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Wikipedia:Choosing Wisely/American Physical Therapy Association

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Choosing Wisely is a health campaign which seeks to share health information with patients and health care providers.

This project shares information from the American Physical Therapy Association on Wikipedia.

Articles of interest

Articles relating to American Physical Therapy Association content
article traffic in April 2014* sources cited change summary
American Physical Therapy Association 115
Physical therapy 50749 1
Physical agent 0 1
Strength training 33786 2 Under-dosed strength training programs should be avoided...
Bed rest 3113 3
Anticoagulant 28426 3 People using anticoagulants to treat this condition should avoid using bed rest...
Deep vein thrombosis 57311 3 bed rest should not be used to treat acute deep vein thrombosis
Continuous passive motion 3467 4 For people who have had total knee replacement without complications, continuous passive motion has not been shown to provide clinically relevant benefits
Knee replacement 16993 4 For knee replacement without complications, continuous passive motion (CPM) will not improve recovery
Whirlpool 19621 5
Debridement 21012 5 When removal of tissue is necessary for the treatment of wounds, hydrotherapy which performs selective mechanical debridement can be used
Hydrotherapy 12855 5 When removal of tissue is necessary for the treatment of wounds, hydrotherapy which performs selective mechanical debridement can be used
  • *An arbitrary month has been chosen to present a count of pageviews. This month is neither the busiest nor slowest month, and this number seems typical for most articles in most months. Through the link anyone may check traffic in other months.

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American Physical Therapy Association (15 September 2014), "Five Things Physicians and Patients Should Question", Choosing Wisely: an initiative of the ABIM Foundation, American Physical Therapy Association, retrieved 15 September 2014, which cites

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    • Ulus, Yasemin; Tander, Berna; Akyol, Yesim; Durmus, Dilek; Buyukakıncak, Ozlem; Gul, Ulku; Canturk, Ferhan; Bilgici, Ayhan; et al. (2012). "Therapeutic ultrasound versus sham ultrasound for the management of patients with knee osteoarthritis: a randomized double-blind controlled clinical study". International Journal of Rheumatic Diseases. 15 (2): 197–206. doi:10.1111/j.1756-185X.2012.01709.x. ISSN 1756-1841.
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    • Silva, Nádia L.; Oliveira, Ricardo B.; Fleck, Steven J.; Leon, Antonio C.M.P.; Farinatti, Paulo (2014). "Influence of strength training variables on strength gains in adults over 55 years-old: A meta-analysis of dose–response relationships". Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport. 17 (3): 337–344. doi:10.1016/j.jsams.2013.05.009. ISSN 1440-2440.
    • Raymond, Melissa J.; Bramley-Tzerefos, Rebecca E.; Jeffs, Kimberley J.; Winter, Adele; Holland, Anne E. (2013). "Systematic Review of High-Intensity Progressive Resistance Strength Training of the Lower Limb Compared With Other Intensities of Strength Training in Older Adults". Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 94 (8): 1458–1472. doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2013.02.022. ISSN 0003-9993.
    • Valenzuela, Trinidad (2012). "Efficacy of Progressive Resistance Training Interventions in Older Adults in Nursing Homes: A Systematic Review". Journal of the American Medical Directors Association. 13 (5): 418–428. doi:10.1016/j.jamda.2011.11.001. ISSN 1525-8610.
    • Mayer, F; Scharhag-Rosenberger, F; Carlsohn, A; Cassel, M; Müller, S; Scharhag, J (May 2011). "The intensity and effects of strength training in the elderly". Deutsches Arzteblatt international. 108 (21): 359–64. PMID 21691559.
    • Steib, Simon; Schoene, Daniel; Pfeifer, Klaus (2010). "Dose-Response Relationship of Resistance Training in Older Adults". Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 42 (5): 902–914. doi:10.1249/MSS.0b013e3181c34465. ISSN 0195-9131.
    • Aissaoui, Nadia; Martins, Edith; Mouly, Stéphane; Weber, Simon; Meune, Christophe (2009). "A meta-analysis of bed rest versus early ambulation in the management of pulmonary embolism, deep vein thrombosis, or both". International Journal of Cardiology. 137 (1): 37–41. doi:10.1016/j.ijcard.2008.06.020. ISSN 0167-5273.
    • Anderson, Cathy M.; Overend, Tom J.; Godwin, Julie; Sealy, Christina; Sunderji, Aisha (2009). "Ambulation after Deep Vein Thrombosis: A Systematic Review". Physiotherapy Canada. 61 (3): 133–140. doi:10.3138/physio.61.3.133. ISSN 0300-0508.
    • Gay, V; Hamilton, R; Heiskell, S; Sparks, AM (Sep–Oct 2009). "Influence of bedrest or ambulation in the clinical treatment of acute deep vein thrombosis on patient outcomes: a review and synthesis of the literature". Medsurg nursing : official journal of the Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses. 18 (5): 293–9. PMID 19927966.
    • Kahn, SR; Shrier, I; Kearon, C (2008). "Physical activity in patients with deep venous thrombosis: a systematic review". Thrombosis research. 122 (6): 763–73. PMID 18078981.