton House
  3067. William King Beck House
  3068. William King Covell III House
  3069. William Kirby Walsh House
  3070. William Kirk House
  3071. William Kitchen House
  3072. William Koger House (Smithsonia, Alabama)
  3073. William L. Church House
  3074. William L. Coleman House
  3075. William L. Dickinson High School
  3076. William L. Gregg House
  3077. William L. Holmes House
  3078. William L. Hurst Law Office
  3079. William L. Linke House
  3080. William L. Lords House
  3081. William L. Slayton House
  3082. William L. Terry House
  3083. William L. Vary House
  3084. William L. Welsh Terrace
  3085. William L. White Jr. House
  3086. William L. and Mary Watkins House
  3087. William L. and Sydney V. Murphy House
  3088. William Lampman House
  3089. William Landsberg House
  3090. William Lanford House
  3091. William Lawrence House (Bellefontaine, Ohio)
  3092. William Lawrence House (Taunton, Massachusetts)
  3093. William Leaton House
  3094. William Lee and Eudora Courtney Bazoon Farmstead
  3095. William Leonard Crowder Home Place
  3096. William Lewis House (Waxahachie, Texas)
  3097. William Lindsey House (Fall River, Massachusetts)
  3098. William Livermore House
  3099. William Lloyd Garrison House
  3100. William Lloyd Garrison School
  3101. William Lowndes Yancey Law Office
  3102. William Lowry House (Bentonville, Indiana)
  3103. William Luelleman House
  3104. William Luther House
  3105. William M. Black (dredge)
  3106. William M. Cockrum House
  3107. William M. Connell School
  3108. William M. Davis House
  3109. William M. Manley House
  3110. William M. McMurry House
  3111. William M. Meredith School
  3112. William M. Nash House
  3113. William M. Shaw House
  3114. William M. Steger Federal Building and United States Courthouse
  3115. William Mackey House (Cornwall, Virginia)
  3116. William Mackey House (Houston, Texas)
  3117. William Madison Otey House
  3118. William Manatt House
  3119. William Marshall Anderson House
  3120. William Marston House
  3121. William Martin Armistead House
  3122. William Martin House (Brentwood, Tennessee)
  3123. William Mathers House
  3124. William McCallum House
  3125. William McCormick Blair Estate
  3126. William McDiarmid House
  3127. William McEchron House
  3128. William McFarland House
  3129. William McJunkin House
  3130. William McKenney House
  3131. William McKinstry Farmhouse
  3132. William McKinstry Jr. House
  3133. William McLachlan Farmhouse
  3134. William Merritt Chase Homestead
  3135. William Miles Tiernan House
  3136. William Miller Farm
  3137. William Minott House
  3138. William Mitchell House
  3139. William Mizell Sr. House
  3140. William Moats Farm
  3141. William Monroe Trotter House
  3142. William Montgomery House (Lancaster, Pennsylvania)
  3143. William Moore Jr. House
  3144. William Morgan Farm
  3145. William Morgan House (Beaver, Utah)
  3146. William Mowry House
  3147. William Moyes Jr. House
  3148. William Murphy House
  3149. William Murray House
  3150. William N. Thompson House
  3151. William N. Violett House
  3152. William Nelson Camp Jr. House
  3153. William Nicholas Straub House
  3154. William Nichols Cobblestone Farmhouse
  3155. William Norcross House
  3156. William Noyes Farmstead
  3157. William O. Douglas Federal Building
  3158. William O. Munsell House
  3159. William Oakland Round Barn
  3160. William Ogburn House
  3161. William Ogilvie House
  3162. William Orr House
  3163. William P. Hall House
  3164. William P. Hepburn House
  3165. William P. Heryford House
  3166. William P. Mason House
  3167. William P. Morrow House
  3168. William P. Robinson House
  3169. William P. Smith House (Stickney, South Dakota)
  3170. William P. Stroman House
  3171. William P. Warnock House
  3172. William P. and Rosa Lee Martin Farm
  3173. William Page House
  3174. William Painter Farm
  3175. William Palmer Residence
  3176. William Park House
  3177. William Parker Caldwell House
  3178. William Parker House
  3179. William Parker Straw House
  3180. William Payne House
  3181. William Peabody House
  3182. William Penn High School (North Carolina)
  3183. William Penn Landing Site
  3184. William Penn Snyder House
  3185. William Penn University
  3186. William Pepperrell House
  3187. William Perkins House
  3188. William Perrin House
  3189. William Perrin Nicolson House
  3190. William Peter Webb House
  3191. William Peters House
  3192. William Phaup House
  3193. William Pinckney Reinhardt House
  3194. William Pinto House
  3195. William Pitt Eastman House
  3196. William Poeschel House
  3197. William Poole House
  3198. William Post Mansion
  3199. William Potter House
  3200. William Prentiss House
  3201. William Prindle Livery Stable
  3202. William Proctor House (Arlington, Massachusetts)
  3203. William Proctor House (Marengo, Indiana)
  3204. William R. Bateman House
  3205. William R. Belknap School
  3206. William R. Cotter Federal Building
  3207. William R. Davie House
  3208. William R. Gant Farm
  3209. William R. Griffith House
  3210. William R. Jones House
  3211. William R. Kirby Sr. House
  3212. William R. Moore Dry Goods Building
  3213. William R. Smith House
  3214. William R. Stafford House
  3215. William R. Wing Farm Complex
  3216. William R. Wolf House
  3217. William R. and Martha Foster Shriver House
  3218. William Rainey Harper Log House
  3219. William Rand Tavern
  3220. William Randolph House
  3221. William Rankin and Elizabeth Wharton Smith House
  3222. William Rea Store
  3223. William Redding House
  3224. William Resor House
  3225. William Reuben Nims House
  3226. William Richardson House
  3227. William Riggert House
  3228. William Riley Abbott House
  3229. William Ritzman House
  3230. William Robb House
  3231. William Robertson House
  3232. William Rogers House (Bishopville, South Carolina)
  3233. William Ross Rust House
  3234. William Rossiter House
  3235. William Rowen School
  3236. William Russell Allen House
  3237. William Russell House (Lewes, Delaware)
  3238. William S. Bailey House
  3239. William S. Campbell House
  3240. William S. Clark House
  3241. William S. Edsall House
  3242. William S. Gerity House
  3243. William S. Gilliland Log Cabin and Cemetery
  3244. William S. Peirce School
  3245. William S. Simmons Plantation
  3246. William S. Smith House
  3247. William S. Townsend House
  3248. William S. Warfield House
  3249. William S. Weir Jr. House
  3250. William S. and Mary Beckett House
  3251. William Saunders House
  3252. William Sauntry House and Recreation Hall
  3253. William Sayers Homestead
  3254. William Scarbrough House
  3255. William Scott Farmstead
  3256. William Seabrook House
  3257. William Seel Building
  3258. William Sever House
  3259. William Sewall House
  3260. William Shaver House
  3261. William Shay Double House
  3262. William Shelly School and Annex
  3263. William Shelton House
  3264. William Shepherd House
  3265. William Sherman Jennings House
  3266. William Shipsey House
  3267. William Shirts House
  3268. William Sidenfaden House
  3269. William Sidney Mount House
  3270. William Sidney Porter House
  3271. William Simonds House
  3272. William Skelly
  3273. William Smith House (Aurora, Colorado)
  3274. William Smith House (Hamilton, Virginia)
  3275. William Smith House (Wrightstown, Pennsylvania)
  3276. William Smith Ingham House
  3277. William Soaper Farm
  3278. William Spence House
  3279. William Stearns House
  3280. William Steele House
  3281. William Stevens House (Clinton, Connecticut)
  3282. William Stevens House (Kenton, Delaware)
  3283. William Stimpson House
  3284. William Stolte Jr. House
  3285. William Stolte Sr. House
  3286. William Stone House
  3287. William Stoutenburgh House
  3288. William Street Historic District
  3289. William Street School
  3290. William Strickland Row
  3291. William Strongman House
  3292. William Stuart Seeley House
  3293. William Sturgis House
  3294. William Suiter House
  3295. William Swain House
  3296. William Swarthout Farm
  3297. William Swortz House
  3298. William Syphax School
  3299. William T. Alexander House
  3300. William T. Donnell House
  3301. William T. E. Wilson Homestead
  3302. William T. Goodrich House
  3303. William T. Hendrick House
  3304. William T. Leitch House
  3305. William T. Shepard House
  3306. William T. Sutherlin Mansion
  3307. William T. Tilden Middle School
  3308. William T. Tull House
  3309. William T. Vitt House
  3310. William T. Vogler Cottage
  3311. William T. and Clara H. Veazie House
  3312. William Talley House (Safford, Arizona)
  3313. William Talley House (Wilmington, Delaware)
  3314. William Tanner House Museum
  3315. William Taylor House (Middleport, New York)
  3316. William Taylor House (Resaca, Georgia)
  3317. William Teague House
  3318. William Terrell Homeplace
  3319. William Thomas Abington House
  3320. William Thomas House
  3321. William Thomas O'Brien House
  3322. William Thomas Turner Barn
  3323. William Thompson House (Camden, Tennessee)
  3324. William Thompson Jr. House
  3325. William Tichenor House
  3326. William Treadwell House
  3327. William Trent House
  3328. William Trowbridge Forbes House
  3329. William Tully House
  3330. William Ulmer Brewery
  3331. William Upton House
  3332. William V. Carr House
  3333. William V. N. Barlow House
  3334. William Van Asch House-Huibert Debooy Commercial Room
  3335. William Virts House
  3336. William W. Axe School
  3337. William W. Early House (Brandywine, Maryland)
  3338. William W. Gray House
  3339. William W. Jarvis House
  3340. William W. Johnson House
  3341. William W. Kimball House
  3342. William W. Marsh House
  3343. William W. Van Ness House
  3344. William W. Webster House
  3345. William W. and Elizabeth J. Ainsworth House
  3346. William Waddell House
  3347. William Waller House
  3348. William Ward Jr. House
  3349. William Warren Two Rivers House Site and Peter McDougall Farmstead
  3350. William Washington Seay House
  3351. William Waterfield House
  3352. William Waterman House
  3353. William Watkins House
  3354. William Watts Sherman House
  3355. William Weaver House
  3356. William Weigle House and Water Tank
  3357. William Welch House
  3358. William Wellington House
  3359. William Wells House
  3360. William Werner House
  3361. William Westcott House
  3362. William Westerfeld House
  3363. William Whalley Homestead
  3364. William Wheeler House (Victoria, Texas)
  3365. William Whitaker Landscape and House
  3366. William Whitehead House
  3367. William Whitley House State Historic Site
  3368. William Whitney House
  3369. William Wiggins House
  3370. William Williams House (Lebanon, Connecticut)
  3371. William Wilson House (Gerrardstown, West Virginia)
  3372. William Winston House
  3373. William Winter Stone House
  3374. William Wombough House
  3375. William Wooden Wood House
  3376. William Woodruff House
  3377. William Woodward House
  3378. William Wright Faison House
  3379. William Wrigley Jr. Summer Cottage
  3380. William Young House
  3381. William Young House (New Albany, Indiana)
  3382. William Young Site
  3383. William and Agnes Gilkerson Farm
  3384. William and Amanda J. Ellis Farmstead Historic District
  3385. William and Ann Bringhurst House
  3386. William and Annie MacMaster House
  3387. William and Caroline Gibbs House
  3388. William and Caroline Schall House
  3389. William and Catherine Biggs Farm
  3390. William and Catherine Davern Farm House
  3391. William and Eliza Hawkins House
  3392. William and Elizabeth (Bodanzky) Muschenheim House
  3393. William and Elizabeth McLaren House
  3394. William and Estella Adair Farm
  3395. William and Helen Coffeen House
  3396. William and Helen Koerting House
  3397. William and Jane Phinney House
  3398. William and Jennette Sloane House
  3399. William and Julia Lyman House
  3400. William and Margaret McFarland Core Farm
  3401. William and Margaret Mecum House
  3402. William and Margot Kessler House
  3403. William and Mary (Messersmith) Seerley Barn and Milkhouse-Smokehouse
  3404. William and Mary Farnum House
  3405. William and Mary Hosmer House
  3406. William and Mary Jane Louden House
  3407. William and Mary Shelton Farmstead
  3408. William and Mordecai Evans House
  3409. William and Nora Ream House
  3410. William and Phebe C. Dunn House
  3411. William and Sue Damour House
  3412. William and Susan Evans House
  3413. William and Susan Savage House
  3414. William and Susanna Geenen House
  3415. William and Victoria Pulver House
  3416. Williams Air Force Base
  3417. Williams Block
  3418. Williams Bridge
  3419. Williams Chapel A.M.E. Church
  3420. Williams County Courthouse
  3421. Williams Creek School (Gillespie County, Texas)
  3422. Williams Deluxe Cabins
  3423. Williams Family Farm
  3424. Williams Farm (Rhinebeck, New York)
  3425. Williams Free Library
  3426. Williams Grove
  3427. Williams Grove School
  3428. Williams Historic Business District
  3429. Williams House (Fort Lauderdale, Florida)
  3430. Williams House (New Fairfield, Connecticut)
  3431. Williams House (Odessa, Delaware)
  3432. Williams House (Richlands, Virginia)
  3433. Williams House (Searcy, Arkansas)
  3434. Williams House (Stevensville, Montana)
  3435. Williams House (Tallahassee, Florida)
  3436. Williams House (Ulmer, South Carolina)
  3437. Williams House and Associated Farmstead
  3438. Williams Memorial Park Historic District
  3439. Williams Place
  3440. Williams Plains (Bowie, Maryland)
  3441. Williams Products Corporation
  3442. Williams Residential Historic District
  3443. Williams River Route 5 Bridge
  3444. Williams School (Cameron, Oklahoma)
  3445. Williams Street Extension Historic District
  3446. Williams and Stancliff Octagon Houses
  3447. Williams' Conquest
  3448. Williams' Store
  3449. Williams-Ball-Copeland House
  3450. Williams-Cole House
  3451. Williams-Gierth House
  3452. Williams-Harrison House
  3453. Williams-Moore-Hillsman House
  3454. Williams-Warren-Zimmerman House
  3455. Williams-Wootton House
  3456. Williamsbridge Oval
  3457. Williamsburg Cemetery
  3458. Williamsburg Center Historic District
  3459. Williamsburg Historic District (Williamsburg, Pennsylvania)
  3460. Williamsburg Houses
  3461. Williamsburg Inn
  3462. Williamsburgh Savings Bank Building (175 Broadway)
  3463. Williamson College of the Trades
  3464. Williamson County Courthouse Historic District
  3465. Williamson County Jail
  3466. Williamson Field House
  3467. Williamson Hall (Arkansas Tech University)
  3468. Williamson Historic District
  3469. Williamson House (Goshen, New Hampshire)
  3470. Williamson House (Little Rock, Arkansas)
  3471. Williamson House (Louisburg, North Carolina)
  3472. Williamson Mausoleum at Orphans Cemetery
  3473. Williamson Mound Archeological District
  3474. Williamson Page House
  3475. Williamson School (Williamson, Iowa)
  3476. Williamson Site
  3477. Williamson-Kennedy School
  3478. Williamson–Russell–Rahilly House
  3479. Williamsport Armory
  3480. Williamsport Historic District
  3481. Williamston Colored School
  3482. Williamston Commercial Historic District
  3483. Williamston Downtown Historic District
  3484. Williamston Historic District
  3485. Williamston–Woodland Historic District
  3486. Williamstown Rail Yard and Station Historic District
  3487. Williamsville (Studley, Virginia)
  3488. Williamsville Christian Church
  3489. Williamsville Covered Bridge
  3490. Williamsville South High School
  3491. Williamsville Water Mill Complex
  3492. Williams–Brown House and Store
  3493. Williams–DuBois House
  3494. Williams–Ligon House
  3495. Williams–Linscott House
  3496. Williams–Powell House
  3497. Williams–Woodland Park Historic District
  3498. Willie D. Atkeson House
  3499. Willie Lamb Post No. 26 American Legion Hut
  3500. Willie T. McArthur Farm
  3501. Williford Methodist Church
  3502. Williges Building
  3503. Willimantic Armory
  3504. Willimantic Elks Club
  3505. Willimantic Footbridge
  3506. Willimantic Freight House and Office
  3507. Willin Village Archeological Site
  3508. Willington Common Historic District
  3509. Willis Allen House
  3510. Willis Avenue Station
  3511. Willis G. Clark House
  3512. Willis Hall (Carleton College)
  3513. Willis House (Grand Encampment, Wyoming)
  3514. Willis House (York, Pennsylvania)
  3515. Willis M. Graves House
  3516. Willis Mickle House
  3517. Willis Noll House
  3518. Willis Presbyterian Church and Cemetery
  3519. Willis S. Blatchley House
  3520. Willis-Sale-Stennett House
  3521. Willisburg Historic District
  3522. Williston (Orange, Virginia)
  3523. Williston Congregational Church
  3524. Williston High School (North Dakota)
  3525. Williston Historic District
  3526. Williston Mill Historic District
  3527. Williston Village Historic District
  3528. Williston-West Church and Parish House
  3529. Willis–Selden Historic District
  3530. Willits House
  3531. Willits station
  3532. Willmar Municipal Airport
  3533. Willmering Tourist Cabins Historic District
  3534. Willoughby Gregory House
  3535. Willoughby–Baylor House
  3536. Willoughby–Suydam Historic District
  3537. Willow Beach Gauging Station
  3538. Willow City School (Gillespie County, Texas)
  3539. Willow Consolidated High School
  3540. Willow Creek Bridge
  3541. Willow Dell
  3542. Willow Glenn
  3543. Willow Grove (Greensboro, Maryland)
  3544. Willow Grove (Madison Mills, Virginia)
  3545. Willow Lake (Marshallville, Georgia)
  3546. Willow Mill Complex
  3547. Willow Park Patrol Cabin
  3548. Willow Park Stable
  3549. Willow Prairie Cabin
  3550. Willow Shade
  3551. Willow Wall
  3552. Willowbrook Museum Village
  3553. Willowdale (Painter, Virginia)
  3554. Willowmere
  3555. Willows Hotel
  3556. Willows-Glenn County Airport
  3557. Willow–Bluff–3rd Street Historic District
  3558. Willow–Spence Streets Historic District
  3559. Wills Creek Bollman Bridge
  3560. Wills Eye Hospital
  3561. Willsboro Congregational Church
  3562. Willson House
  3563. Willtown
  3564. Willys–Overland Block
  3565. Willys–Overland Building
  3566. Wilma Theatre (Missoula, Montana)
  3567. Wilmanor Apartments
  3568. Wilmarth School
  3569. Wilmer House
  3570. Wilmette station (Chicago and North Western Railway)
  3571. Wilmington Branch
  3572. Wilmington Bridge
  3573. Wilmington Centre Village Historic District
  3574. Wilmington Club
  3575. Wilmington Historic District
  3576. Wilmington National Cemetery
  3577. Wilmington Rail Viaduct
  3578. Wilmington Savings Fund Society Building
  3579. Wilmington Trust Company Bank
  3580. Wilmington Village Historic District
  3581. Wilmington YMCA (Wilmington, Delaware)
  3582. Wilmington and Western Railroad
  3583. Wilmington station (Delaware)
  3584. Wilmot House
  3585. Wilmot Mansion
  3586. Wilmot United Brethren Church
  3587. Wiloma
  3588. Wilpen Hall
  3589. Wilshire Boulevard Temple
  3590. Wilshire Branch Library
  3591. Wilshire Federal Building
  3592. Wilson A. Hart House
  3593. Wilson Alwyn "Snowflake" Bentley House
  3594. Wilson Avenue station
  3595. Wilson Barn
  3596. Wilson Block (Dallas, Texas)
  3597. Wilson Bridge (Delphi, Indiana)
  3598. Wilson Bruce Evans House
  3599. Wilson Building (Camden, New Jersey)
  3600. Wilson Building (Clinton, Iowa)
  3601. Wilson Building (Dallas)
  3602. Wilson Building (Fairfield, Iowa)
  3603. Wilson Butte Cave
  3604. Wilson Cemetery
  3605. Wilson Central Business–Tobacco Warehouse Historic District
  3606. Wilson College (Pennsylvania)
  3607. Wilson Commercial Historic District
  3608. Wilson Community House
  3609. Wilson Cottage
  3610. Wilson County Courthouse (North Carolina)
  3611. Wilson County Courthouse and Jail
  3612. Wilson Dam
  3613. Wilson District No. 7 School
  3614. Wilson Eyre House
  3615. Wilson Feed Mill
  3616. Wilson Hall (Arkansas Tech University)
  3617. Wilson Hall (Bucksport, Maine)
  3618. Wilson High School Gymnasium
  3619. Wilson Hotel
  3620. Wilson House (Alberton, Montana)
  3621. Wilson House (Cambridge, Idaho)
  3622. Wilson House (Fort Mill, South Carolina)
  3623. Wilson House (Garrison, New York)
  3624. Wilson House (Palo Alto, California)
  3625. Wilson House (Russellville, Arkansas)
  3626. Wilson House (York, South Carolina)
  3627. Wilson House and Farmstead
  3628. Wilson I Site
  3629. Wilson Junior High School
  3630. Wilson Kindley Farm and Kindley Mine
  3631. Wilson Larimore House
  3632. Wilson Log House
  3633. Wilson Mill-Old Burlington Road District
  3634. Wilson Motor Company
  3635. Wilson Mounds and Village Site
  3636. Wilson Park Historic District
  3637. Wilson Park Houses
  3638. Wilson Power and Light Company Ice Plant
  3639. Wilson Pratt Truss Bridge
  3640. Wilson Residential Historic District
  3641. Wilson River Bridge
  3642. Wilson School (Clear Spring, Maryland)
  3643. Wilson School (Mannington, West Virginia)
  3644. Wilson Warehouse
  3645. Wilson's Bridge
  3646. Wilson's Creek National Battlefield
  3647. Wilson's Diner
  3648. Wilson's Inheritance
  3649. Wilson's Mill Covered Bridge
  3650. Wilson-Clary House
  3651. Wilson-Courtney House
  3652. Wilson-Gibson House
  3653. Wilson-Martin House
  3654. Wilson-Pittman-Campbell-Gregory House
  3655. Wilson-Vines House
  3656. Wilson-Wodrow-Mytinger House
  3657. Wilson-Young House
  3658. Wilsonia, California
  3659. Wilson–Chambers Mortuary
  3660. Wilson–Finlay House
  3661. Wilson–Finney–Land House
  3662. Wilson–Kuykendall Farm
  3663. Wilson–Lenox House
  3664. Wilson–Miller Farm
  3665. Wilson–South House
  3666. Wilson–Winslow House
  3667. Wilton (Wilton, Virginia)
  3668. Wilton (Wye Mills, Maryland)
  3669. Wilton Candy Kitchen
  3670. Wilton Center Historic District
  3671. Wilton Commercial Historic District
  3672. Wilton Free Public Library
  3673. Wilton Historic District
  3674. Wilton House Museum
  3675. Wilton Public and Gregg Free Library
  3676. Wilton Town Hall
  3677. Wilton station (Arkansas)
  3678. Wilton station (Iowa)
  3679. Wilton station (North Dakota)
  3680. Wimbish House
  3681. Wimbledon station (North Dakota)
  3682. Win-Mock Farm Dairy
  3683. Winand Toussaint House
  3684. Winchendon Village Historic District
  3685. Winchester Auto Store
  3686. Winchester Center Historic District
  3687. Winchester Coca-Cola Bottling Works
  3688. Winchester Courthouse Square Historic District
  3689. Winchester Dam
  3690. Winchester Downtown Commercial District
  3691. Winchester Historic District (Winchester, Illinois)
  3692. Winchester Historic District (Winchester, Virginia)
  3693. Winchester House (Natchez, Mississippi)
  3694. Winchester Memorial Church
  3695. Winchester Mountain Lookout
  3696. Winchester Mystery House
  3697. Winchester National Cemetery
  3698. Winchester Repeating Arms Company Historic District
  3699. Winchester Residential Historic District
  3700. Winchester Savings Bank
  3701. Winchester Soldiers' Monument
  3702. Winchester Square Historic District
  3703. Winchester Town Hall (Massachusetts)
  3704. Winchester Town Hall (New Hampshire)
  3705. Wind Cave National Park Administrative and Utility Area Historic District
  3706. Wind Point Light
  3707. Wind River Agency Blockhouse
  3708. Wind Springs Ranch
  3709. Windber Historic District
  3710. Windego Park Auditorium/Open Air Theater
  3711. Winder Building
  3712. Windermere (Moultonborough, New Hampshire)
  3713. Windermere Town Hall
  3714. Windfall Dutch Barn
  3715. Windfall Harbor Shelter Cabin
  3716. Windham Center Historic District
  3717. Windham Village Historic District
  3718. Windmill Cottage
  3719. Windmill Hill (Dublin, New Hampshire)
  3720. Windmill Hill Historic District
  3721. Windmill Quaker State
  3722. Windmill at Water Mill
  3723. Windom Mill Farm
  3724. Windover Archeological Site
  3725. Windrem House
  3726. Windrose Site
  3727. Windsor (Cascade, Virginia)
  3728. Windsor (Port Penn, Delaware)
  3729. Windsor Avenue Congregational Church
  3730. Windsor Beach Apartments
  3731. Windsor Castle (Smithfield, Virginia)
  3732. Windsor Castle (Toano, Virginia)
  3733. Windsor Cotton Mills Office
  3734. Windsor Court Historic District
  3735. Windsor Farms Historic District
  3736. Windsor Forge Mansion
  3737. Windsor Harbor Road Bridge
  3738. Windsor Hills Historic District
  3739. Windsor Historic District (Windsor, North Carolina)
  3740. Windsor Hotel (Garden City, Kansas)
  3741. Windsor House (Windsor, Vermont)
  3742. Windsor Locks station
  3743. Windsor Mills Christ Church Episcopal
  3744. Windsor Mills Covered Bridge
  3745. Windsor Park Historic District
  3746. Windsor Plantation
  3747. Windsor Print Works
  3748. Windsor Road Historic District
  3749. Windsor Ruins
  3750. Windsor Shades
  3751. Windsor Shire Council Chambers
  3752. Windsor Village Historic District (Windsor, New York)
  3753. Windsor Village Historic District (Windsor, Vermont)
  3754. Windsor W. Calkins House
  3755. Windsor station (Connecticut)
  3756. Windsor, New Jersey
  3757. Windswept (Steuben, Maine)
  3758. Windswept Acres-Powers House
  3759. Windswept Farm
  3760. Windust Caves Archaeological District
  3761. Windway
  3762. Windy Run Grade School
  3763. Winecoff House
  3764. Winegardner Village
  3765. Winehaven, California
  3766. Winemiller Family Farm
  3767. Winfall Historic District
  3768. Winfield Corners Stone House
  3769. Winfield House (Quincy, Massachusetts)
  3770. Winfield Methodist Church
  3771. Winfield National Bank Building
  3772. Winfield Public Carnegie Library
  3773. Winfield Smouse House
  3774. Wing Family Cemetery
  3775. Wing Fort House
  3776. Wing Hall (Ithaca, New York)
  3777. Wing House Museum
  3778. Wing Park Golf Course
  3779. Wing's Neck Light
  3780. Wing-Northup House
  3781. Wingate Commercial Historic District
  3782. Winged Foot Golf Club
  3783. Wingmead
  3784. Wingra Park Historic District
  3785. Wingspread
  3786. Wing–Allore House
  3787. Winkelman Bridge
  3788. Winks Panorama
  3789. Winn Farm
  3790. Winn Memorial Library
  3791. Winn Road School
  3792. Winnebago County Courthouse (Iowa)
  3793. Winnebago County Courthouse (Wisconsin)
  3794. Winnebago River Bridge
  3795. Winnemucca Grammar School
  3796. Winnemucca Hotel
  3797. Winnemucca Main Post Office
  3798. Winnetoon Jail
  3799. Winnett Block
  3800. Winnett School
  3801. Winnibigoshish Lake Dam
  3802. Winnie Davis Hall
  3803. Winnifred Street Bridge
  3804. Winnona Park Historic District
  3805. Winnsboro Commercial Historic District
  3806. Winnsboro Historic District
  3807. Winona (Norfolk, Virginia)
  3808. Winona (Winona, Virginia)
  3809. Winona Church and School
  3810. Winona City Hall
  3811. Winona Commercial Historic District
  3812. Winona Consolidated School
  3813. Winona County Courthouse
  3814. Winona Hotel
  3815. Winona Lake Historic District
  3816. Winona Masonic Temple
  3817. Winona Public Library
  3818. Winona Ranger Station Historic District
  3819. Winona Savings Bank Building
  3820. Winona Site
  3821. Winona State University
  3822. Winona and St. Peter Engine House
  3823. Winona and St. Peter Railroad Freight House
  3824. Winona station
  3825. Winooski Archeological Site
  3826. Winooski Block
  3827. Winooski Falls Mill District
  3828. Winooski River Bridge
  3829. Winooski Street Bridge
  3830. Winship-Smernes Building
  3831. Winslow Ames House
  3832. Winslow Cemetery
  3833. Winslow Chemical Laboratory
  3834. Winslow Congregational Church
  3835. Winslow Homer Studio
  3836. Winslow House (River Forest, Illinois)
  3837. Winslow School and Littlefield Library
  3838. Winslow–Haskell Mansion
  3839. Winslow–Turner Carriage House
  3840. Winsor Building
  3841. Winsor and Snover Bank Building
  3842. Winsor–Swan–Whitman Farm
  3843. Winstead Hill
  3844. Winstead House (Franklin, Tennessee)
  3845. Winsted (Aberdeen, Maryland)
  3846. Winsted Green Historic District
  3847. Winsted Hosiery Mill
  3848. Winston County Courthouse
  3849. Winston E. Arnow Federal Building
  3850. Winston Evans House
  3851. Winston Place (Valley Head, Alabama)
  3852. Winston School (Lakeland, Florida)
  3853. Winston Tower
  3854. Winston-Salem City Hall
  3855. Winston-Salem Southbound Railway Freight Warehouse and Office
  3856. Winston-Salem Tobacco Historic District
  3857. Winter Building
  3858. Winter Garden Downtown Historic District
  3859. Winter Garden Historic Residential District
  3860. Winter Harbor Light
  3861. Winter Haven Heights Historic Residential District
  3862. Winter Inn
  3863. Winter Island
  3864. Winter Park Country Club and Golf Course
  3865. Winter Place
  3866. Winter Quarters State Historic Site
  3867. Winter Saloon
  3868. Winter Site
  3869. Winter Street Church
  3870. Winter Street Historic District
  3871. Winter Street School
  3872. Winterbotham Estate
  3873. Winterbourne (Orange Park, Florida)
  3874. Wintergreen Cemetery
  3875. Wintergreen Country Store
  3876. Winterham (Winterham, Virginia)
  3877. Winterle House
  3878. Winterport Congregational Church
  3879. Winterport Historic District
  3880. Winterringer Building and House
  3881. Winters House (Sacramento, California)
  3882. Winters Lane Historic District
  3883. Winterset City Park
  3884. Winterset Courthouse Square Commercial Historic District
  3885. Wintersmith Park Historic District
  3886. Winters–Courter House
  3887. Winters–Wimberley House
  3888. Winterthur Museum, Garden and Library
  3889. Winterville site
  3890. Winthrop Building
  3891. Winthrop Center/Metcalf Square Historic District
  3892. Winthrop College Historic District
  3893. Winthrop Mill
  3894. Winthrop Mills Company
  3895. Winthrop Parkway
  3896. Winthrop Shore Drive
  3897. Winthrop Street Baptist Church
  3898. Winthrop Street Historic District
  3899. Winton (Clifford, Virginia)
  3900. Winton Place Methodist Episcopal Church
  3901. Winyah Indigo School
  3902. Wire Building
  3903. Wiregrass Museum of Art
  3904. Wirick-Simmons House
  3905. Wirt County Courthouse
  3906. Wirth Building
  3907. Wirtland
  3908. Wirts House
  3909. Wiscasset Historic District
  3910. Wiscasset Jail and Museum
  3911. Wisconsin Concrete Park
  3912. Wisconsin Conservatory of Music
  3913. Wisconsin Consistory Building
  3914. Wisconsin Field House
  3915. Wisconsin Heights Battlefield
  3916. Wisconsin Historical Society
  3917. Wisconsin Industrial School for Girls
  3918. Wisconsin Leather Company Building
  3919. Wisconsin Pavilion
  3920. Wisconsin Point
  3921. Wisconsin Point Light
  3922. Wisconsin Power and Light Berlin Power Plant
  3923. Wisconsin State Capitol
  3924. Wisconsin Wagon Company Factory
  3925. Wise County Courthouse (Texas)
  3926. Wise County Courthouse (Virginia)
  3927. Wise Feed Company Building
  3928. Wishram village
  3929. Wisner House
  3930. Wissahickon (house)
  3931. Wissahickon Memorial Bridge
  3932. Wistariahurst
  3933. Wisteria Lodge (Reading, Massachusetts)
  3934. Wiswall Falls Mills Site
  3935. Witham Cotton Mills Village Historic District
  3936. Witherbee Memorial Hall
  3937. Witherbee School
  3938. Witherell Farm
  3939. Withers Building
  3940. Withers House (Somerset, Kentucky)
  3941. Withers Log House
  3942. Withers-Chapman House
  3943. Withers-Maguire House
  3944. Witherspoon Building
  3945. Witherspoon Cottage
  3946. Witherspoon Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons, No. 111
  3947. Witherspoon Street School for Colored Children
  3948. Witherspoon-Hunter House
  3949. Witherup Bridge
  3950. Withington Estate
  3951. Withrow High School
  3952. Witmer's Tavern
  3953. Witt Site
  3954. Witt-Champe-Myers House
  3955. Wittenberg University
  3956. Witter House
  3957. Witthoefft House
  3958. Wittich Hall
  3959. Wittsburg Fortification
  3960. Wittsburg Store and Gas Station
  3961. Witwer Grocery Company Building
  3962. Witwer House
  3963. Wives of Charles C. Rich Historic District
  3964. Wo Hing Society Hall
  3965. Woburn Manor
  3966. Woburn Street Historic District
  3967. Wofford College
  3968. Wofford Lookout Complex
  3969. Wolcott Green Historic District
  3970. Wolcott House (Mission Hills, Kansas)
  3971. Wolcott Mill
  3972. Wolcott Square Historic District
  3973. Wold Bison Jump
  3974. Wolf Cemetery
  3975. Wolf Creek Bridge (Rocky Gap, Virginia)
  3976. Wolf Creek Inn State Heritage Site
  3977. Wolf Hotel
  3978. Wolf Mountains Battlefield
  3979. Wolf Plains
  3980. Wolf Trap Light
  3981. Wolfe County High School
  3982. Wolfe House (Terry, Mississippi)
  3983. Wolfe Ranch
  3984. Wolfe's Neck Site
  3985. Wolfeboro Centre Community Church
  3986. Wolfenbarger Site
  3987. Wolff-Jung Company Shoe Factory
  3988. Wolfpen (Mallie, Kentucky)
  3989. Woll House
  3990. Wollaston Congregational Church
  3991. Wollaston Fire Station
  3992. Wollaston Theatre
  3993. Wollaston Unitarian Church
  3994. Wollenberg Grain and Seed Elevator
  3995. Wollensak
  3996. Wollersheim Winery
  3997. Wolleson–Nicewander Building
  3998. Wolley Stille
  3999. Wollison–Shipton Building
  4000. Wollner Building
  4001. Wolters Double Houses
  4002. Wolters Filling Station
  4003. Wolverine Hotel (Boyne City, Michigan)
  4004. Wolverton Public School
  4005. Womack–Parker House
  4006. Woman's Christian Temperance Union Administration Building
  4007. Woman's Christian Temperance Union Fountain
  4008. Woman's Christian Temperance Union Fountain (Shenandoah, Iowa)
  4009. Woman's Club (Safford, Arizona)
  4010. Woman's Club House (Manhattan, Kansas)
  4011. Woman's Club of Beaumont Clubhouse
  4012. Woman's Club of Chipley
  4013. Woman's Club of Coconut Grove
  4014. Woman's Club of El Paso
  4015. Woman's Club of Eustis
  4016. Woman's Club of Evanston
  4017. Woman's Club of Fall River
  4018. Woman's Club of Lincoln
  4019. Woman's Club of Lodi
  4020. Woman's Club of Mesa
  4021. Woman's Club of New Smyrna
  4022. Woman's Club of Newport
  4023. Woman's Club of Ocoee
  4024. Woman's Club of Olympia
  4025. Woman's Club of Palmetto
  4026. Woman's Club of Palo Alto
  4027. Woman's Club of Redondo Beach
  4028. Woman's Club of Rutherford
  4029. Woman's Club of Starke
  4030. Woman's Club of Tallahassee
  4031. Woman's Club of Topeka
  4032. Woman's Club of Upper Montclair
  4033. Woman's Club of Warren
  4034. Woman's Club of White Plains
  4035. Woman's Club of Winter Haven
  4036. Woman's Club of Winter Park
  4037. Woman's Community Club Band Shell
  4038. Woman's Improvement Club Clubhouse
  4039. Woman's Industrial Exchange
  4040. Woman's Progressive Club
  4041. Woman's Working Band House
  4042. Womble District Administration House No. 1
  4043. Womelsdorf Historic District
  4044. Women's Athletic Club of Alameda County
  4045. Women's Christian Temperance Union Community Building
  4046. Women's Civic Improvement Clubhouse (Ashland, Oregon)
  4047. Women's Community Club of South Valley
  4048. Women's Improvement Club of Hueneme
  4049. Women's National Republican Club
  4050. Women's Rights National Historical Park
  4051. Women's University Club of Seattle
  4052. Wommack Kiln
  4053. Won Pat Outdoor Oven
  4054. Wonder Ballroom
  4055. Wonderland Cave
  4056. Wonderland Trail Shelters
  4057. Wong K. Gew Mansion
  4058. Wood Avenue Historic District
  4059. Wood Building
  4060. Wood County Courthouse (West Virginia)
  4061. Wood County Courthouse and Jail
  4062. Wood County Museum
  4063. Wood End Light
  4064. Wood Freeman House No. 1
  4065. Wood Freeman House No. 2
  4066. Wood Grove
  4067. Wood Hall (Callaghan, Virginia)
  4068. Wood House (Cottonwood Falls, Kansas)
  4069. Wood House (Dublin, New Hampshire)
  4070. Wood Island Light
  4071. Wood Island Site
  4072. Wood Lawn (Mount Mourne, North Carolina)
  4073. Wood Lawn (New Brunswick, New Jersey)
  4074. Wood Lawn Farm
  4075. Wood Mansion House
  4076. Wood Old Homestead
  4077. Wood River Center Grange No. 87
  4078. Wood Road Metal Truss Bridge
  4079. Wood Site
  4080. Wood Worsted Mill
  4081. Woodall–Patton House and Post Office
  4082. Woodard Bay Natural Resources Conservation Area
  4083. Woodard Family Rural Historic District
  4084. Woodard Hall
  4085. Woodberry, Baltimore
  4086. Woodberry-Quarrels House
  4087. Woodbine (New Albany, Indiana)
  4088. Woodbine Brotherhood Synagogue
  4089. Woodbine Historic District (Woodbine, Georgia)
  4090. Woodbine Lincoln Highway and Brick Street Historic District
  4091. Woodbine Normal and Grade School
  4092. Woodbine Public Library
  4093. Woodbine Savings Bank
  4094. Woodbine–Palmetto–Gates Historic District
  4095. Woodbourne (Forest, Virginia)
  4096. Woodbourne (Madison, Virginia)
  4097. Woodbourne (Roxobel, North Carolina)
  4098. Woodbourne House
  4099. Woodbourne Reformed Church Complex
  4100. Woodbridge Farm
  4101. Woodbridge Farmstead
  4102. Woodbridge Green Historic District
  4103. Woodbridge House (Andover, Massachusetts)
  4104. Woodbridge Masonic Lodge No. 131
  4105. Woodbridge N. Ferris Building
  4106. Woodbridge Street Historic District
  4107. Woodbridge, Detroit
  4108. Woodburn (Charles City, Virginia)
  4109. Woodburn (Charlottesville, Virginia)
  4110. Woodburn (Leesburg, Virginia)
  4111. Woodburn (Pendleton, South Carolina)
  4112. Woodburn Bridge
  4113. Woodburn Circle
  4114. Woodbury (Leetown, West Virginia)
  4115. Woodbury County Courthouse
  4116. Woodbury Fisk House
  4117. Woodbury Friends' Meetinghouse
  4118. Woodbury Graded School
  4119. Woodbury Historic District No. 1
  4120. Woodbury Historic District No. 2
  4121. Woodbury Mill
  4122. Woodbury Town Hall
  4123. Woodbury–Story House
  4124. Woodchopper Roadhouse
  4125. Woodchuck Lodge
  4126. Woodcliff Burials
  4127. Woodcock–Hatch–Maxcy House Historic District
  4128. Woodcrest (Nissequogue, New York)
  4129. Woodcrest (Radnor Township, Delaware County, Pennsylvania)
  4130. Wooddale Bridge
  4131. Wooddale Historic District
  4132. Wooden Alley
  4133. Woodend (Chevy Chase, Maryland)
  4134. Woodford (Simons Corner, Virginia)
  4135. Woodford (mansion)
  4136. Woodford Reserve
  4137. Woodford Street Historic District
  4138. Woodfork
  4139. Woodgrove
  4140. Woodhouse House (Virginia Beach, Virginia)
  4141. Woodland (Huntsville, Texas)
  4142. Woodland (Lumber City, Georgia)
  4143. Woodland Baptist Church
  4144. Woodland Cemetery (Cleveland)
  4145. Woodland Cemetery (Quincy, Illinois)
  4146. Woodland Cemetery and Arboretum
  4147. Woodland Courts
  4148. Woodland Farm–Leland House
  4149. Woodland Ferry
  4150. Woodland Hall
  4151. Woodland Heights, Virginia
  4152. Woodland Hills Academy (Pennsylvania)
  4153. Woodland Hotel
  4154. Woodland Opera House
  4155. Woodland Park District
  4156. Woodland Place Historic District
  4157. Woodland Plantation (Carlisle, South Carolina)
  4158. Woodland Plantation (Church Hill, Mississippi)
  4159. Woodland Plantation (West Pointe a la Hache, Louisiana)
  4160. Woodland Public Library
  4161. Woodland Street Firehouse
  4162. Woodland Street Historic District
  4163. Woodland Terrace, Philadelphia
  4164. Woodland station (Pennsylvania)
  4165. Woodland-Larchmere Commercial Historic District
  4166. Woodland-Olney School
  4167. Woodlands (Bamberg, South Carolina)
  4168. Woodlands (Charlottesville, Virginia)
  4169. Woodlands (Columbia, South Carolina)
  4170. Woodlands (Gosport, Alabama)
  4171. Woodlands (Perryville, Maryland)
  4172. Woodlane Plantation
  4173. Woodlark Building
  4174. Woodlawn (Alexandria, Virginia)
  4175. Woodlawn (Austin, Texas)
  4176. Woodlawn (Columbia, Maryland)
  4177. Woodlawn (Garrison, New York)
  4178. Woodlawn (Kearneysville, West Virginia)
  4179. Woodlawn (Miller's Tavern, Virginia)
  4180. Woodlawn (Nashville, Tennessee)
  4181. Woodlawn (Oilville, Virginia)
  4182. Woodlawn (Smyrna, Delaware)
  4183. Woodlawn (St. Marys, Maryland)
  4184. Woodlawn Avenue Row
  4185. Woodlawn Baptist Church and Cemetery
  4186. Woodlawn Cemetery (Bronx, New York)
  4187. Woodlawn Cemetery (Canandaigua, New York)
  4188. Woodlawn Cemetery (Carbondale, Illinois)
  4189. Woodlawn Cemetery (Clinton, Massachusetts)
  4190. Woodlawn Cemetery (Elmira, New York)
  4191. Woodlawn Cemetery (Fairmont, West Virginia)
  4192. Woodlawn Cemetery (Las Vegas)
  4193. Woodlawn Cemetery (Toledo, Ohio)
  4194. Woodlawn Cemetery (Washington, D.C.)
  4195. Woodlawn Cemetery Gates and Shelter
  4196. Woodlawn City Hall
  4197. Woodlawn Commercial Historic District
  4198. Woodlawn Farm (Jacksonville, Illinois)
  4199. Woodlawn Farm (Slate Hill, New York)
  4200. Woodlawn Garden of Memories Cemetery
  4201. Woodlawn High School (Woodlawn, Virginia)
  4202. Woodlawn Historic District (Iowa City, Iowa)
  4203. Woodlawn Historic District (Natchez, Mississippi)
  4204. Woodlawn Historic and Archeological District
  4205. Woodlawn Museum
  4206. Woodlawn Quaker Meetinghouse
  4207. Woodlawn School (Mebane, North Carolina)
  4208. Woodlawn School Building (Woodlawn, Arkansas)
  4209. Woodlawn station (IRT Jerome Avenue Line)
  4210. Woodlawn, Alabama
  4211. Woodlea Historic District
  4212. Woodledge
  4213. Woodley Park (Washington, D.C.)
  4214. Woodman Building
  4215. Woodman Institute Museum
  4216. Woodman Road Historic District
  4217. Woodmanston Site
  4218. Woodmen Hall (Saint Onge, South Dakota)
  4219. Woodmen of Union Building
  4220. Woodmen of the World Building (Nacogdoches, Texas)
  4221. Woodmont (Gladwyne, Pennsylvania)
  4222. Woodmont Terrace Apartments
  4223. Woodneath
  4224. Woodridge (Wheeling, West Virginia)
  4225. Woodrow Memorial Presbyterian Church
  4226. Woodrow Methodist Church
  4227. Woodrow Store
  4228. Woodrow Wilson Boyhood Home
  4229. Woodrow Wilson Boyhood Home (Columbia, South Carolina)
  4230. Woodrow Wilson Bridge (Jackson, Mississippi)
  4231. Woodrow Wilson House (Washington, D.C.)
  4232. Woodrow Wilson Junior High School (Eugene, Oregon)
  4233. Woodrow Wilson Middle School (Terre Haute, Indiana)
  4234. Woodrow Wilson Presidential Library
  4235. Woodrow Wilson School (Fargo, North Dakota)
  4236. Woodruff Block
  4237. Woodruff Cabin Site
  4238. Woodruff County Courthouse
  4239. Woodruff House (Cornwall, New York)
  4240. Woodruff House (Hillside, New Jersey)
  4241. Woodruff House (Southington, Connecticut)
  4242. Woodruff Place, Indianapolis
  4243. Woodruff Stake House
  4244. Woodruff-Riter-Stewart Home
  4245. Woodrums' Building
  4246. Woods Brothers Building
  4247. Woods End Road Historic District
  4248. Woods Hill
  4249. Woods Hole School
  4250. Woods Lake Resort
  4251. Woods Landing Dance Hall
  4252. Woods Mill Farm
  4253. Woods and Caples General Store
  4254. Woodsboro and Frederick Turnpike Company Tollhouse
  4255. Woodsdale–Edgewood Neighborhood Historic District
  4256. Woodside (Abingdon, Maryland)
  4257. Woodside (Belle Mina, Alabama)
  4258. Woodside (Buckingham, Virginia)
  4259. Woodside (Delaplane, Virginia)
  4260. Woodside (Lincolnton, North Carolina)
  4261. Woodside (Milton, North Carolina)
  4262. Woodside (Mt. Pleasant, Delaware)
  4263. Woodside (Tuckahoe, Virginia)
  4264. Woodside Cotton Mill Village Historic District
  4265. Woodside Methodist Episcopal Church
  4266. Woodside Store
  4267. Woodson County Courthouse
  4268. Woodson Farmstead
  4269. Woodson's Mill
  4270. Woodstock
  4271. Woodstock (Natchez, Mississippi)
  4272. Woodstock (Scotland Neck, North Carolina)
  4273. Woodstock (Trenton, Kentucky)
  4274. Woodstock (Upper Marlboro, Maryland)
  4275. Woodstock (Wilmington, Delaware)
  4276. Woodstock (village), Vermont
  4277. Woodstock Academy Classroom Building
  4278. Woodstock Country Club
  4279. Woodstock Hall Tavern
  4280. Woodstock Hill Historic District
  4281. Woodstock Historic District
  4282. Woodstock Opera House
  4283. Woodstock Square Historic District
  4284. Woodstock Warren Through Truss Bridge
  4285. Woodsville Opera Building
  4286. Woods–Evertz Stove Company Historic District
  4287. Woods–Gerry House
  4288. Woods–Meade House
  4289. Woodvale Historic District
  4290. Woodview
  4291. Woodville (Heidelberg, Pennsylvania)
  4292. Woodville (Milledgeville, Georgia)
  4293. Woodville (Winfield, Georgia)
  4294. Woodville Historic District (Lewiston Woodville, North Carolina)
  4295. Woodville Historic District (Woodville, Mississippi)
  4296. Woodville School (Ordinary, Virginia)
  4297. Woodville School (Wakefield, Massachusetts)
  4298. Woodward & Lothrop Service Warehouse
  4299. Woodward Avenue Presbyterian Church
  4300. Woodward Building (Payette, Idaho)
  4301. Woodward Federal Courthouse and Post Office
  4302. Woodward Hall
  4303. Woodward Heights, Lexington
  4304. Woodward Hill Cemetery
  4305. Woodward Homestead
  4306. Woodward House (Richmond, Virginia)
  4307. Woodward Houses
  4308. Woodward Inn
  4309. Woodward Park (Tulsa)
  4310. Woodward Road Stone Arch Bridge
  4311. Woodward School for Girls
  4312. Woodwardville Historic District
  4313. Woodworth House
  4314. Woody Island (Alaska)
  4315. Woodyard Archeological Site
  4316. Wood–Harrison House
  4317. Wood–Hughes House
  4318. Wood–Morris–Bonfils House
  4319. Wood–Tellkamp House
  4320. Wool Warehouse
  4321. Wool Warehouse (Albuquerque, New Mexico)
  4322. Woolaroc
  4323. Wooldridge Monuments
  4324. Wooldridge Park
  4325. Wooldridge-Rose House
  4326. Woolen Mills Chapel
  4327. Woolen Mills Village Historic District
  4328. Woolery Stone Company
  4329. Woolf Brothers Clothing Company
  4330. Woolley Apartments
  4331. Woolsey Bridge
  4332. Woolsey Ranchhouse Ruins
  4333. Woolslair Elementary School
  4334. Woolwich Town House
  4335. Woolworth Building
  4336. Woonasquatucket River Site (RI-163)
  4337. Woonsocket City Hall
  4338. Woonsocket Civil War Monument
  4339. Woonsocket Company Mill Complex
  4340. Woonsocket District Courthouse
  4341. Woonsocket Rubber Company Mill
  4342. Woonsocket Senior High and Junior High Schools (1914 building)
  4343. Woonsocket State Bank
  4344. Wooster Sawmill and Gristmill Site
  4345. Wooster Square Historic District
  4346. Wooton Presbyterian Center
  4347. Woral C. Smith Lime Kiln and Limestone House
  4348. Worcester Academy
  4349. Worcester Bleach and Dye Works
  4350. Worcester City Hall and Common
  4351. Worcester Corset Company Factory
  4352. Worcester County Courthouse
  4353. Worcester Five Cents Savings Bank
  4354. Worcester Historic District
  4355. Worcester House (Lowell, Massachusetts)
  4356. Worcester Market Building
  4357. Worcester State Hospital
  4358. Worcester State Hospital Farmhouse
  4359. Worcester Town Hall
  4360. Worcester Village School
  4361. Worker's House at Lower Laurel Iron Works
  4362. Working Benevolent Temple and Professional Building
  4363. Working Boys Home
  4364. Working Girls' Vacation Society Historic District
  4365. Workman and Temple Family Homestead Museum
  4366. Worland House
  4367. Worland Ranch
  4368. World Theatre
  4369. World War I Memorial (Atlantic City, New Jersey)
  4370. World War I Memorial (East Providence, Rhode Island)
  4371. World War I Memorial (Norfolk, Connecticut)
  4372. World War II Facilities at Midway
  4373. World War Memorial (Kimball, West Virginia)
  4374. World War Memorial Building
  4375. World War Memorial Library
  4376. World War Memorial Stadium
  4377. World's Largest Round Barn
  4378. Worlds End State Park
  4379. Wormeley Cottage
  4380. Wormsloe Historic Site
  4381. Worrall Covered Bridge
  4382. Worrell–Ettlinger House
  4383. Worry Bird
  4384. Worsham High School
  4385. Worsley-Burnette House
  4386. Wort Hotel
  4387. Wortendyke Barn
  4388. Wortendyke-Demund House
  4389. Worth County Courthouse (Georgia)
  4390. Worth County Courthouse (Iowa)
  4391. Worth County Courthouse (Missouri)
  4392. Worth's Block
  4393. Worth's Chapel
  4394. Worthen Bank Building
  4395. Worthington Presbyterian Church
  4396. Worthington Ridge Historic District
  4397. Worthington Valley Historic District
  4398. Worthy Hotel
  4399. Worth–Jefferis Rural Historic District
  4400. Wounded Knee National Historic Landmark
  4401. Wranglers Roost Stagecoach Stop
  4402. Wreck Sites of HMS Cerberus and HMS Lark
  4403. Wrede School (Gillespie County, Texas)
  4404. Wren Building
  4405. Wrentham Developmental Center
  4406. Wright Block
  4407. Wright Brothers Mule Barn
  4408. Wright Brothers National Memorial
  4409. Wright Butler House
  4410. Wright Cemetery
  4411. Wright Company
  4412. Wright County Courthouse (Iowa)
  4413. Wright Cycle Company
  4414. Wright Flyer III
  4415. Wright Hotel
  4416. Wright House (Newark, Delaware)
  4417. Wright House (Somerville, Massachusetts)
  4418. Wright House (Thomasville, Georgia)
  4419. Wright Memorial Library
  4420. Wright Morris Boyhood House
  4421. Wright Opera House Block
  4422. Wright Park (Tacoma, Washington)
  4423. Wright Potato House
  4424. Wright Settlement Cemetery
  4425. Wright Tavern (Wentworth, North Carolina)
  4426. Wright and Taylor Building
  4427. Wright's Automatic Machinery Company
  4428. Wright's Bridge
  4429. Wright's Ferry Mansion
  4430. Wright's Stone Store
  4431. Wright's Tavern
  4432. Wright-Brooks House
  4433. Wright-Carry House
  4434. Wright-Dalton-Bell-Anchor Department Store Building
  4435. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base Mound
  4436. Wrightsman House
  4437. Wrightstown Friends Meeting Complex
  4438. Wrightstown Octagonal Schoolhouse
  4439. Wrightsville Historic District
  4440. Wrightsville and Tennille Railroad Company Building
  4441. Wrightwood Bungalow Historic District
  4442. Wright–Kilgore House
  4443. Wrigley Field
  4444. Wrigley Mansion
  4445. Wrought Iron Range Company Building
  4446. Wrought-iron cross sites of Holy Trinity Cemetery
  4447. Wrought-iron cross sites of St. Aloysius Cemetery (Hague, North Dakota)
  4448. Wrought-iron cross sites of St. John's Cemetery
  4449. Wrought-iron cross sites of St. Mary's Cemetery
  4450. Wupatki National Monument
  4451. Wupperman Block/I.O.O.F. Hall
  4452. Wurtland Union Church
  4453. Wurtz Homestead
  4454. Wyalusing State Park
  4455. Wyandot County Courthouse and Jail
  4456. Wyandot Mission Church
  4457. Wyandotte Building
  4458. Wyandotte County Courthouse
  4459. Wyandotte High School
  4460. Wyandotte Odd Fellows Temple
  4461. Wyant-Talbot House
  4462. Wyatt Hall (Franklin, Tennessee)
  4463. Wyatt House (Desha, Arkansas)
  4464. Wyatt Petroglyphs
  4465. Wycamp Creek Site
  4466. Wyck House
  4467. Wyckoff House
  4468. Wyckoff-Bennett Homestead
  4469. Wyckoff-Snediker Family Cemetery
  4470. Wyco Church
  4471. Wycombe Village Historic District
  4472. Wycough–Jones House
  4473. Wydown-Forsyth District
  4474. Wye Hall
  4475. Wye House
  4476. Wye Mill
  4477. Wye Town Farm House
  4478. Wyeth Brickyard Superintendent's House
  4479. Wyeth Flats
  4480. Wyeth-Smith House
  4481. Wyit Sprowls Covered Bridge
  4482. Wylie House
  4483. Wylie School
  4484. Wyman School
  4485. Wyman Tavern
  4486. Wyncote, Pennsylvania
  4487. Wynhurst
  4488. Wynkoop House
  4489. Wynn-Price House
  4490. Wynne Commercial Historic District
  4491. Wynne House (Fordyce, Arkansas)
  4492. Wynne Post Office
  4493. Wynne Wholesale Commercial Historic District
  4494. Wynne's Folly
  4495. Wynnestay
  4496. Wynnewood (Tennessee)
  4497. Wynyate
  4498. Wyolah Plantation
  4499. Wyoming (Clinton, Maryland)
  4500. Wyoming (Studley, Virginia)
  4501. Wyoming Apartments
  4502. Wyoming Army National Guard Cavalry Stable
  4503. Wyoming County Courthouse and Jail
  4504. Wyoming Fuel Company
  4505. Wyoming Governor's Mansion
  4506. Wyoming Historic District
  4507. Wyoming Mercantile
  4508. Wyoming Mills
  4509. Wyoming Monument
  4510. Wyoming Presbyterian Church
  4511. Wyoming Seminary
  4512. Wyoming State Capitol
  4513. Wyoming State Hospital
  4514. Wyoming State Penitentiary
  4515. Wyoming Territorial Prison State Historic Site
  4516. Wyoming Valley School
  4517. Wyoming Village Historic District (Wyoming, New York)
  4518. Wyoming station (Delaware)
  4519. Wyoming station (Illinois)
  4520. Wyoming, Rhode Island
  4521. Wysor Heights Historic District
  4522. Wythe County Poorhouse Farm
  4523. Wythe House
  4524. Wytheville Historic District
  4525. Wyuka Cemetery
  4526. Wáꞌpeat