Looks like I'm being forced into retirement. A huge range of IPs were blocked in June, and my IP happens to be in this big /20 block. It's been disappointing and frustrating- all indications are that there hasn't been any abuse from my IP or username, but that itself doesn't appear to be relevant.
I hope to return to editing when this is resolved. My efforts have been stymied so far- drop a note on my talk page if you have any ideas on how to rectify this.
I've long been an anonymous WikiGnome, and it's about time I bring my 'gnomeness into the open. I still forget to log back in to WP on occasion and do edits anonymously. I'm trying to break this bad habit!
Email me at Rev. Aaron (with no spaces or punctuation and all lower case) at Hotmail. You should also probably be told that .com is also hanging off the end of that, though you probably guessed that. Or, contact me on IRC- I'm pretty much always camped on irc.freenode.net under the nick rev`.